Designed to Attract 2


Updated: 7/26/23

Designed to Attract Series

Discover Your Divinely Designed & Defined Attraction Approach

+ Strengths through your Human Design Strategy: Projectors

Much like the Moon sign, your Strategy in Human Design supports the day to day but it differs in that it’s focused on your energy approach that guides attracting opportunities, resources and support as gifts on/for purpose.

 *****Human Design Chart is required and can be obtained for free at Jovian. {Please note that I am not affiliated with this website but have found it to be an incredible resource for my clients.}

What does it mean to be a Projector?

Projectors, whether you’re mental, energy or classic projectors, you all share 1 thing in common…you’re designed to be recognized for who you are.

Unlike Generators who are built to create, Projectors are designed to be influencers in society who are most interested in learning and working with others.

Often gifted with organization and mastery with maximizing their energy!

Projectors are designed to sample others energy…

When you find those around you who can see your talents and recognize you for your gifts, you manifest very effectively. It’s why it is so important for you to wait for the aligned connection.

Waiting is an active energy for you similar to the concept of holding space in law of attraction.

Think of it this way, if you sleep in the middle of the bed, you tell the universe you don’t have “space” for someone else to share it with you…

If you park in the middle of the driveway, there is no “space” for another car.

When you fill the space of your relationships with anyone who is there, it doesn’t leave space for those who will lift you up and recognize you as you are meant to be seen.

We’ll cover more on this at the end when we dive into Relationships & Boundaries.

What are the different divine designs for Projectors?

First, let’s be sure you know that you were designed to be the way you were to complete purpose in this lifetime…

It is the most efficient and effective use of energy for you to be your pure soul in this human form.

When you work with the defined energies, they act like strengths, reliable and consistently there for you.

How can you tell what is defined {or as I like to call it, an Attraction Strength}?

Begin with the colored shapes on your Human Design Chart. The number of shapes you have isn’t the focus but which shapes you were given.

These shapes are centers and when defined are a consistent, reliable energy for you to manifest opportunities, support and resources.

Center Review & How it Applies to Projectors based on Design

The top triangle shape on your Human Design chart is yellow when defined and is the Head/Crown Center.

The triangle shape right below it is the Anja Center and is green when defined. And of course, the Throat Center is the square right underneath the Anja Center and it’s gold when defined.

Mental Projectors tend to have no definition below the Throat, meaning you will have a combination of colored in Head/Crown Center, Anja Center and/or Throat Center.

This means all the centers below the Throat are open which allows you to sense the environment around you.

To support manifestation, you will rely on a mental strategy of inspired ideas {Crown Center} and conceptualization {Anja Center} dependent on which centers are defined.

Energy Projectors rely on ton on their defined center of the Solar Plexus or Heart.

The Solar Plexus Center is known for its’ emotional and relational components. It’s the triangle near the bottom on the right and gold when defined.

When you have this definition, you may need to remember that you are the guide, not the laborer.


The Heart Center, the smaller triangle above the Solar Plexus, is red when defined.

This is different for the Sacral center, also red when defined, and the Square right in the middle of the Solar Plexus and Splenic. Only Generators and Manifesting Generators have this defined.

When you work with the Heart Center, you rely on execution {think Manifestor!} and use both your willpower as well as your ability to work from within your ego, individual concepts.

Splenic or Classic Projectors rely on their defined Splenic Center. This is where the innate intuitive intelligence resides and is located near the bottom to the left…directly across from the Solar Plexus, parallel to the Sacral.

When you have this definition, you are able to discern which relationships are most aligned with more ease than the other designs. {More on this at the end}.


Other centers you may have defined include…

Underneath the Sacral Center, at the very bottom of the chart is the Root Center. When it’s defined it is gold and is known for its’ momentum power.

And last but not least, the sideways square above the Sacral Center, next to the smaller triangle known as the Heart, is the G/Higher Self Center. This is the origin of your identity and a powerful magnetic ability.


If you’re new to centers, explore Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1, Episode 1 to get a full understanding of the themes of each energy as your strength or area to develop {if you choose}.

Attraction Flow by Authority for Projectors

If you’re new to Authority, I recommend the Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1, Episodes 5 or 6 as Authority is like the Sun Sign in Astrology while the Strategy is like the Moon Sign…

I’m not talking specific characteristics but rather level of importance in your energy design.

Strategy becomes the basis for you to understand how you interact with your energy flow but doesn’t define the flow. The flow is like your ascendant in Astrology and we’ll talk more about that once the foundation is laid for your Strategy & Authority.

Your Human Design chart shows you one energy type linearly: this is an energy channel flow!

You can locate yours by noticing which lines are colored.

At this time, it’s not important to notice whether the flow is red, black or red/black but simply whether it flows completely from center to center. {The centers are the shapes on your chart}

This channel flow of energy is powerful as each flow supports an evolutionary theme.

The energy gates by themselves each hold a theme as well and when circled on your chart are considered active. Think of the gate like a portal open all the time with the energy reliable and consistent for you.


The combination of these energy channels as well as your energy melds {active energy gates}, give you your unique brand of working with attraction which is then supported and intermingles with your Strategy as well as your Authority.


To start working with your energy flow, you work with the Strengths of your Centers which are defined. {those you identified above!}


When the Center is your Authority, it plays another role!


When you’re a Mental Projector {see definition above}, you will work with the collective energy of all those undefined centers to sense what is happening in the environment.

This sensing is supported through your Throat Center as you express and talk out what is most aligned for you with a trusted advisor or friend.

The talk out approach is incredibly important for you to ensure you are making a decision that is in alignment for you.

If you feel resistant at all, you’ll need to go within as you’re either making the decision based on another or it isn’t aligned but you haven’t yet embraced this is true for you.

You may take longer to make a decision and that’s okay.


Solar Plexus Authority {some Energy Projectors as defined above} also requires time to share the decision. Because it is emotion and relationship based, there is space to process how the emotion or relationship impacts your self.

It is best to make this decision known once you’ve processed both the lower expressions of emotion, as well as the higher expressions of emotion and you feel balanced without a need for any attachment to the result.

Meaning if you say yes, there is no defined expected result as a condition. It is simply a yes.


Heart Authority {defined above} is reliant on the Heart’s willpower…you either have the energy {the will} to do it or you don’t.

As with all work with the Heart, you ask: what do I want?

Your answer can come quickly if you are more aware of your identity and conscious of what your values are.

If not, you can get lost in others’ identities.


Splenic Authority {defined above} is instantaneous, like a sense of recognizing someone you know in a store.

In order to be aware of this intuitive intelligence {and not get caught up in mental confusion}, it’s best to have a practice that grounds your energy like meditation or walking.

It is helpful for you to build trust in your inner knowing and develop your intuitive senses through use.


Now that you understand your Authority, let’s review Strategy…


How do I use my strategy as a Projector?

As with Generators and Manifesting Generators, Strategy will vary slightly based on which design you are…Mental/Energy/Classic {defined above}.

But what they all share in common is the design to be seen for who they are.


Here’s how you do it:

Ask yourself, when you meet another individual or individuals, if you’re being recognized for your true talents or not?

Are their conditions or is it unconditional and pure?


When you take the time to wait {described more deeply below in Relationships & Boundaries}, you are working with the collective universe to set yourself up for the most aligned opportunity, resource and support.

However, even when you are engaged in meeting with someone new, it’s important to use your abilities to recognize if the real you is being seen or if there is another motive hidden.


As mentioned earlier, Splenic Projectors find this the easiest to determine {when grounded and present to their intuition} but Mental Projectors can access this too by bouncing ideas off those they trust.

Energy Projectors must be sure to release any energy or pressure {physical activity including play!} so that they are grounded, present to say yes or no based on their Authority {defined above}.


Are you getting a better idea of how to use your divine design Projector? There’s one more thing before we head to Relationships & Boundaries.


Alignment Signals for Projectors

Every design has an alignment signal that tells you that you need to course correct. It can be described as a feeling or an emotion.

For Projectors, it is bitterness.

You may define this emotion slightly differently but it stems from the same place…a lack of equal exchange where you are giving more or focused on a goal that isn’t resonating with what you want.

To ensure this happens less or not at all, you work with your Authority & Strategy defined above to ensure the relationships you enter are aligned for you.


What do Projectors need to know: Relationships & Boundaries

Projectors are designed to create the space for the invitation for another’s energy.

If you focus on trying to get another’s attention, it won’t be an equal energy exchange because you will be seen as needing it more.

Your job is for it to be a win~win.

When you see waiting as actively doing something, as working with the universe to synchronize intentions so that you can receive the most aligned connections, it becomes a win-win for both of you and you’re truly able to be seen for who you are.


What’s the most effective way for Projectors to use their energy?

Aligned relationships are key when Projectors commit time and energy.

Projectors aren’t able to generate energy like Generators or Manifestors so discerning which commitment is aligned through use of their Authority is incredibly supportive to see things through.

While you naturally “sample” the energy of others {describe above}, you can use your defined Authority to support recognizing who sees you for who you are.

In general, Projectors are most successful when you have chosen aligned supportive people around you with energy that works with you for collective goals that support both individuals {win~win}.

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

I look forward to supporting you as you continue this journey into your divine design to/for purpose, creating as you were meant to.

Meet Deb

Deb Farina is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, 10+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their businesses and naturally attract more clients with a structure that brings more ease as well as creative freedom.