Designed to Attract 3


Updated: 7/26/23

Designed to Attract Series…

Discover Your Divinely Designed & Defined Attraction Approach

+ Strengths through your Human Design Strategy: Manifestors & Reflectors

Much like the Moon sign, your Strategy in Human Design supports the day to day but it differs in that it’s focused on your energy approach that guides attracting opportunities, resources and support as gifts on/for purpose.

 *****Human Design Chart is required and can be obtained for free at Jovian. {Please note that I am not affiliated with this website but have found it to be an incredible resource for my clients.}

What does it mean to be a Manifestor?

Manifestors are here to initiate action. You are ahead of your time and can see things others can’t which means envisioning is a great strength for you.

It can also mean that you feel like you are waiting for everyone to catch up to you and others may not readily understand your vision.

When you have this energy type, you like to make things happen and you often prefer to be left alone to get it done.

However, as you will see below, you do require support from other energy types {Generators, Projectors & Reflectors} to bring your vision to completion.

As a Manifestor, you are incredibly independent and desire to make an impact in the collective. It’s no surprise that leadership roles can be attractive to you because of the solitary decision making and direct guidance these positions afford.


What do Manifestors Need to Know

Manifestors have an amazing ability to bring things into being.

It’s the most frequently discussed type of energy strategy when you study manifesting.

…the ability to envision it and bring it to form on the physical plane.


What is the strategy behind the energy type of Manifestors?

Manifestors literally “push” your energy out into the world.

In order to ensure this energy is openly received and doesn’t create chaos instead of order, the strategy that best supports this energy type is for Manifestors to inform before taking action.

Because how you are perceived is less of a concern for you, this strategy may feel strange and even feel counterproductive at times because the pull of your vision is so strong.

But it’s essential for the completion of your impact because while you initiate, others provide the support to see your vision through.


What’s the most effective way for Manifestors to use their energy?

When you have this solitary focus and drive to bring intentions to reality, it can take priority over all things so it’s important to bring balance into the equation otherwise you will meet with resistance.

To bring balance in, you are to work with the strategy of informing others even if it pauses you which can be the biggest challenge to Splenic Manifestors {covered more below}.

Resistance is the most common challenge Manifestors can face but it can be eliminated by simply sharing intentions which creates a bond that brings in support from aligned individuals.

These individuals are necessary to bring this vision into form because again, while Manifestors initiate things, others are required to complete the vision.


What is the divine design behind Manifestors?

Manifestors do not have definition in the Sacral Center which makes them rare in society.

This energy type has the Throat center defined and at least one of these motors: the Heart, Solar Plexus & Root.

When the Heart center is defined, you are driven by Willpower in their Attraction Flow process….it’s the this is what I want and I can make it happen energy.

>>> Using statements like I, Me, Mine strengthen the heart energy.

When the Solar Plexus is defined, the focus of your emotions plays a deeper role as when the Root is defined, you will likely feel more pressure to create momentum.

The Solar Plexus Center, as you will see below, is managed by an emotional wave that can require waiting which can feel contradictory to the Manifestors design.

The Root Center, like these other Motors, push the energy upward to be expressed, and you can literally sense the “pressure” to take action.

Because timing is so key to Manifestors bringing things into reality, it’s important to work with your Authority {more on this below}.


What is the Alignment Signal for Manifestors?

Anger is the most commonly referred to emotion for your energy type to recognize conditioned behavior because anger shows you when a boundary has been crossed.

Because of the nature of Manifestors’ design, your vibrations are closed off to others so that you can direct them based on what you envision.

This can create havoc with relationships unless you follow the guidance given above about informing your intentions to those around you prior to taking action.

And ultimately, Manifestors strive to feel that sense of peace.


What does Authority have to do with Manifestors?

Manifestors with Solar Plexus Authority are cautioned to wait for clarity, moving through both the lower and higher expressions of energy/emotion prior to taking action.

Once the sense of urgency or pressure to act is gone, they have reached the balanced place to move things forward. The biggest thing you can do is to practice patience as it will save you from much angst although it will feel challenging until a practice is established and therefore, an activity that supports waiting like meditation can be powerful.

Manifestors with Splenic Authority intuitively know what to do in the moment.

There is not always a practical understanding or reasoning but you can sense the impact of the given action. This can make it a bit challenging to navigate informing others when you don’t always understand why the action is being taken. Building trust with supporters will go a long way for you as will being understanding of the impact this could have on others.

If you’re new to Authority, feel free to head over to Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1, Episode 5 or 6 to get a full understanding.

What does it mean to be a Reflector?

Reflectors are incredibly rare and have an extra special connection to the environment around them, specifically the cosmic universe {more on this in a bit}.

You are often unique in your perspective, with the ability to see who lives in alignment to their divine design, simply by interacting with them.

Your external senses are alive and constantly sending information to you about the environment you are in.


What do Reflectors Need to Know

You’re designed to work with the energy of others through aligned connections to individuals, creating a completed channel flow of energy between active gate portals.

This is also stimulated naturally by planetary transits, emphasizing life themes given to you in your divine design.

When you don’t work with these energies through sensing your environment, you can feel overcome or confused with the expectations of others as well as feel isolated or not included.


What is the divine design of a Reflector?

Reflectors have no center definition so this requires uniquely running on active energy gates, as described above.

While there is no center defined to rely on for them, there is no strong, I want this for me and make it happen like with a Manifestor.

However, it is not surprising to see you stand strong in what you express because when you are aligned and using your senses to the environment, you see clearly {more clearly than most}.


What is the Signal for Energy Alignment

Disappointment is the most commonly felt signal that the action a Reflector is taking is not or no longer aligned to you.

It can also be described as feeling a cold or unfriendly vibration from others in your environment which may signal a need for change in where you place your energy.

You are meant to be at the center of it all.


What is the strategy behind the energy type of Reflectors?

Reflectors are designed to sample, reflect and recognize what’s going on in the environment. This holds multiple purposes including to see who is living in alignment {discussed earlier in this blog post}.

By sensing your environment, you can see who is working with the appropriate Authority and living out the individual purpose, aligned with the evolution of the universe.

This can make it incredibly challenging to determine your feelings from others {more on this later}.

It is why it’s important for you to find your place in the community or environment you interact in so that you can feel grounded and sure.

The job of a Reflector is to reflect and share, amplifying what another is feeling or sensing, bringing a deeper level of awareness and evolution to/for purpose.

Simply put, you can support others to see where they are being conditioned out of their divine design by reflecting their energy back to them.

This means that constant contact with other energy types like Manifestors, Generators and projectors is necessary.


Do Reflectors have no Authority?

Reflectors work with the universe and tap into your higher self journey in this way. It’s why Human Design indicates you don’t have an inner authority.

However, you have an external sensing ability that puts you in touch with the inner emotions and experiences of others, mirroring it for yourself.

This creates the same evolutionary impact by building awareness of what is not you.

One of the most aligned ways this will show up for you is through surprise! You are designed to live for the wonder in each moment.


To access your Authority, it’s important to sense your environment as you naturally reflect it.

There are nuggets in this ability that have been expressed throughout this whole blog post.

Environment plays a key role in your ability to feel good and it must be aligned for you to be aligned.


To discern your emotions and experiences for others, it is recommended you hear yourself talk.

This will bring clarity to what your environment is bringing up for you and support your own decision making through conditioned responses.

 You will simply know, as sensing is strong within you, when to make a decision {and are being supported by the energy transits with timing}.


Why are energy transits particularly important for Reflectors?

Because Reflectors do not have complete channel flows of energy through defined centers, interaction with the energy of other individuals and energy transits {that of transiting planets} is necessary to attract opportunities, support and resources in alignment with them.

This matrix creates the design and the gift for you to be open.

Open energy is incredibly supportive of flow and transformation while creating the balance needed in the world through equanimity.

You are here to support merging of new energies with awareness with the old energies present in your environments.

Because of the newness, like Manifestors, you can be a bit ahead of others with your ability to sense and this is also your extra energy resilience to fulfill this role.

Your use of sensing is integral to your everyday alignment and is part of your divine design.

Your role is further supported by your knowledge of the energy transits which occur when you interact with individuals and also consistently through planetary shifts.

For those new to working with energy transits, it is recommended to begin with the lunar cycle as it shifts every 2 or 3 days so you are able to quickly move through the planets and their influence, creating instant recognition and familiarity with them.


To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

I look forward to supporting you as you continue this journey into your divine design to/for purpose, creating as you were meant to.

Meet Deb

Deb Farina is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, 10+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their businesses and naturally attract more clients with a structure that brings more ease as well as creative freedom.