Deb Farina

series: attraction authority

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Human Design charts can be obtained for free here >>> Jovian.


Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1

∞ Episode Series: Attraction Authority

This series spotlights the different Authority Centers but you have 1 exclusively so you won’t need to review both episodes.

For Solar Plexus & Sacral Authority, go directly below to Episode 5. All other Authority Centers, scroll down to Episode 6. Enjoy!

Episode 5: Attraction Authority & Divine Decision Making Part 1

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…I’m so glad you’ve been guided here to where you discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, including what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your divine design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design Chart.

If you don’t have a Human Design Chart, feel free to click the link above this episode to obtain one for free {and please know I am not affiliated with this site…one of my clients actually guided me to it and I’ve found it an incredible resource}.

If you’re not familiar with Human Design Authority, head on over to the Attraction Basics Episode 3 to get you started. In fact, you may want to dive into all those basics first! I’ll leave that up to you.


Now onto the topic!

 Ever notice that some people make a decision really easily but you can sometimes get stuck? Or you make a decision quickly only to discover later it wasn’t aligned?

 When you’re not aligned to your divine design, things simply don’t work out so easily and the experience is less effective {and therefore often less enjoyable}.

If you’ve ever wished someone would explain to you the way you were uniquely designed to attract opportunities, support and resources, your wish has come true!


Today you’ll be intuitively guided step by step guided into an aspect of this complex system for you easy peasy so you can implement and use aspects in your life now without having to learn everything at once.

I caution you however to attempt to apply one learning as a generality across the board as this system is complex in the way the cosmos is.

What you’ll uncover in this episode is specific to the nugget of Authority & Decision Making today.

To begin, locate your specific Human Design Authority, unique to you, in the summary on your Human Design chart.

Your Authority supports you to make aligned decisions to attract opportunities, support and resources.

Each Authority has a unique way of being, a different way or method of making decisions by your divine design, what was created to support you in fulfilling purpose and bringing joy to your experiences.

When I channeled the focus of Attraction Authority, it was with the realization that everyone has their Authority involved actively in their Attraction Flow.

For those new to Attraction Flow, it’s the channel of energy you utilize innately, sometimes without even realizing it. In many cases, it’s subconscious.

Because it’s subconscious you can get distracted by others’ channel of energy flows, thinking maybe they will work for you.

Yet when you know the aspects of your Attraction Flow like Attraction Authority, you can go back to the way you were divinely designed to attract.

Think of Attraction Authority as an aligning strength that contributes to your ability to magnetize the opportunities, support and resources you need to feel fulfilled, successful and impactful.

Got it?

Knowing the way you are divinely designed to make decisions in alignment with Authority supports your channel of energy flow for attraction.

Let’s illustrate this with a look at specific areas of Authority today.

Intuitively I’m being guided to do this in 2 parts to keep it shorter for you.

In this episode {Part 1}, you’ll dive into the Solar Plexus & Sacral Authorities…

As we go through each description, consider what you’ve learned either as attraction validation, support to follow your inner truth or to expand your possibilities, gaining deeper wisdom, to know what is aligned for you now.

At the end, you’ll receive a practice exercise so you can get into the feel of using your Attraction Authority as it may be an area that wasn’t apparent to you because society doesn’t teach this as a norm.

Let’s begin with the Solar Plexus Authority. Remember, you can uncover this in the summary area of your Human Design Chart.

When the Solar Plexus is your Authority, emotional and higher spiritual consciousness are a consistent and reliable energy that’s part of your attraction circuit, meaning it’s a key part of your attraction flow of energy. {I dive more into Attraction Circuits in the next series.}

For now, simply know that your Authority plays a MAJOR role in your ability to attract.

Those with Solar Plexus Authority are designed to ride the wave of emotions before taking action; meaning you will experience both high and low emotions as you process the decision you are considering and this is how you were made to function.

Let’s talk a minute about what happens when we find out something about our self…we either love it, knew it already or we don’t like it for some reason attached to a past experience.

To be clear, I’m guiding you to how you were innately designed but this isn’t the only way for you to function. Simply the way that is most effective for your energy.

I’ve found it works to love the aspects about you that are different than others because you were given them for a reason.

Now back to Solar Plexus Authority.

You may or may not realize your aligned decision immediately but you are cautioned to wait because the fullness of the truth of the decision reveals over time for you.

As you work with the emotions, you gain deeper clarity about the decision you are making, either solidifying it more or seeing why it won’t serve you.

There’s a higher spiritual consciousness at work here that I’ll talk about in a bit.

First, I want to be sure you can relate to this method.

Think of it as like when you have an inspired idea that downloads as a piece but not a full concept. It isn’t yet clear but you feel strongly connected to it.

It’s like this with your Authority. While you may know your answer or a piece of why you want to answer this way instantly, there is more to learn about it before you move forward.

In this way, Solar Plexus Authority allows you to experience the emotional wave including need, passion and desire, creating a level of certainty that supports the decision.

While total clarity may never appear {that’s why we take action and experience things}, this decision wait time strengthens your level of clarity to create emotional stability or balance for when you do make the decision.

That’s when you know it’s time…when you feel neither high emotion nor low emotion but somewhere centered.

To be clear, Solar Plexus Authority is not a mental process. You may have a defined mental center that supports this. {We talked about Defined Centers in Season 1, Episode 1}.

But to really use your Authority, you’ll want to look at this completely first; then add the layers of the Attraction Flow to expand your ability to use it.

Make sense?

The thought that you may not be using your mental strategy may cause you to pause. In our current society, you’ve been taught to rely on your mental strength and awareness for decisions.

With the evolution or transition occurring to balance society with an increased focus on divine feminine, you’re being called to utilize your emotions and spiritual connection more.

Human Design foresaw this transition happening in 2027 so we’re already headed in this direction and you are working with the energies now.

The way you manage Solar Plexus Authority’s emotional wave of high and low emotions is to be in an “expected” state of waiting. You may have been taught to avoid your emotions or that they were less important.

For your divine design, they are very important and I’ll let you in on the gift this Authority gives you…

This expectation energy I spoke about, the while you are waiting, creates a vibrational pull that makes you even more magnetic to those you are aligned with. So, waiting can serve you!

In a society where it seems the first receive the most, it can make you pause but as you work with this energy, you will find it to be true for you.

Remember society is transforming…there is a slowing down to create greater awareness and a re-balancing of priorities happening now.

There is a depth within the Solar Plexus Authority that activates with time, which means that it is supportive for you to cultivate the energies of patience that are deeply connected with being aware, another divine feminine aspect.

While your inclination will be to take action as taught or conditioned by in the current society, it will better serve your energy alignment to wait it out and flow with the energy as devised with divine feminine behaviors.

If you attempt to make spontaneous decisions, you will set yourself up for disappointment as with this Authority there is no truth in the now; there is simply understanding and knowledge sensed over time like evolution which is in part why this Human Design puts it at the top of the hierarchy of Authority.

It’s aligned for you to use those emotionally charged moments, whether hi or low energy, to support your understanding and clarity of the situation and your evolution with it.

To dive deeper into the understanding, before you act.

We’ll put this method to use at the end with a practice exercise to expand this muscle you’ve been given to support you to/for purpose, creating fulfillment, success or impact as designed.

Next up is Sacral Authority.

When you have this Attraction Authority, it means you have definition or consistent, reliable energy from the Sacral Center which plays a direct role in your attraction circuit of energy, meaning it’s a key part of your attraction flow of energy. This is your opportunity to understand a bit about how it works, to set your foundation with divine decision making.

First, off the Sacral Center is the decision making domain of the Generator {& Manifesting Generator} when there is no Solar Plexus definition. This means you won’t be using this method unless your Sacral is your Authority {remember you can find this out in the summary section of your Human Design Chart}.

Those with Sacral Authority live very much in the now…the present moment. This means connection to being present or grounding creates focus for you.

While you will be driven to take action, as Generators and Manifesting Generators have boundless supplies of energy resource at your disposal, there is a pause button to determine if this energy is aligned with what you love.

Again, because society cultivates action often, you may have been taught to go steam forward but this is exactly what can exhaust you or cause you to over-commit.

When you utilize your divine design of Sacral Authority, you access aspects of the divine feminine by focusing on presence.

When you are present with your body, you can respond to the question of what your energy is aligned to by feeling the vibration within. It may be sensed or known as well.

The vibration operates as an ah-HUH for yes or uhn-Un for no. It is immediate and fleeting so again, like with the Solar Plexus Authority, this is not a mental process.

The difference to Solar Plexus Authority is in this Attraction Authority, there is no waiting.

If the timing is not yet aligned, meaning there is something for you to discover first before you can decide, the answer will be unclear…

If the question you are asked to make a decision on regarding the use of your energy and commitment is too vague or broad, your inner instinct will be silent until you further clarify.

This is an incredibly specific use of energy and super powerful for alignment of short and long-term projects. Can you see how this can save you energy, changing what you commit to?

For Sacral Authority, it helps to have another contribute to this process by asking you the questions to clarify your instinctual awareness inside the body so there is no mental confusion but rather an innate response.

While mental awareness and strategy may play a role in your Attraction Flow, it is far more supportive then generative of energy.

For key energy alignment when Sacral Authority to ensure decisions that are committed over the long haul, it’s most accurate and efficient for you to be loving what you do…this includes loving the process {the steps} as well.

The step by step approach is key for Generators and Manifesting Generators as builders or creators in society by the way.

Now it’s time to “practice” with this methodology of your Authority given to you at birth.

Start with a simple decision, such as what you want to eat for lunch or what book you desire to read next, possibly what tv series you desire to explore.

Then, work with your Authority method to give you an aligned understanding of the answer for you.

To recap…

When it’s Solar Plexus, you’ll give yourself the quiet time to notice your emotions and not immediately respond as a yes or no.

When it’s Sacral, is it an ah-HUH for yes or uhn-Un for no?

I know, this may seem silly at first to practice but it’s the quickest way to become comfortable with it if you’ve been taught another way to make decisions.

Over time, you’ll find it’s the truest way for your divine design.

Once this methodology begins to feel comfortable broaden it to larger decisions like your career, relationships, where you put your energy next.


 For those who wish to discover more now with my support and guidance, there are options available to you >>> Attract by Design®.

Ready to continue with the next episodes?

Next up ∞ Episode Series: Attraction Flow Themes

Episode 6: Attraction Authority & Divine Decision Making Part 2

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…I’m so glad you’ve been guided here to where you discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, including what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your divine design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design Chart.

If you don’t have a Human Design Chart, feel free to click the link above this episode to obtain one for free {and please know I am not affiliated with this site…one of my clients actually guided me to it and I’ve found it an incredible resource}.

If you’re not familiar with Human Design Authority, head on over to the Attraction Basics Episode 3 to get you started. In fact, you may want to dive into all those basics first! I’ll leave that up to you.

Intuitively I’ve been guided to do this share on Attraction Authorities in 2 parts to keep it shorter for you and while this is Part 2, you don’t need to have done Part 1 to follow along.

If you’ve read Part 1, the beginning of this episode will sound familiar to you but I always find repetition helps us truly conceptualize what we’re experiencing.

Now onto the topic!

Ever notice that some people make a decision really easily but you can get stuck at times? Or you make a decision quickly only to discover later it wasn’t aligned?

When you’re not aligned to your divine design, things simply don’t work out so easily and the experience is less effective {and therefore often less enjoyable}.

If you’ve ever wished someone would explain to you the way you were uniquely designed to attract opportunities, support and resources, your wish has come true!


Today you’ll be intuitively guided step by step guided into an aspect of this complex system for you easy peasy so you can implement and use aspects in your life now without having to learn everything at once.

I caution you however to attempt to apply one learning as a generality across the board as this system is complex in the way the cosmos is.

What you’ll uncover in this episode is specific to the nugget of Authority & Decision Making today.

To begin, locate your specific Human Design Authority, unique to you, in the summary on your Human Design chart.

Your Authority supports you to make aligned decisions to attract opportunities, support and resources.

Each Authority has a unique way of being, a different way or method of making decisions by your divine design, what was created to support you in fulfilling purpose and bringing joy to your experiences.

When I channeled the focus of Attraction Authority, it was with the realization that everyone has their Authority involved actively in their Attraction Flow.

For those new to Attraction Flow, it’s the channel of energy you utilize innately, sometimes without even realizing it. In many cases, it’s subconscious.

Because it’s subconscious you can get distracted by others’ channel of energy flows, thinking maybe they will work for you.

Yet when you know the aspects of your Attraction Flow like Attraction Authority, you can go back to the way you were divinely designed to attract.

Think of Attraction Authority as an aligning strength that contributes to your ability to magnetize the opportunities, support and resources you need to feel fulfilled, successful and impactful.

Got it?

Knowing the way you are divinely designed to make decisions in alignment with Authority supports your channel of energy flow for attraction.

Let’s illustrate this with a look at specific areas of Authority today.

In this episode, you’ll dive into the Splenic, Ego, Self, Environment and Lunar Authorities…if you’re Authority happens to be Solar Plexus or Sacral, check out Part 1 available above.

As we go through each Attraction Authority description, consider what you’ve learned either as attraction validation, support to follow your inner truth or to expand your possibilities, gaining deeper wisdom, to know what is aligned for you now.

At the end, you’ll receive a practice exercise so you can get into the feel of using your Attraction Authority as it may be an area that wasn’t apparent to you because society doesn’t teach this as a norm.

We begin with the Splenic Authority which resides in the Splenic Center, the oldest center and home of what is healthy or in balance for you.

Much like working with intuition, when you work with the Splenic Authority, you become used to an instantaneous resonance or recognition.

There’s an inner knowing if something or someone is aligned for you.

When the Splenic Center functions as your Authority, it is a reliable and consistent energy for you in your Attraction Circuit, meaning it’s a key part of your attraction flow of energy.

Let’s talk a minute about what happens when we find out something about our self…we either love it, knew it already or we don’t like it for some reason attached to a past experience.

To be clear, I’m guiding you to how you were innately designed but this isn’t the only way for you to function. Simply the way that is most effective for your energy.

I’ve found it works to love the aspects about you that are different than others because you were given them for a reason.

In order to work with this Splenic Authority as divinely designed to, there is a call to create moments or gaps in time where you can give deeper attention to the subtle clues given by the body or environment around you.

To be clear, Splenic Authority is not a mental process. You may have a defined mental center that supports this. {We talked about Defined Centers in Season 1, Episode 1}.

But to really use your Authority, you’ll want to look at this completely first; then add the layers of the Attraction Flow to expand your ability to use it. Make sense?

The thought that you may not be using your mental strategy may cause you to pause. In our current society, you’ve been taught to rely on your mental strength and awareness for decisions.

With the evolution or transition occurring to balance society with an increased focus on divine feminine, you’re being called to utilize your innate connection with your body and environment more.

Human Design foresaw this transition happening in 2027 so we’re already headed in this direction and you are working with the energies now.

What this looks like for Splenic Authority varies but includes

You seeing, knowing, hearing or feeling something quickly that confirms whether a decision is aligned or not for you.

The environment can support you as well.

In fact, you may have been taught this spirituality or are familiar with this as spiritual signs. An example is seeing that robin over and over in nature, knowing it is a time of renewal for you, giving yourself patience as the wisdom comes forth and you sprout new seeds.

Because this Attraction Authority is continuously communicating with you, it will shift and evolve with your energy…therefore, giving you answers based on where you are energetically.

For example, in the am, you could feel really inspired about an idea but in the pm you could no longer be interested. Therefore, your Splenic will give you different answers at different times.

It’s key to stay present and tune in to what your body is telling you…maybe there is a song playing in your mind, or a visual that keeps popping into your head.

Yes, I’m talking your intuition here! It does reside in the Splenic Center.

Specifically, the intuitive intelligence is used in Attraction Authority for the decision you are making in this moment based on the energy vibration you are emitting, ensuring alignment each and every time.

We’ll do a practice exercise at the end but first, more on other Authorities.

Next up is Ego Authority, which is driven by the Heart Center. The Heart Center is focused on willpower as a strength which means you likely use this energy naturally already.

There are two variations on the Ego Authority based on your other defined centers. When a Center is defined, this is a consistent reliable energy for you. {I dive into Defined Centers deeper in Season 1, Episode 1.}

What you need to know now is that these specific areas of definition direct the way you’re Heart Center is utilized to make decisions.

For example, if you are Ego Manifested Authority, your Throat center is defined and you will most likely find when living an aligned life, your voice is the key realization for alignment.

It both leads and confirms for you what is true to you. The willpower and strength of the Heart Center supports this.

When you factor in making decisions with the Heart, your Willpower, it serves you to pay attention to what you say, not what you think in your mind.

This serves true for other types of Ego Authority as well, even those without an activated or defined Throat Center.

Like the Splenic Center, this isn’t a mental process for you.  

When you have an Ego Authority, the truth for your aligned decisions is expressed verbally, bypassing your conscious and sometimes conditioned mind.

Is this something you consider validating? Comforting to know as you suspected as much? Or a complete new possibility for you to consider?

The exception to this Ego Authority Direction occurs when you’re a Projector Strategy {this is noted in your summary area}…and your G/higher self Center is defined.

If that is the case, you are the second form I spoke about earlier and it serves you to use the Projector Strategy for your Authority as well and this Strategy was discussed in Season 1, Episode 2.

We’ll dive into a practice exercise at the end to strengthen the muscle you may not have been using, at least consciously.

For those with Self Authority, you also have a defined G/higher self Center and your aligned answer originates here and is identity based.

You have a defined and consistent reliable identification with your higher self. This doesn’t mean you always feel clear but you often make decisions with more clarity of who you are than other Authorities.

Similar to the Ego Authority, when you have Self Authority, listening to what you say supports you in making aligned decisions but with Self Authority, it’s focusing specifically on the core of your identity expressed as your truth.

Simply put, when you make a decision, is it in support of your identity, who you are?

When you have Self Authority, it’s important not to try to figure out what to say but rather to witness what you’re saying. You may have been taught to defer to others so bringing the mind in will only confuse matters.

Witnessing, or observing yourself without judgment or conditioned thoughts, is a powerful tool for alignment and gateway to greater spiritual synchronicity.

Synchronicity, as I define it, is when you’re working with your divine design and what’s happening in the collective energies creating an alignment of co-creation.

Do you find you connect with your higher self easily and go within to make decisions? Let this be confirmation that it is your innate way of making decisions.

We’ll practice on this in a bit!

If your summary indicated the Environment Authority, it’s specific to Mental Projectors which is noted in your Strategy in the Summary section. {we spoke a bit about this in Season 1, Episode 2}.

When you have this “Authority”, your focus always begins with environment, not a specific person or action you may be considering.

Yes, your attraction is related to how you feel in the environment now; the vibration of it with you…you are working in alignment with the energy around you.

This is unlike the other Authorities because there isn’t an innate defined center within your design to focus on for attraction or aligned decisions.

Therefore, the reliable energy stems from what is around you.

Before you make a decision, notice first if the environment you’re in feels right for you by noticing how your body reacts to it. Your environment will significantly play a role in the decision you make.

When you are designed as Environment Authority, it’s best not to discuss decisions to get opinions but rather to hear your own ruminations about the decision you’re making when you’re in an environment that feels aligned.

Can you think of a time when your environment emphasized a decision for you?

We’ve got one more Attraction Authority to review then on to the exercise.

Last but not least, although very rare, is the Lunar authority which is driven by the moon.

We are all subject to the moon to a degree. After all, the moon pulls on water and our bodies are made up of quite a bit of that!

Your significance or relationship with the moon can be found in your astrological chart. Many of you probably already know if you relate to the moon’s cycles or not.

But when moon is your Authority, it’s specific to Reflectors, a strategy type which are very rare and an especially unique type of manifesting structure.

Reflectors have a completely undefined chart so their consistent reliable energy is outside of them and nurtured.

To support them, Reflectors have a special attunement that gives them access to the cosmic environment as this is where they receive their energetic support reliably and consistently for attraction flow.

If Lunar is your Authority, follow the transit of the moon through all 64 gates, experiencing each of the energies, which takes approximately 28 days, before completely committing your energy in 1 direction. This is primarily used for larger decisions so the exercise you will do is a bit different than others.

Now that you understand a bit about your Authority, whichever it is, it’s time to “practice” with this methodology given to you at birth to strengthen the aligned decisions to attract your opportunities, support and resources.

For all but Lunar Authority, start with a simple decision, such as what you want to eat for lunch or what book you desire to read next, possibly what tv series you desire to explore.

Then, work with your Authority method to give you an aligned understanding of the answer for you.

To recap…

When it’s Splenic, you’ll look for subtle clues given to you by your body or the environment.

When it’s Ego, pay attention to what you say {unless you’re Projector Strategy, be sure to head to Season 1, Episode 2 for that!}

When it’s Self, ask if the decision is in support of your identity?

When it’s Environment, feel first if the environment you are located in is aligned and comfortable for you.

It may feel silly or awkward at first to do this exercise, or it can feel like coming home.

Once this methodology begins to feel comfortable broaden it to larger decisions like your career, relationships, where you put your energy next.

Lunar Authorities will want to dive deeper into astrology to understand more about the transits, enhancing their knowledge and innate ability to work with this system.

For those who wish to discover more now with my support and guidance, there are options available to you >>> Attract by Design®.

Ready to continue with the next episodes?

Next up >>> Episode Series: Attraction Flow Themes


Deb Farina

Deb is extremely passionate about attracting as you were designed to, bringing guidance for your unique genetic imprint to you so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

She has over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching in the life and entrepreneurial space. Prior to setting out on her own, she worked for small and medium sized entrepreneurial companies, guiding CEOs and COOs to double and triple their businesses.