Deb Farina

series: attraction basics

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Human Design charts can be obtained for free here >>> Jovian.


Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1

∞ Episode Series: Attraction Basics

Episode 1: Attraction Flow

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, plus what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you and can be relied upon consistently. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your Divine Design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design chart.

If you don’t have a Human Design chart, feel free to click the link above this episode to obtain one for free {and please know I am not affiliated with this site…one of my clients actually guided me to it and I’ve found it an incredible resource}.

Divinely Designed with Deb is designed to share channeled information with you so you can easily implement it for you. It unfolds over time for me, meaning it’s like a discovery or exploration {and since I have that channel active in Human Design, I wholeheartedly support this way of living life and biz!}

Not sure what an active channel is? No worries, I explain both the Human Design terms and my very own signature downloaded specific focus Attract by Design® for you as we move along.

Let’s begin with understanding what divinely designed means…


Have you ever felt different than someone else? Tried to complete a process another succeeded at, only to feel frustrated?

When we’re not aligned to our divine design, things simply don’t work out so easily and the experience is less effective {and therefore often less enjoyable} for us.

If you’ve ever wished someone would explain to you the way you were uniquely designed to attract opportunities, support and resources, your wish has come true!


Now, don’t let that Human Design chart overwhelm you. Each episode focuses on a different aspect but shares enough for you to know what to do with, without being dangerous lol.

Seriously, I want to you to think about a time that something came so easy to you…but when someone else tried it, it didn’t work for them. You felt a bit charmed, right?

 Well, we are all charmed with a divine design and over the course of these episodes, I will pull back the curtain {like the wizard!} and expose you to your Divine Design.


At times I will refer to the signature system downloaded to me, Attract by Design®, that specifically looks at…

Attraction Flow: your channel of energy, unique to you, that magnetizes opportunities, resources and support, without triggers by external stimuli.

Attraction Communication: your divine design that uniquely expresses to manifest…deepening your understanding in your genetically created behaviors that support you in reaching your aligned audience quickly.

Attraction Validation: your decision making strengths and evolving opportunities for greater wisdom…the recognition of what behaviors were naturally given to you to demonstrate your talents and what behaviors are not you, i.e. conditioned.


All of these specific signature focuses can be accessed through a review of aspects in your Human Design chart.

We’ll go step by step as intuitively guided into the complex system of Human Design for you easy peasy so you can implement and use aspects like Attraction Flow {this episode’s topic} in your life now without having to learn everything at once.

In the first part of this series on Attraction Basics, you’ll begin to understand your defined centers and the role they play in your unique Attraction Flow, one of my specialties in this signature specific focus of the Human Design System.

One more thing before we dive in…focusing on your uniqueness may be a little new and vulnerable for you. I get that!

Who wasn’t teased as a child for being different in some way?

The thing about the Human Design system is that gives you validation to overcome those past memories…

You’ll begin to see your strengths and opportunities for wisdom that are unique to you, bringing so much joy and support for your journey, step by step.

I remember when I first read aspects about me, like that active channel of discovery, and realized I wasn’t designed to create expectations about results but rather to be more like a detective, uncovering the clues as I went!

Ready to begin to see what your design affirms for you? To heal those fractures that took you away from being who you were meant to be?

We begin with centers. Centers are those 9 shapes on your Human Design chart…we all have the same 9.

Your defined centers are the ones that are colored in.

If you have none that are colored in, you are what is called a Reflector in Human Design, which is very rare…about 1% of the population are this manifesting style.

All Reflectors are guided to jump ahead to review their strategy now >>> Designed to Attract.

For the rest of us, we have between two and eight defined, or colored in, centers.

Begin to notice which centers are colored in now because they are the areas you’re designed to dependably utilize to attract resources, support and opportunities.

See why learning someone else’s manifesting process doesn’t always work?

Now you’ve had that sigh of relief, you weren’t doing manifesting wrong…you simply didn’t know how you were divinely designed to attract.

Let’s continue the journey and find out what your defined centers mean for your Attraction flow.

Here’s a brief explanation of each center and where they are located on your chart so you can find them and see which ones are the ones you can depend on consistently!

At any time, if you’re a visual gal or guy, or want to refer to another chart to confirm what I am saying, you can see my chart here >>> Attract by Design®.

My chart is 1/3 down the way on the page with the title: Your Way of Being. You may need to zoom in to see it more specifically {especially for future episodes} but for today, the general image will support you to follow along.

Let’s begin at the top of the chart design and work our way down.

Before we get going into defining your divine design, it’s important to mention that there is no perfect chart to attract and no perfect mix of these defined centers of reliable energy.

There’s no ideal to be, other than you…you are already ideal as you have been designed…therefore, divinely designed to/for purpose. Got it?

Onto the centers…

The triangle shape at the top of your head is the Head/Crown Center and while for me, it’s not colored in, it could be for you! That coloring in is significant because it means it’s defined for you and a strength you can rely upon.

The Head’s center is where you find mental inspiration and the questions to clarify things.

When it’s defined, this design designates you have a fixed way of thinking. There’s a process to you framing questions that can be relied upon consistently.

See how knowing this could be a strength for you? And validating?

Next center or triangle shape is underneath the Head, pointing towards the throat area. This is called the Anja Center and when colored in, it’s a pretty emerald green {if you’re following along with my chart, you’ll see it’s not defined for me}.

The Anja Center’s strength is to conceptualize! When defined, it designates you have a consistent way of processing data and creativity that isn’t easy for another to influence so it’s reliable for you.

Both of these centers … the Head and the Anja … lack the energy for the continuous attraction circuit, basically the channels that make up your attraction flow for resources, support and opportunities.

Therefore, the Head and Anja Centers play more of a supportive role to the Attraction Flow but still key! It’s why I pointed them out first and showed the significance in the validation aspect.

The center or square directly underneath the Anja Center is the Throat…and as you can see with my example, it’s gold when defined.

The Throat center is where you express and manifest, or simply put bring ideas/actions to form in physical reality. When it’s defined, you are more likely to express your truth with ease, honest and clarity. I’ve seen many attraction flows end here {more on that in a future episode!}

All of these centers rely on you using something called Strategy & Authority as defined in Human Design. You don’t need to know about this yet {it’s coming up in the next 2 episodes in this series} but simply be aware for now that the Strategy & Authority impacts your results in making aligned decisions and choosing actions that attract.

Trust the order I’ve been guided to communicate this with you because there is always a reason!

The shape or center directly below the Throat is your G/Higher self center where your self-identification, love and direction stems from. It’s where you feel connected to all that is.

And as is the case for me, when defined, the Throat center is a yellow color and it supports you with a reliable self-identity and sense of direction as well as a security in the love for yourself.

Directly to the right and slightly below the G center is a flatter triangle shape ~ that’s your Heart Center.

The Heart Center is known for Will Power and when defined, it’s red! It’s your higher self energy that has you continue through until your idea manifests into form.

When defined, it activates a strength of control for your life and your resources, recognizing your own value {what you bring to the table so to speak} as well.

This is another place where I’ve seen many attraction flows end. {we get into your actual attraction flow circuit in a future series, once you’ve understood these key basics}

Directly underneath the G Center…the red square on my chart…is the Sacral Center… yup, it’s red too when it’s defined!

The Sacral Center is the creative energy and supports determining availability as well as use, committing to an action/idea or not.

Those with this center defined are designated with a continuous energy source and it’s especially useful to your divine design to use that energy towards something you love.

The square directly below the Sacral is the Root Center and when defined, as you can see with my chart, it’s gold.

This center is known for its’ momentum. Those with a defined root are designed to have a consistent way for dealing with stress, supporting the pressure of the sustaining energy given by this center.

The triangle shape or center to the right of the Sacral is the Solar Plexus Center and when defined, it’s gold like the Root.

The Solar Plexus Center offers gifts of sensitivity and emotional processing for higher spiritual awareness.

When defined, it has tremendous energy and to harness the energy in alignment with your divine design, it’s best to wait out the emotions until they balance.

The triangle shape center to the left of the Sacral is the Splenic and as you can see with my chart, gold when defined.

This is where your innate intuitive intelligence resides and for those with definition, they are designed to follow their own instincts versus what others would tell them to do.

Now that you know the centers, you can begin to understand your strengths in attracting resources, support and opportunities even before you recognize where your flow, the continuous attraction circuit, begins.

For example, My Solar Plexus is undefined so emotional processing and sensitivity doesn’t play a big role in my attraction frequency but my Splenic is colored in, meaning my attraction method includes innate intuitive intelligence.

See how powerful this is to know?

My Head/Crown and Anja Centers aren’t defined at all so this means that mental patterns and conceptualization doesn’t support or play a role in my attraction process.

Instead, the G Center where my higher self resides as well as the Sacral where my energy commitment center tells me what’s aligned in the moment are huge to my attraction flow.

Knowing all this, I can play to my divine design, my strengths in attraction which are very much rooted in my intuition and instinct plus directed by my higher self.

Because my Throat is defined, expressing and communicating supports my attraction of opportunities, resources and support.

My root center supports me to maintain the momentum!

What have you learned or validated about yourself with this knowledge of the centers?

Will you process or take actions in a different manner now? Or has this supported how you’ve always thought you should approach things?

Here’s your next choice…take a break and start implementing what you know about your strengths and come back in a week or go straight to Episode 2 now.

Episode 2: Attraction Definition

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, plus what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you and can be relied upon consistently. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your Divine Design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design chart.

In this episode, you’ll discover your Attraction Definition by seeing how your overall definition relates to your Attraction Flow plus, you’ll receive an introduction to Strategy as defined by Human Design with a peek into how this works with your attraction definition to support it.

As with the last episode and all future episodes, you’ll want to have your Human Design Chart handy and at any time, you can head over to Attract by Design®. , scroll 1/3 down the page and see my chart as an example. I will refer to it with examples to help orient you to where I am on the chart for your divine design.

Most of the Human Design charts I’ve seen and all the ones from Jovian {link at the top of the page…where you can get a chart for free and which I have not affiliation with by the way} include a summary, often located above your chart with specific designations.

In this summary, you can locate your strategy and definition, the focus of this episode. While the terms Strategy and Definition are Human Design terms, we’ll be adapting them to define your attraction…

Let’s begin with type…as this determines your strategy. Think of this as a summary of the pattern of vibration that you emit and the most efficient way to work with the vibration to attract aligned opportunities, resources and support.

We’ll begin with the Generator type as it’s currently the largest energy type on the planet. There is a subtype that you may be {as I am} which is a Manifesting Generator.

While both types share similarities in their strategy which is to respond to life, the way they execute it has slight differences. We’ll dive into this more in a separate series.

For now, let’s look at what responding to life means when it comes to attraction definition. Generators {and Manifesting Generators} are managing by the Sacral Center which has a consistent reliable energy, giving Generators {and Manifesting Generators} an always available energy base.

This doesn’t mean you won’t get tired but when you use the strategy, you will be able to refresh your energy each day and when you use your authority {more on this in episode 3}, you make the decisions to use the energy efficiently with what’s aligned to attract, serving you and your divine design.

As a Generator {and Manifesting Generators too}, you are guided by instinct and when you work with this, you feel/know through a vibration that expresses as ah-HUH {yes!} or UHN-uh {no}, responding to an internal idea when prompted with a question by another.

No need to get too involved in how this works yet…simply recognize that instinct plays a primary role in your attraction definition and flow.

Next up are Projectors…they have a focused strategy of waiting until they are invited because they are lended energy from Generators{including Manifesting Generators} or Manifestors {more on them in a bit}…

A key aspect of the strategy for Projectors is to recognize who is aligned for them to support their attraction and we’ll dive into that more in a separate series…

simply know for now that part of your attraction requires utilizing energy resources {available from relationships with Generators and Manifestors} for maintaining the attraction flow.

Your definition as a Projector may also bring in others or not; we’ll get to that in a bit.

Finally, we have Manifestors. Since Reflectors are so rare and work on a completely different system, we won’t be covering them here. all reflectors are guided to jump ahead now >>> Designed to Attract.

A key aspect of Strategy for Manifestors is to inform and you’ll be most familiar with this because traditionally, manifesting is taught with this type in mind. {so if you’ve followed manifesting practices before that haven’t worked and you’re not a Manifestor type, this is probably why. It doesn’t mean you don’t attract but you simply do it differently.}

Manifestors have a frequency that pushes outward and in order for this vibration to be received openly, they utilize the strategy of informing others respectfully of their intentions, prior to taking the action so those around them are not surprised.

This informing strategy softens the push of the frequency and the attraction is more openly received.

How does strategy interact with definition for attraction?

It all cases your Human Design strategy supports your way of being which naturally plays a role in attraction. In some cases, it enhances the strategy and in others, it complements it. Both are necessary to be aware of and it’s why I was guided to share them with you in this one episode.

While strategy is learned, definition simply exists and when you’re aware of your attraction definition, you can understand if/what is needed to support it to substantiate your continuous attraction of opportunities, support and resources.

Your definition is often located in the summary of your Human Design Chart but it’s also something you can uncover on your own and it has to do with whether or not your completed channels follow a direct flow.

If you’re new to Human Design no worries as I will walk you through what a channel is.

In Episode 1, you located all the centers or shapes in your chart and discovered what each one focuses on.

The channels are the energy flow that goes between the centers and they are made up of red or black lines sometimes a combination of red/black. With me so far?

When the line goes from center to center without any white space, I consider it a completed channel.

Let’s head back to my chart as an example.

See that red square, the Sacral center, and notice there is a line running up to the yellow shape, the G Center that is a combination of red and black.

That’s a complete channel.

Notice there is another line coming down from the G center, the yellow shape, that is a black line but it stops halfway to the Sacral Center.

That channel flow is incomplete.

When you have a single definition, you have a continuous flow with completed lines or channels from shape to shape without interruption. This isn’t every shape, only the defined centers.

When you’re single attraction definition like me, this means your attraction flow, is self-contained. You can operate on your own with your attraction flow…not needing anyone to spark you to complete your cycle to manifest.

This doesn’t mean people won’t spark one of your channels…more on this in a later episode…as there is value in this. But for purposes of the attraction flow, you can manifest without any interaction.

Of course, if you’d like to maintain that attraction, you’ll want to rely on your strategy which if you’re a Projector will always rely on a Manifestor or Generator type individual to supply you with the energy resource to sustain the attraction.

See how the strategy and the definition interact together?

Okay, let’s look at the other definitions…

When you do not have a continuous flow between complete channels, this is called a split.

When you have a split attraction definition, there is at least one gate that is not active which splits up your attraction flow and requires a spark from another individual to activate it and complete your cycle to manifest.

Your gates are the numbers found in each center. We all have the same gate numbers but which gates are active are different for each of us and this impacts the way in which we go about attracting. We get more into this in a future episode.

When you have this split attraction definition with one gate, it’s called simple split definition and you will be extra aware of the gate that is not active, which breaks up your attraction flow. If you have four splits, you’ll be extra ware of all 4 places in your flow that aren’t completely connected.

You will feel called to “find” that gate/s throughout your life, attracting people who have this as part of their divine design.

The good news is you will attract these people naturally but it’s important you stay open to relationships so you continue to interact with those who are aligned, sparking your flow throughout life.

If you’re a triple split definition, this means you have 3 splits or areas where you require at least another to bridge your flow to complete it and you will require extra time to process.

What does bridge your flow mean? It means you will need others to complete those channels where you have gates that are not active in order to complete your attraction flow.

As a triple split definition, your most powerful influence is your centers that are undefined and we’ll be talking more about this in the next episode when we cover attraction validation! After you understand these undefined center themes, you will then be called to complete those channels that are not receiving continuous flow to attract.

Now that you know if you need another to complete your attraction flow, will you be more open to the people you meet and noticing who is aligned for you? Who you feel that instant connection with?

That connection is there for a reason…it’s a spark that not only supports your attraction flow but also for all definitions, your attraction validation.

This is where the conditioning from society, parents, past lives and more can play a role and distract us from our natural divine design to attract opportunities, resources and support to/for purpose.

In this next Episode in this 3 part series on the Attraction Basics, we’re diving into the areas that distract you from your purpose so you can be aware to them and what to do to bring you back on track.

Ready to continue Attraction Basics?

Next up >>> Episode 3 Attraction Validation & 4 Attraction Gifts


Deb Farina

Deb is extremely passionate about attracting as you were designed to, bringing guidance for your unique genetic imprint to you so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

She has over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching in the life and entrepreneurial space. Prior to setting out on her own, she worked for small and medium sized entrepreneurial companies, guiding CEOs and COOs to double and triple their businesses.