Deb Farina

series: attraction flow themes

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Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1

∞ Episode Series: Attraction Flow Themes

Episode 7: Attraction Intuition & Instinct

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…I’m so glad you’ve been guided here to where you discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, including what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your divine design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design Chart.

If you don’t have a Human Design Chart, feel free to click the link above this episode to obtain one for free {and please know I am not affiliated with this site…one of my clients actually guided me to it and I’ve found it an incredible resource}.

In this episode, you’ll discover if you have specific Attraction Flow themes related to intuition and instinct.

Attraction Flow themes are basically innate energy flows in your divine design that you can utilize to attract opportunities, resources and support.

There are numerous themes available to all of us and we’ve each been designed specially with certain themes to support you to execute to/for purpose.

This episode’s focus is on the related center for innate intuitive intelligence, known as the Splenic and the related center for instinctual gut knowing, known as the Sacral as well as the channels that travel to your Throat, known for communication, expression and quick manifestation.

Before we get into the episode, a few things you need to know.

If you haven’t yet reviewed the Attraction Basics Series {Episodes 1 – 3}, this episode could be challenging to follow unless you know a bit about Human Design.

And my signature focus of Attract by Design®, which specifically looks at your Attraction Flow, Attraction Communication and Attraction Validation based on your genetic imprint as defined in your Human Design chart.

Let’s get started!

First, do you have your Human Design chart? Your beverage of choice?

You can follow along with my Human Design chart by heading to Attract by Design®, then scroll 1/3 down the page to see my chart, zooming to see the area I’m now speaking about.

Our journey today begins at the Sacral Center, see the red square on my chart almost at the bottom of the chart. There’s a gate circled there…#34.

Found it? Okay, now follow the black line that extends from this number and turns red/black before meeting gate 57 of the Splenic Center, which is that gold triangle to the left of the Sacral Center.

For those of you with gate 57 activated {which simply means it’s circled on your chart}, you probably know you are intuitive on some level.

While intuition can be accessed from a number of centers, the Splenic Center dives into the innate intuitive intelligence that is remembered {or known} and supports future planning.

It also helps you to know in the moment with what to do now when connected to gate 34.

Let me demonstrate…

I’m a 6/2 profile which means it’s natural for me to have different offers that I spotlight to different audiences at times in my biz.

Gate 57 and the knowledge of its’ ability to use intuitive insight supports me to know which offer is energetically aligned and then gate 34 brings me the knowing of the timing behind sharing it.

See how this is integral to someone with multiple offers…and I suspect you can also see where this can help you with simply one offer too, saving you time and energy by knowing the timing that most supports your attraction of opportunities, resources and support!

Those who naturally have this channel of energy flow between gate 57 and gate 34 marked by a red/black or red/black line are set up to attract by tuning into your environment.

Your environment goes beyond the place you’re sitting in now…it includes your social media when you pop on…it includes knowing what’s going on in the universe, the cosmos…the astrological transits, without having to known the details of planet placement and such {although that is fun to explore!}

The attraction flow of energy or the theme of this channel is to tap into your intuitive response in the moment, utilizing these parameters, to successfully attract opportunities, resources and support as well as know your next step.

It also comes in handy in other moments like when you’re planning for the best time to leave for a trip and desire to deal with less traffic or when to go to the store when it will be less busy.

I use that last one ALL the time. It’ll even tell you if you need more time. I remember one time I woke up and knew I needed to leave early that day for a flight, turns out the parking was closed so I was re-directed and without that extra time I would have missed my flight.

The intuitive insight and clarity you receive by naturally working with this theme is enhanced when you are grounded and present…

It’s clearest when you are not thinking of the past or worrying about the future. I find that to be the case when I first wake up, before I’ve absorbed the energy of others throughout the day.

Do you have this channel from Sacral Gate 34 to Splenic Gate 57? The more you support yourself by returning to the present throughout the day, the more useful and effective this channel of energy flow will be.

Now if you have gate 34 but not gate 57, did you know that working with me will support you to have access to that channel energy flow? Actually anyone with gate 57 will lend you the energy! Pretty cool, huh?

This channel from 34 to 57 is not the only channel that utilizes the intuition and instinct but the only channel that is also an integration channel. There are 4 channels in all of Human Design that are considering integration channels…see why I was guided to share this one?

An integration channel is known for supporting self-empowerment and individuation…meaning spotlight your unique difference so that they can be utilized to/for purpose.

Next up, I know you all love to attract or manifest, to consciously know you are magnetizing to you, in alignment with the highest synchronicity as I like to say, being one with the universe and your divine purpose.

The Throat is a key center for this in Attract by Design®, my methodology that uses Human Design to support your understanding of Attraction Flow and Attraction Communication.

Let’s take a look at my chart again for the next attraction flow theme which yes, involves the Throat Center…

This time we start in the Splenic center but are spotlighting a different gate: gate 48…see how it’s circled on my chart? Is it circled on yours too?

I’ve found I complete the energy flow of some of my clients channels to the throat and this has been a big one…you’ll see why in a moment.

Notice on my chart how there is a black line extending from this gate upwards that turns red halfway to the Throat Gate 16…

Remember, the black signifies that it is more conscious while the red signifies it is acting from subconscious, requiring a bit more awareness to see the theme in your life and design.

Gate 48 of the Splenic Center has been powerful for me because it is where I access my problem solving abilities…and where I am always on the lookout for what can be mastered or expressed to help others master within themselves.

Kind of cool, right? See why it’s supportive to what I do.

Because it resides in the Splenic Center, it naturally taps into intuitive memory {yes, I’m referring to past lives too here}…and like most work with intuition and awareness, requires you go deep before you share. Unlike gate 57, this intuitive clarity comes with time for this gate.

I use this gate all the time as an entrepreneur, finding solutions that are specific to me or my clients and in my previous days as a Human Resources exec when I was supporting relations between management and employees.

When gate 48 is combined with gate 16 in the Throat as my design supports, it also lends to attracting based on enthusiasm.

Yes, when I’m excited about something including a certain offer, it taps into my magnetism and attracts ideally suited clients to it. It’s fast too…

Do you have this attraction flow theme?

Knowing this about yourself, how will this impact the strategies for your attraction flow or communication?

Once I discovered this, I stopped trying to put out offers because it made sense or felt practical if I wasn’t enthusiastic about it, because those offers always fell flat. Imagine the time I’ve saved and the less disappointment, the less frustration, the less bitterness I felt!

Okay, one more attraction flow theme in this episode…

It’s one I don’t have but a few of my clients do…and it’s from the Sacral Center directly to the Throat Center.

Begin at familiar gate 34 in the Sacral Center again…remember, that’s the center of instinct, your gut knowing and wow, does it support for this…

When there is a line or channel that is completely filled in {meaning all black, red or combo of black/red} from gate 34 all the way to gate 20 in the Throat, you have access to what Human Design calls an integration channel {yup, this is the 2nd of 4 available I spoke about before}.

This attraction flow of energy available through this channel creates a magnetizing flow that institutes when you express in the moment with this design.

Yup, not a lot of planning here, more go with the flow and be in the now with gate 20…and again using gate 34 to sense the timing of it all. Is it for now or later?

I know that many biz entrepreneurs have you planning to save time but if you have this attraction flow theme, it’s best for you to build in space for those impromptu posts or videos or offers.

You’ll save time by using gate 34 to sense when it’s aligned for you. And remember this is like a muscle. If you haven’t used it before, it might feel odd at first but pretty soon, it’ll feel natural to you again…when you have these gates activated.

Beginning to see how powerful it is to know about your divine design…your attraction flow and your attraction communication?

There is one more episode in this series {directly below} where we explore attraction flow themes related to your willpower and relationships {for clients too} as well as strengthen your understanding of the related centers for both attraction flow and communication.

Episode 8: Attraction Willpower & Relationships

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…I’m so glad you’ve been guided here to where you discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, including what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your divine design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design Chart.

If you don’t have a Human Design Chart, feel free to click the link above this episode to obtain one for free {and please know I am not affiliated with this site…one of my clients actually guided me to it and I’ve found it an incredible resource}.

In this episode, you’ll discover if you have specific Attraction Flow themes related to willpower and relationships.

Attraction Flow themes are basically innate energy flows in your divine design that you can utilize to attract opportunities, resources and support.

There are numerous themes available to all of us and we’ve each been designed specially with certain themes to support you to execute to/for purpose.

This episode’s focus is on the related center of the Heart, known for its’ willpower and ego, and the related center of Solar Plexus, known for its’ ability to create strong relationships and emotional experiences that result in spiritual awareness, as well as the channels that travel to your Throat, known for communication, expression and quick manifestation.

Before we get into the episode, a few things you need to know.

If you haven’t yet reviewed the Attraction Basics Series {Episodes 1 – 3}, this episode could be challenging to follow unless you know a bit about Human Design.

And my signature focus of Attract by Design®, which specifically looks at your Attraction Flow, Attraction Communication and Attraction Validation based on your genetic imprint as defined in your Human Design chart.

Let’s get started!

First, do you have your Human Design chart? Your beverage of choice?

Let’s begin with the Heart Center, the place where your willpower and ego resides in your divine design as illustrated by your Human Design chart.

For this episode, I’ve been called to focus on gate 40 located in the Heart. Is your gate 40 circled? And is there a black or red line that runs from there to the Solar Plexus center, gate 37?

While this isn’t a channel that I have innately, many of the clients that I have attracted do! This attraction flow of energy when you have this channel focuses on the bond of community. This isn’t the only channel that does this but it’s a major one.

Let me break it down by gate.

When you have the Heart’s Gate 40, you recognize the need to individualize yourself when in a group of people which is powerful for leaders or those who will direct or guide others.

When you also have the Solar Plexus’ Gate 37, you have the ability to hold that group of people together with warmth and connection. This is your natural state of being but you may have been conditioned to act differently.

Together, when the channel of energy flow consistently, there is a harmonious relationship that develops, very supportive of both of you.

Relationships play a key role in business and life. This is 1 attraction flow channel or theme that supports the way you could be designed to interact, to support your purpose.

Those with this attraction flow channel theme from gate 40 to gate 37 are always looking for their place within the whole; the bigger vision and the individualized gift they can share to support the collective.

To truly access this energy flow, being aware of when you need rest and when you haven’t been rewarded for your energy exchanges are key aspects to aligning in the most synchronistic relationships for you.

While community may come naturally to you, it’s important to be aligned with the people you are around to fulfill your divine purpose and bring in more joy.

This attraction flow theme supports an even exchange between you and the other or others. It can be a client relationship, a marriage or life partnership, or as a leader or partner in a collective group.

This divine design is partnership…an equal exchange…with grows over time, carefully through emotions and with deepening awareness of how you can serve or support each other.

Is this an attraction flow theme you have?

Two of my business clients are utilizing this innate gift to grow aligned communities to support their gifts right now. Can you see how you can utilize this in your business or life?

The next theme I’m called to focus on with you is from the Solar Plexus to the Throat. This attraction flow theme begins at gate 36 in the Solar Plexus and ends at gate 35 in the Throat.

Do you have these 2 gates circled with a black, red or black/red line between both centers?

If so, experience plays a big role in your divine design. Your desire for new experiences will not always be based on logic as the emotional spiritual awareness is at play here.

Solar Plexus Gate 36 is always nudging you towards a new experience where you create deep awareness from…major spiritual consciousness and evolution happening here!

When partnered with Throat’s Gate 35, you see you attract by sharing your experiences completely, driven by the desire to see what would happen next. This is a largely expressive gate where you share to create a deeper relationship with others.

However, your willingness to try almost anything requires a large community of informal partners, those who may join you once or twice. Because your approach is so rare, it is unlikely you will find someone exactly like you, willing to do it all too.

You are cautioned to try and convince those who aren’t ready for these adventures as they may lack the skills and talents to manage first time problems that can stem into crises. The same crisis that you naturally turn into awareness, can create trauma for them.

Throat’s Gate 35 gives you a focus to share these experiences, and align with those who desire to hear about them or explore them with you, naturally supporting you with the timing and whom.

Do you have this attraction flow theme? What does knowing this about the channel’s flow energy support you with?

One more attraction flow theme to go in this episode…

And it’s a favorite among my clients because it’s called the Channel of Money in Human Design. If you don’t have this attraction flow theme, it does not mean you won’t make money but rather that you will not be driven to in this particular way…

You’ll see what I mean in a minute…

Locate gate 21 in the Heart and gate 45 in the Throat.

If you only have 1 of these gates, this is common! I have 1 and so do many of my clients…in relationships, it helps to partner with those who have the other gate, giving you access to the who channel of energy flow, which attracts opportunities, support and resources to you.

See why this is so good to know!?!

Together, these gates: Heart’s Gate 21 and Throat’s Gate 45 flow together for a channel of energy that is focused on attracting for the material plane. This means receiving resources, support and opportunities as well as managing them.


Hearts’ Gate 21 is known for wanting to be in control…think Aries energy here. The big thing to be aware of is that this gate functions best, with least resistance, so it’s imperative that what you’re controlling has been given to you.

That’s where Throat’s Gate 45 comes in which is also known for its’ ability to gather through education but in this case, is here to protect material resources, knowing when to manage them and when to manifest them.

Can you guess which gate I have? Yup, Gate 45…

If you have both gates, you are skilled in both the receiving and managing of money or wealth. If you have one gate, you’ll want to partner your skill with the gate you’re missing by finding it in another to become masterful of the material plane.

There are a number of these individuals I partner with and it has not only expanded my community but it has also increased my clients plus supported them to do the same. MAGIC when you know this.

For those who wish to discover more now with my support and guidance, there are options available to you >>> Attract by Design®.

Ready to continue with the next episodes?

Next up ∞ Episode Series: Attraction Flow Support


Deb Farina

Deb is extremely passionate about attracting as you were designed to, bringing guidance for your unique genetic imprint to you so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

She has over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching in the life and entrepreneurial space. Prior to setting out on her own, she worked for small and medium sized entrepreneurial companies, guiding CEOs and COOs to double and triple their businesses.