Designed to Attract 1


Updated 7/26/23…

Designed to Attract Series

Discover Your Divinely Designed & Defined Attraction Approach

+ Strengths through your Human Design Strategy: Generators & Manifesting Generators

Much like the Moon sign, your Strategy in Human Design supports the day to day but it differs in that it’s focused on your energy approach that guides attracting opportunities, resources and support as gifts on/for purpose.

 *****Human Design Chart is required and can be obtained for free at Jovian. {Please note that I am not affiliated with this website but have found it to be an incredible resource for my clients.}

What does it mean to be a Generator or Manifesting Generator?

If you’re not new to law of attraction, you’ve most likely been taught a Manifestor approach, which is 1 of 4 energy types you could be.

So, if you’ve ever felt frustrated that the manifesting or attraction process wasn’t working for you, it’s because you hadn’t been using the most aligned strategy for you.

I’d like to start resolving that for you today!

 First, let’s understand the energy behind the strategy.

Generators {and the sub-type Manifesting Generators} have a defined Sacral Center {it’s the 2nd square from the bottom, in the center and colored red when defined}.

This definition means you and we {as I am too!} always have energy.

It’s not that we don’t get tired or exhausted because we do but we can sleep and bounce out of bed the next day {provided we haven’t been over-doing it for too long}.

Generators & Manifesting Generators are designed strategically to use this Sacral Center to support their use of energy as a resource and have one or more gates actively triggering this theme.

Each center has a number of gates, or energy themes, available and when defined for you, it’s circled on your chart.

When a gate is defined {or active}, the flow is continuously available.

Think of active gates as flowers opening up or light penetrating the dark.

Like tangible gates, they regulate the flow of energy which we’ll explore in a bit.

The Sacral Center supports regulation of this energy flow to work with resources and dependent on the gate theme, impacts the way you use them. More on that during the gate review in a bit.

This defined center is a strength for you…to be able to use energy resources so completely and when working with Authority, in alignment with your purpose.

If you’re new to Authority, I highly recommend that you check out the Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1 Episodes 5 or 6 as Authority is like the Sun Sign in Astrology while the Strategy is like the Moon Sign…

When I say Strategy is like the moon sign, I’m not talking specific characteristics but rather level of importance in your energy design.

Strategy becomes the basis for you to understand how you interact with your energy flow but doesn’t define the flow.

The flow is like your ascendant in Astrology and we’ll talk more about that once the foundation is laid for your Strategy & Authority.

If my astrology references aren’t familiar to you, no worries, I’ll break this down in what my clients call a down to earth approach

{for those who follow astrology, I’m Virgo Sun & Virgo Moon, with Scorpio ascendant}.

Moving on…

What is the strategy behind the energy type of Generators & Manifesting Generators?

Remember I said you most likely learned an attraction process that was built for a Manifestor.

>>> Now you will learn your energy strategy built for your design.

Before I get to the details {and I won’t make you wait much longer},

I do want you to know that due to society conditioning or past experiences, you may be a bit attached to wanting to be like a Manifestor.

I’d love for you to love your Strategy as much as I do now but I will be honest, when I first found out, I was not so happy…because I wanted to be a Manifestor.

However, as soon as I started to work with this Strategy {along with that Authority}, I saw the ease…it felt like I came home to me.

Your Strategy is the most efficient and effective use of energy for you to be your pure soul/true expression in this human form.

Generators & Manifesting Generators are more focused on creating things than making things happen.

What does that even mean?

Oh, we love to bring things to creation…whether it be a project or a work of art or a plan!

The creation energy is so strong in us that it almost compels us forward on a daily basis.

Because the Sacral Center energy gates are “pressurized” {in the channel flow to active gates in other Centers}…

Generators & Manifesting Generators have the potential to burnout or overuse energy, unless working with their defined Authority.

We’re most effective “manifesting” when we recognize what commitments are aligned for us!

Generators & Manifesting Generators are great builders!

It’s that endless supply of creative energy and we love to go step by step.

This makes us great project managers.

But it also opens us up to be incredibly resourceful for others, so knowing when to say no is powerful.

{Did you get your Alignment down yet? It’s a great resource to manage personal boundaries.}

One true approach for both Generators & Manifesting Generators is to love what you do or be with your energy.

How do I use my strategy as a Generator/Manifesting Generator?

Work with the Sacral Center which is known for its’ instinctual ability…the “gut” knowing everyone has.

As a Generator/Manifesting Generator, your energy type is designed to work with this instinctual knowing but because society doesn’t put an emphasis on this, you may need to awaken your connection to it.

Here’s how {and this Strategy loves the how!} you do it:

Your body creates a vibration that gives you yes or no signal when you’re about to commit your energy.

Your body will lean forward or feel really light to you when it’s a yes.

When it’s a no to commit your energy, your body will feel heavy or tired, and you may even lean away from it.

Those of you familiar with muscle testing will recognize this energy approach.

You may also feel this vibration as ah-HUH {yes!} or UHN-uh {no}, responding to the idea when prompted by another.

In general, you are designed to respond to life.

You see the sun shining outside and check in with your body if you want to commit to going out.

You recognize a person at the store but have a ton of things to do on your to do list {so common for Generators & Manifesting Generators} so do you stop and have a conversation?

Your body tells you what energy resource you have at any given time.

The strategy that works most effectively for Generators & Manifesting Generators is to recognize that even when we’re waiting to do something, we’re actively responding to life by making the choice to hold our energy for what fills us up.

If you’re Sacral Authority as well, we use the above system to support making all decisions through instinct, but if your Solar Plexus Authority, you’ll be designed to wait to utilize your emotional awareness to support what your body tells you.

What do Generators & Manifesting Generators need to know

This section is broken up by type as Generators & Manifesting Generators are a bit different!

Generators, you are designed to go step by step through the attraction flow with the understanding that there will be moments of plateaus to process and integrate the journey.

Anything you create will be done so with responding to your environment and life…the people and experiences that come at you.

You could be delayed when you respond to an unexpected visit from a family member or friend but they in turn can spark an idea in you.

Also, once you start the step by step process of activating your creation flow, you aren’t easily able to change your direction.

Manifesting Generators, we’re designed to go step by step but using our efficient connection to the Throat Center, we speed up this process and skip steps that aren’t necessary…

However, be careful the steps skipped are really not necessary or we’ll be back to square one rebuilding it.

This reminds me of the orb weaver spider who throws out a web to get started but then once her design is set, she goes back and eats the original lines of web.

In much the same way, we often throw out the beginning steps as they’re simply meant to get us started.

What’s the most effective way for Generators & Manifesting Generators to use their energy?

The Sacral motor in your design does not want to give up until what you’ve started is completed, no matter how long it takes.

So be sure to work with your Authority to choose what you start aligned with you.

Then, you can work with the energy gates of the Sacral Center which are key sources of power for Generators & Manifesting Generators.

 Sacral Energy Gates

Today I’m called to focus on the 9 distinct energy possibilities {those gates} located in the Sacral Center to support your energy resources, the power and in many cases, commitment of energy you give towards anything in life.

To notice which energy gates you have access to all the time, see which numbers are circled in your Sacral Center {this is the 2nd square up from the bottom and will be red on your chart}.

Let’s begin with Gate 34.

This gate gives you access to great strength when activated {designated by that colored circle around your number}.

It’s designed to work with enormous power when you’re balanced from within...think tree with deep roots.

Gate 5 is a key driver in sensing universal timing,

the rhythms of life and balance of such, like yin and yang energy.

It’s designed, when active, to support your waiting sequence to use energy most efficiently by waiting until the time is aligned.

Gate 14 is a gate that embodies the theme of harvesting

…meaning an aptitude for continuing to cultivate so you have resources that include prosperity, wealth and abundance

…which requires building detachment and perseverance to empower your continued direction and flow.

Gate 29 is patient perseverance

Once you’ve committed to a direction, it gives the consistency needed to create success

With a focus on devotion to the direction you’re focused in, rather than the steps.

Gate 59 dissolves barriers to connect with others

Creating an openness to connect with the whole.

It’s designed to work with intimacy to develop relationships that are supportive with aligned people.

Gate 9 is focused on the details and take things step by step.

Giving you the attention required to complete the commitment with focus.

Looking at anything that may support the endeavor for fulfillment.

Gate 3 is designed to support beginnings

Giving you resources to break from old ways and create new perspectives.

This gate embodies perseverance and organization to create innovatively.

Gate 42 is driven to steadily grow resources, step by step,

by naturally timing the journey so when experiences occur, the resources are there for your disposal.

It’s designed to work with both inner and outer resources, increasing the capabilities of both.

Gate 27 is designed to be nurturing,

bringing in a care giving aspect and balance to your use of energy so that there’s quality and well-being to your life that you enjoy.

There is a selflessness aspect that is a higher expression of energy driven by this gate’s energy flow, bringing out caregivers and calling to service-based professions.

These energy gates support your attraction flow, often through channels of energy.

Each gate is supported by another gate through an energy channel, connecting Center to Center.

These 2 gates work together to bring out themes.

Let me give you an example of an energy gate supported by a channeled flow of energy:

One of my active channels {meaning both gates in each center are circled} is from the G Center or Higher Self Gate 46 to Gate 29 in the Sacral.

It’s designed to attract when I let go of expectations and relax into a right place, right time mentality.

You can locate your active channels by noticing which lines are colored in and flow completely from center to center {the centers are the shapes on your chart}.

The combination of these energy channels as well as your active gates give you your unique brand of working with attraction which is supported through your Strategy as well as your Authority.

To dive into what each center is defined for and how best to work with them, visit Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1, Episode 1.

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

I look forward to supporting you as you continue this journey into your divine design to/for purpose, creating as you were meant to.

Meet Deb

Deb Farina is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, 10+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their businesses and naturally attract more clients with a structure that brings more ease as well as creative freedom.