Retrograde Review 2023


A Turning Time standalone blog, bringing you an overview of the 2023 retrogrades.

The Retrograde Review 2023 Mastering Class supports this blog post by helping you recognize which retrogrades will be most significant for you: Mastering Classes

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

Retrograde Reviews are an opportunity to look at the past with a fresh perspective to gain higher understanding from the experiences.


Below is an overview of the major planets that will retrograde in 2023, along with a brief review of the themes.

Following the overview, discover guidance to see the way each retrograde impacts your energy through a review of your natal planets.

Additional blog posts will continue more detailed information on each retrograde as they approach.


We begin with Mercury as this retrograde occurs next.


Mercury at a glance:

There are 3 more retrogrades this year that Mercury will move through.

Mercury’s next {spring} retrograde begins with a preview or pre-shadow of themes on April 7, 2023. Mercury officially begins this retrograde on April 21st in Taurus at 15 degrees, 37 minutes and completes May 15th at Taurus 5 degrees, 5 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends May 31, 2023.

The themes this retrograde reviews include Receiving, Rationalizing and Nourishing Self.

Receiving: finding your natural connection with the unseen and inner guidance system of the higher self, establishing the difference between knowing and knowledge.

Rationalizing: returning your thoughts over and over, until they spiral up and new innovative, transformative perspectives emerge.

Nourishing Self: cultivating your being as you would newly planted seeds, looking at all aspects of your life and balancing the energy.


Mercury’s second {late summer/early fall} retrograde starts with a preview or pre-shadow on August 4th, officially entering into the retrograde on August 23rd in Virgo at 21 degrees, 51 minutes and completes Sept. 15th at Virgo 8 degrees.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends September 30, 2023.

The themes this retrograde reviews are Realizations, Possibilities and Distinguishing Individuality.

Realizations: by reviewing beliefs/truths as you experience life, you create space to strengthen truths and remove those that do not apply, supporting realizations {which may be to accept not fully knowing}.

Possibilities: cautiously reviewing options when in a new state which appears as confusion to discern with clarity which possibilities are most resonant to move forward.

Distinguishing Individuality: by resting and detaching from what experience has occurred, you’re able to distinguish what was the opportunity in the lesson, supporting clarity to attain what you desire.


Mercury’s final {winter} retrograde of the year begins its preview or pre-shadow on November 25th, officially entering on December 13th Capricorn at 8 degrees, 29 minutes and completes in the New Year on January 2, 2024 at Sagittarius 22 degrees, 10 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends January 21, 2024.

The themes this retrograde reviews are Meaning, Expectations & Behaviors, Harmony and Accumulating.

Meaning: accessing the replenishment provided in stimulating conversation to expand viewpoints and perspectives, bringing more meaning through knowledge.

Expectations & Behaviors: acquiescing to your own pace and place within the collective, supporting others to do the same, despite challenges and shifts in expected behavior.

Harmony: ideas and solutions that were obscured are now brought to light to make necessary adjustments to beliefs, thereby increasing the possibilities that turn into reality.

Accumulating: accessing self-renewal by either holding together, holding back or “holding” {as in being held to nourish oneself} to create the internal balance needed to harness the material energy stored.


Pluto at a glance:

Already in the preview of the themes, Pluto’s retrograde officially begins on May 1, 2023 at Aquarius 0 degrees, 22 minutes and completes on October 10th at Capricorn 27 degrees, 53 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends January 31, 2024.

The theme this retrograde reviews is Redefining Limitations: accepting restriction by identifying your own limitations allows you to direct where you re-define your energy, finding new ways to resolve challenges.


Saturn at a glance:

This retrograde begins with a preview or pre-shadow of the themes starting March 11, 2023. Then, the retrograde officially starts June 17, 2023 at Pisces 7 degrees, 12 minutes and completes November 4, 2023 at Pisces 0 degrees, 30 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends February 7, 2024.

The themes this retrograde reviews are Relationships or Partnerships, bringing community to your individuality and creating Spiritual Space for wholeness.

Relationships or Partnerships: through natural affection and inner truth, connections are established and maintained with warmth and nurturing to support expression that is aligned.

Spiritual Space: applying clarity to feelings to release any remaining conditioning, creating space to establish connection with abundance.


Neptune at a glance:

This retrograde begins with a preview or pre-shadow of the themes starting March 9, 2023. Then, the retrograde officially starts June 30, 2023 at Pisces 27 degrees, 41 minutes and completes December 6, 2023 Pisces 24 degrees, 53 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends March 25, 2024.

The theme this retrograde reviews is Conflict Resolution: during challenging or new times, it serves to go inward with compassion to maintain your sense of balance and illuminate understanding.


Venus at a glance:

This retrograde begins with a preview or pre-shadow of the themes starting June 19, 2023. Then, the retrograde officially starts July 23, 2023 at Leo 28 degrees, 36 minutes and completes September 4, 2023 at Leo 12 degrees, 12 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends October 7, 2023.

The themes this retrograde reviews are Commitment, Pursuing Answers, Sharing Common Intent and Retreating.

Commitment: by patiently persevering you recognize which direction and actions support alignment to move your forward.

Pursuing Answers: the journey of admitting knowledge is needed and to pursue answers by not simply looking for solutions but by ascertaining which solutions are aligned, whether they are temporary or partial.

Sharing Common Intent: by guiding with shared interests, you ignite consent in others, moving things forward with flexibility in use of your resources to maintain balance.

Retreating: by stepping away from an action to strengthen your spiritual/emotional/physical, you’re able to advance in assimilating the past experiences and evolve to let go, moving you forward.


Chiron at a glance:

This retrograde begins with a preview or pre-shadow of the themes starting March 29, 2023. Then, the retrograde officially starts July 23, 2023, along with Venus but at Aries 19 degrees, 57 minutes and completes December 27, 2023 at Aries 15 degrees, 27 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends April 18, 2024.

The theme this retrograde reviews is Disruptions to Awaken: a shift in old perceptions to awaken new possibilities and recognize the unseen forces at work.


Uranus at a glance:

This retrograde begins with a preview or pre-shadow of the themes starting May 12, 2023. Then, the retrograde officially starts August 29, 2023 at Taurus 23 degrees, 4 minutes and completes January 27, 2024 at Taurus 19 degrees, 5 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends May 12, 2024.

The theme this retrograde reviews is Stabilizing: assimilating your truth when you step away from your current path, releasing the non-essential to broaden your view.


Jupiter at a glance:

This retrograde begins with a preview or pre-shadow of the themes starting June 11, 2023. Then, the retrograde officially starts September 4, 2023 at Taurus 15 degrees, 34 minutes and completes December 31, 2023 at Taurus 5 degrees, 34 minutes.

Then, you’re given an opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes with a final pass through or post-shadow which ends March 23, 2024.

The themes this retrograde reviews are Receptivity, Rationalizing, and Nourishing, which Mercury is reviewing earlier this year.

Receptivity: finding your natural connection with the unseen and inner guidance system of the higher self, establishing the difference between knowing and knowledge.

Rationalizing: returning your thoughts over and over, until they spiral up and new innovative, transformative perspectives emerge.

Nourishing: cultivating your being as you would newly planted seeds, looking at all aspects of your life and balancing the energy.


What significance is the planet to a retrograde?

Each planet adds their perspective to an energy theme to evolve understanding when the theme is highlighted.

Themes are highlighted when the planet moves through the related astrological sign degree and minutes.

For example, as Pluto focuses on the way you regenerate, during its retrograde, the highlighted theme of redefining limits will support you to rebirth and resolve challenges.

Discover more about each planet’s unique themes with this blog post: Life Themes by Design

Where to look in your astrology chart to understand the planet’s retrograde’s impact to you?

First, notice if you have any planet within 5 degrees of the retrograde planet’s astrological sign degrees and minutes. If so, this retrograde will impact that planet or point theme.

For example, my natal Mars is in the pathway of Mercury’s next retrograde, near its completion which tells me that the theme of Nourishing Self will show up in my experiences as it relates to the way I think and take aligned action.

Next, check to see if you have a planet within 90, 120 or 180 degrees. Any planets within 90 or 180 degrees will bring experiences that create tension to teach you to evolve while planets within 120 degrees will support the planet’s theme with harmony, bringing ease and a sense of naturalness.

For example, looking at Mercury’s next retrograde again, my Jupiter is approximately 90 degrees from the final theme so at the end of the retrograde, experiences that create tension to support expanding will occur in this final theme of Nourishing Self.

Or for example, my Virgo Moon is within 120 degrees of Mercury’s review of Rationalizing so my theme of Possibilities will be in harmony with these Returning thoughts to bring about realizations during the middle of the retrograde.


All themes won’t feel significant and vary in intensity as prominent themes are decided through your natal design {Astrology/Human Design}. To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, an energy and entrepreneur mentor. While many clients utilize both the energy and entrepreneur focus, there are others who choose to concentrate on 1 area.

As an energy mentor, I guide you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As an entrepreneur mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.