Astrology Answers 2023


Utilize your Astrology Chart & Human Design Chart to individualize your experiences.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

When you’re newer to Astrology, this post is your guide to navigate the answers that astrology provides through planets, houses and aspects. Those who are more advanced, scroll to the Aspect section.

Why Astrology AND Human Design charts?

Astrology charts offers an excellent visualization of planets/points and their interaction with each other, demonstrating their themes by degrees and angles.

Human Design charts add more depth to the planet and some point information by showing both the Astrology through the conscious Personality and additional Design {subconscious awareness} themes.

But Human Design charts don’t share all the point information like Astrology charts...

Astrology charts provide key placement information for points, like Chiron or the development cycle {Ascendant, IC/Nadir, Descendant and MC Points} which Human Design does not illustrate.

However, Human Design charts includes a key opposition to the Sun, the Earth Point, that astrology charts do not.

Therefore, to receive the whole picture, it’s helpful to work with both and this is why this guide to astrology post includes reference links for each {and why I include both in my sessions}.


Planets & Points

These first planets and points are directly connected to the way you identify with yourself and a unique individual journey.

The Sun ☉ is the light, the expression of your conscious identity; I am.

As this is the largest planet, it’s common to identify strongly with the meaning of this placement for yourself. However, many resonate more when they understand their Rising Sign, which is your Ascendant Point.


The Moon ☽ is your subconscious identity, which presents through emotion on a day to day basis to nurture your evolution; I feel.

As the Moon is the fastest moving planet, it requires awareness to access all the nuances and ways it supports you.


The North Node Point ☊ is what you’re be-coming; what you’re guided to evolve and master in this lifetime.

This point becomes more prominent for your awareness upon the North Node return, happening in your early 40’s.


The South Node Point ☋ is your strength from past lives; what you’re descending/bringing to earth to support this lifetime’s evolution.

This point is always exactly opposite the North Node Point but is not always visible on all astrology charts.


The next planets are known for their focus on your individual evolution in thinking, relationships and actions.

Mercury ☿ governs both thinking and communication; creating awareness and adaptively to circumstances/experiences.

Venus ♀ guides relationships and your giving/receiving energies to release separation and establish truly aligned connection; love.

Mars ♂ utilizes desires to align your energy to act or execute a series of actions that activate a resonance as an evolutionary agent.


The next planets are known for both individual and collective evolution for expansion and structure.

Jupiter brings opportunity to be seen for divinely given gifts/talents/abilities and to expand through wisdom brought on through experiences.

Saturn ♄ is known for responsibility and remembrance of lessons to achieve and bring enduring substance through structure.


The next planets are known for collective evolution through individuality, transcendence and rebirth.

Uranus ♅ is the disrupter of society paradigms and fosters innovation for evolution which is expressed as individuality.

Neptune ♆ transcends beliefs with inspired ideas, bringing about altered states of reality.

Pluto ♇ utilizes control and surrender to release contemporary consciousness and regenerate ideas to empower evolution.


This final point is known for individual and collective evolution through deep healing.

Chiron Point ⚷ is known as the healer of one’s deepest wound as it guides you through the cycle of completion by going back to the past to heal and remember, then open a new future with vision.


To keep this blog post as simple as possible, major planets and points are explained while the dwarf planets and asteroids are left for later advanced study.

To explore your Ascendant, IC/Nadir, Descendant and MC Points, visit this blog post: Balanced Beyond Conditioning


Your planets or points are located in a specific astrological sign and degree.

Each planet or point uses that sign and degree’s theme for a purpose, which is experienced by its location {house}.

When you’re ready to explore the specific theme occurring in your experiences: Free Your Focus Reading



Each House gives the planet a place to present the theme in your experiences. The astrological sign shows you the expression of the planet’s pathway at a moment in time.

Discover more about astrological signs with this blog post: Leveraging Your Individuality


When a House is empty, this theme is not prominent for you to evolve in the astrological sign that is located there.

Your Houses are divided into 2 halves, a bottom that shares experiences for individual growth {Houses 1 through 6} and a top that heals experiences for collective evolution {Houses 7 through 12}.

Each House has a specific area where your experiences present:


House 1 looks at self-identity…it’s what you identify with you.

House 2 is about values…it’s what you individually consider has worth.

House 3 demonstrates how you process…it’s the way you think.

House 4 looks at your private space…it’s where you feel safe; your sanctuary.

House 5 is your personal expression…it’s where you create and play.

House 6 is about the material experience…it’s your day to day routines.

House 7 demonstrates your relationships…it’s the way you interact with others.

House 8 is your subconscious…it’s the way emotions impact what you value and achieve in the outer world.

House 9 is about your beliefs…it’s your philosophy and the way you present it in the world, as well as the interaction of other’s beliefs.

House 10 is about your profession…it’s your life’s work and the way you socialize with others.

House 11 is your contributions…it’s the way you bring gifts, talents and abilities to others.

House 12 is about what is intangible…it’s the way you work with the unseen to release routines.



Astrology aspects are relationships between 2 planets or points based on the angle of separation. To keep this blog post simple and easy to use, the focus is on major angles of separation or common geometric patterns like conjunctions.


Why do certain experiences feel harder than others? What brings flow rather than tension?

Aspects are presented in different ways to support your growth through an experiences.

Gentle guides provide flow and harmony while teaching tensions help you resolve seemingly opposite approaches or realign your direction.


To support you in understanding their significance, there are current examples below each that illustrates what is going on now in the energy and your experiences. {this blog post was created March 30, 2023}


Gentle Guides:

Conjunctions provide flow and harmony through a similar theme or same energy approach. When planets are in a conjunction, their themes intertwine and work together.

Currently, there are several conjunctions present in Aries:

The Sun with Chiron, then Chiron with Jupiter, then Jupiter with Mercury. Each of these planets is within 8 degrees of each other in Aries, supporting this sign’s theme of individualism and the fire or passion that fuels confidence for new experiences.

When 3 or more planets are located in one sign {as the above example shows}, it’s considered a stellium, which is a pattern that creates emphasis on the astrology sign’s theme for your life’s experiences.

Can you see where this is showing up for you?


Trines create flow and harmony through a similar energy approach. Like conjunctions but with subtle difference that feel natural. It occurs when planets are within 120 degrees {-/+ 8 degrees} from each other.

For example, currently the Saturn is in Pisces with Mars is in Cancer. Since they’re both water signs, they share a similar energy approach that makes working with structures or achievements {Saturn’s theme} and actions {Mars’ theme} feel easier.

When there is another aspect pattern that intersects, such as Pluto in Aquarius, it impacts the way the energy is felt or seen in experiences as Aquarius is air which is a different, opposing energy to water that creates tension {see inconjunction below for more info}.


Sextiles create flow and harmony by proximity, within 60 degrees {-/+ 8 degrees} from each other and sharing a similar energy approach.

For example, Mars in Cancer sextiles the North Node in Taurus currently. Since both planets are in divine feminine energies, they both operate with a gentleness {yin energy} that surrenders to the opportunity in experiences.

When there is another aspect pattern that intersects, such as Pluto in Aquarius, it impacts the way the energy is felt or seen in experiences as Aquarius is divine masculine which is a hard {yang energy} that directs experiences which creates tension with divine feminine surrender to grow {see squares below for more info}.


Teaching Tensions:

Oppositions create tension through 2 seemingly different needs that support you to come to center in your approach. These aspects occur when 2 planets are 180 degrees {-/+ 8 degrees} from each other.

Today brings an excellent example as the Moon moves into early degrees of Leo which opposes Pluto in early degrees of Aquarius.

The Moon moves fast so this will have already shifted by tomorrow but there are other longer term oppositions that occur such as…

The Sun in Aries and the Earth Point {see Human Design below} in Libra. Since both are divine masculine energies, you know they have a similar energy approach but they are presenting through the element energy for you to see differences to find your center point.

As you saw with the conjunction example, Aries has a theme that is based on individualism and is fueled by passion while Libra’s theme is focused on harmony and is fueled by intellectual stimulation.

While they differ in theme, they both utilize initiating energy approaches which is the way you center the themes to work with 2 seemingly different energies to support growth.

Another example is the North Node and South Node, which like the Sun and Earth Point, are always in opposition energy. The Nodes are currently in Taurus and Scorpio to work on the theme of your values versus others, similar to House 2 & 8 explained above.

Because they’re both divine feminine energy, you work with the surrender theme to find the opportunity for growth with both Taurus’ sensing or tangible approach and Scorpio’s emotional power and intangible approach.

The opposition is a seesaw where you balance 2 energies until they’re level, bringing you to center.


Squares create tension through 2 different element approaches of similar energy, occurring when 2 planets are 90 degrees {-/+ 8 degrees} from each other.

A current example is Pluto in early degrees of Aquarius and the North Node Point in early degrees of Taurus. Aquarius and Taurus both share a honing in approach, which means they fixate on a point or moment to bring something into form.

Like an opposition, once you illuminate this similarity, work with that energy to grow.


Inconjunctions create tension through 2 different energy approaches to redirect and adjust to grow. Inconjunctions, also called quincunx, occur when 2 planets are 150 degrees {-/+ 8 degrees} from each other.

A current example of this redirection is Mars in early degrees of Cancer adjusting Pluto in early degrees of Aquarius.

This redirection shifts when there is a planet or point in early degrees of Sagittarius {in your natal chart}, changing the direction of focus to Mars in Cancer.

Unlike a seesaw, the energy is funneled from either divine feminine to divine masculine {as in the first part of the example} requiring more direction of experiences through Pluto…

Or from divine masculine to divine feminine {as in the 2nd part of the example} requiring a surrender to the opportunity in experiences through Cancer.

This funnel of energy is also to balance you as one energy has been predominant for too long. For example, the collective has been working in Pluto in Capricorn since 2008 which is now being balanced by Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years.


If you’ve been wondering why things are shifting so rapidly in your life and experiences, the above illustrates the energy movements through the planets shifts.

These energy shifts will impact generational themes for those born in certain years as well as individual journeys, clearing ancestral conditioning and karma of previous lifetimes.

There are also patterns {like yods} that describe more complex energies which is more advanced study. To continue the astrology journey, explore these blog posts: Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2

Human Design

As noted above, Human Design has a point that Astrology Charts don’t recognize…

The Earth ⊕ Point, directly opposite your Sun, balances spirit and material fulfillment to create wholeness.


Human Design also provides the subconscious awareness of additional energies in the Design Column for each planet or point {with the exception of Chiron} noted above. This area of awareness becomes more prevalent after your North Node return and is even more significant after your Chiron return.


Last but not least for this blog post, Human Design provides a view of channels of energy through your centers that create flows for specific themes to emerge through your experiences to deepen understanding about them.

An important channel flow that is coming is Pluto in Aquarius at Gate 60 which flows to the next North Node in Taurus at Gate 3, beginning June 4th. The channel flow between Gate 60 and Gate 3 represents an opportunity to mutate the confusion of a new beginning.

 When you’re newer to Human Design, visit these posts to navigate a deeper understanding for Profiles, Authority, Strategy, Centers and more on Channel Flows: Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1



All themes won’t feel significant and vary in intensity as prominent themes are decided through your natal design {Astrology/Human Design}. To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, an energy and entrepreneur mentor. While many clients utilize both the energy and entrepreneur focus, there are others who choose to concentrate on 1 area.

As an energy mentor, I guide you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As an entrepreneur mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.