Retro Review 6


A Turning Time standalone blog, focusing on the energy of the Winter Solstice 2022, New Moon Phase and the latest Mercury retrograde, ushering us into 2023 along with when Mars & Uranus go direct.

Astrology & Human Design chart required to individualize your experience.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro Charts

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}


Winter Solstice 2022 at a glance:

Since Dec. 12th, you’ve been preparing for the transformation of the Winter Solstice. Every year, this energy opening is available and peaks when the Sun enters Capricorn initiating a new phase of life.

The Solstice shifts the collective from dark to light. Literally, as daylight begins to expand daily upon completion of this event. But also spiritually…Chiron goes direct to complete a healing cycle on Dec. 23rd, 2 days following the Solstice and when daylight begins to expand.


At the peak of the Winter Solstice, when the Sun enters Capricorn, your identity begins a new cycle that utilizes your innate gifts of intuition and emotion to support releasing expectations or conditioned behaviors related to a past perspective.

The degrees and minutes of the Sun at this peak equates to the I-Ching/Human Design Gate 10 which is one of the most complex energies, supporting unconditional love through spirit and source to bypass behaviors to be you.


To dissolve any conditioning you may have around behaviors or patterns, work with the Capricorn 1 Chandra {Moon} Applied Astrology Symbolism Simplified:

A canopy bed with curtains, signifying a time to go within and dream, reconnecting back to source. The curtain acts as a protector from the external world of illusions {past patterns and expected behaviors} so you can be truly who you are.

To dissolve the conditioning: strengthen from within.

See the bottom of this post for access to learn more about Solstice energy through Astrology.


New Moon in Capricorn Dec. 23. 2022:

On the same day Chiron moves direct, both the Sun and Moon move into the same Capricorn energy: Capricorn 2.

The Chandra {Moon} Applied Astrology Symbolism Simplified is a wisdom tooth that has been removed from someone’s mouth and plated with gold, depicting separating the truth from what is an illusion of knowledge.

To dissolve the conditioning: look for the lesson in the experience.


Capricorn, like Aries, Cancer and Libra, is an initiating energy, asking you to begin a new phase.

As we move throughout the remaining lunar cycle, you’ll have access to each of these signs in a different phase to support the new you’re building.

Follow me on Instagram or Facebook {links below in the footer} for moon phase updates to dissolve conditioning and apply to your experiences.


Mercury Retrograde Winter 2022-2023 at a glance:

Mercury began its preview of the retrograde on the same day the energy portal opened for the Winter Solstice, Dec. 12, 2022.

In typical Capricorn fashion, as we’ll be reviewing energy themes that are in this astrological sign, you’ll see a delay of gratification in lieu of insight.

Instead of focusing on the smaller details, you’ll feel drawn to look at the bigger picture to see what is really at work.

Capricorn specifically looks to initiate perspectives through a broad view or sage-like wisdom which is then descended and grounded to form.

It’s like taking a bird’s eye view than bringing it back to Earth.


What does the retrograde due to Mercury’s themes?

When a retrograde occurs, the planet slows down so much that it appears to us on Earth as if it was moving backwards.

The slowdown literally impacts its planet theme. In the case of Mercury, you see a slow down as delays in travel or communication glitches.

And you have an opportunity to visit the themes the planet is residing in 3 times.


Each astrology degree and minute corresponds to an energy theme.

When the planet goes forward through the theme, you preview it with your past perspective.

Then, during the retrograde, you rewind the past and receive new insights to create future expectations.

Until finally, you’re truly present with the theme in its final pass through as once the retrograde ends, you’re able to bring in completely new energy around the theme.


What is your Mercury in?

Mercury effects the collective with similar themes but the way your energy reacts to them depends on your natal Mercury.

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn} are at home, grounding into form but with an emphasis on perseverance and determination.

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius} will be more practical, turning ideas into reality.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius} have the potential to be more organized.

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces} will feel more able to bring things to form.

This specific retrograde will feel a lot like Pluto’s retrograde this year in the same sign of Capricorn, although different themes will be emphasized.


What will Mercury focus on in this retrograde?

Mercury begins this retrograde at Capricorn 24 degrees, 21 minutes on December 29, 2022 and completes in Capricorn 8 degrees, 8 minutes.

This doesn’t include the preview or pre-shadow period which starts on December 12th and then the final pass or shadow period which completes on February 7th.

During all this time, experiences will come to you based on your astrology around the themes of Truth/Mystery {Gate 61}; Drive {Gate 54}; Opposition/Challenges {Gate 38}; and Meaning/Purpose {Gate 58}.

If you have one of the themes highlighted above, you’ll see it emphasized so you can clear conditioning.


Let’s take a look at these themes a bit more deeply:

Mercury begins its retrograde in the later stages of Truth/Mystery where deep inner thought review penetrates the mysteries, revealing and expressing truths to appreciate current circumstances but recognizing they’re temporary.

It moves quickly to Drive/Ambition to access inner guidance and strengthen your advance forward with a focus on the vision you’re striving for, no matter what happens around you.

Next, it creates Opposition/Challenge to preserve your own individuality when confronted with a perceived untruth by seeing another’s belief through an observer’s view.

Finally, it completes in the later stages of Meaning/Purpose by accessing the replenishment provided in stimulating conversation to expand viewpoints and perspectives, bringing more meaning through knowledge.

Each theme goes through 6 stages: investigating, using inherent gifts, recognizing through experiences, finding opportunities, leading and witnessing. During a retrograde, these themes are experienced in reverse.

If you’d like to explore these stages in more detail, scroll to the bottom of this post and chose Life Themes by Design.


Where does Mars & Uranus fit in?

Since Mars will be in retrograde when Mercury starts, those who have energies in Gemini will feel it the strongest.

Mars goes direct on Jan. 12, 2023 and will remain in the shadow {final pass through the themes} until March 15, 2023.

Since Mars is in the sign of communication with a call to see both sides of a perspective, it will be especially key not to let the details trip you up and utilize each day as an opportunity to see another possibility.

The way the communication unfolds will depend much on your perspective, whether you choose to see both sides or if you tunnel in to one view.


Since Uranus doesn’t go direct until Jan. 22, 2023 and remains in the shadow {final pass through the themes} until May 10, 2023, it will be in effect during Mercury’s retrograde.

As Uranus is also in an Earth sign {Taurus}, all Earth signs will feel this the strongest.

Uranus will support Mercury {or vice a versa} as Uranus likes to disrupt the status quo like Mercury shifts perspective.

You’ll continue to say goodbye to the way you’ve always done things especially the way you manage money and relationships.


Mercury will retrograde a total of 4 times. The next 2 will be in Earth Signs and the final will move us into Fire, preparing us for 2024.

This 1st retrograde picks up where last year’s first retrograde ended to continue the collective work on Capricorn themes.

Capricorn brings a level of authority that is grounded in the energy of patience and determination to initiate something new and get it going.


Is this Mercury Retrograde significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your astrology degree/energy design to find out:

Refer to your astrology chart:

Those who have planets or points in Cardinal {Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra} or Earth {Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo} located at 8 through 24 degrees will feel Mercury’s energy the strongest.

Capricorn themes have already been defined above but it will not be limited to these energies as Mercury reacts uniquely to you based on your own natal energy…

Refer to your Human Design chart:

If you have an energy gate in what astrology would refer to as a square {90 degrees apart}, there is a tense situation that you are being called to work through.

Those with these gates will experience an emphasis in their themes:

{Aries} 17, 21, 51 & 42, {Cancer} 52, 39, 53 & 62, {Libra} 18, 48, 57 & 32.

If you have an energy gate in what astrology would refer to as a trine {120 degrees apart}, there is a harmony and ease that feels natural.

Those with these gates will experience an emphasis in their themes:

{Taurus} 24, 2 & 23, {Virgo} 40, 64, 47 & 6.

If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

It’s important to note which planet or point in your natal chart is linked to the energy noted above as you’ll see your experiences through that theme.

You can also utilize the house location of the planet or point to get a sense of where in your experiences it will be emphasized.

If you’re new to planet or point themes, refer to this blog post: Life Themes by Design

If you’re new to astrology house themes, refer to this blog post: Leveraging Your Individuality: Build with Saturn

Want to dive into these topics more?

Retro Reviews:

Explore Uranus: Retro Review 4

Or Mars: Retro Review 5

Retro Reviews are an opportunity to look at the past with a fresh perspective to gain higher understanding from the experiences, with specific themes highlighted through the collective.

Reflection with the Solstice

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

I am a mindset coach, spiritual and business mentor.

As a spiritual mentor, I support you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As a business mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.