Balancing Beyond Conditioning


A turning time standalone blog, focusing on the energy of balancing through your development cycle to ascend your perspective, clearing conditioning.

Where does the development cycle support your energy to balance?

Balancing occurs when you have centered between 2 different needs or themes.

In astrology, an opposition supports balance by illustrating the tension 2 different energy points are bringing, calling your attention to center and evolve.

These 2 different points are opposite each other on your astrology chart.


Everyone has a few commonly placed oppositions, although each theme is unique to the individual.

For the purpose of this blog post, the focus is on your Ascendant {AC} and Descendant {DC} Point as well as your IC/Nadir and MC Point.

These 4 points {AC, IC, DC, and MC} are part of your development cycle in astrology to ascend beyond conditioning in your experiences.


Why would you want to balance your energy through centering?

When you’re energy is leaning to one side or point of energy, it’s like an unbalanced see-saw, creating an “over” or "under” effect.

The over-effect shows up as overwhelmed, exhausted or drained as you’re overdoing an energy to counteract a conditioned belief.

The under-effect appears with resistance or when you’re stuck or stagnant in a pattern, unable to move forward because you’re under doing energy due to a conditioned belief.


The conditioning illustrates through your experience of an over or under effect to show you that there’s still an attachment to a past occurrence.

When attached to a past belief, you project it unto a future experience.

To clear the conditioned belief, you center your energy through being present with your experience as if it was happening for the first time.


Spiritually, presence centers you to sense your connection to spirit.

Spirit guides with an openness, supporting you to see the truth beyond the belief.

This truth moves you beyond past perceptions and brings you to the power of what else could be possible.


What does centering have to do with the development cycle?

When you’re centered, you’ve found the sweet spot between 2 energy themes you incarnated to clear in this lifetime.

Your development cycle tells you through your natal astrology points what spiritual themes support your growth, playing out through experiences in your life.

Like all other points or planet designations in your astrology chart, these points are unique to you, which means they hold understanding about the themes you incarnated to work through.


Each point serves to look at your experiences through a unique lens:

The Ascendant {AC} Point looks to “what” to understand the meaning of a situation and ascend your perspective.

The IC/Nadir Point looks to “how” to see where the experience can help you and utilizes your familial line as well as relationship with security or safety as we define it energetically.

The Descendant {DC} Point looks to “where” the experience is heading to deepen your understanding of potential through breaking through the ego conditioning that separate you from relationships to establish unity.

The MC Point looks to “why” to see the purpose of the experience to develop you and complete the cycle with a theme through deeper meaning.


What does the development cycle look like in your experiences?

Your experience depicts a need or theme for you to release attachment to a belief.

For example, your experience draws attention to show you that you’ve been over-giving when you feel exhausted after serving other’s needs before your own.

The belief of needing to put others before your needs are met, even when held subconsciously, holds you in a stuck or stagnant pattern until you gain understanding.


Using the same example, the belief could be that others are worth more than you are and until you realize, everyone holds value including yourself, you‘ll continue to over-give.

This understanding or truth brings you the knowledge to evolve your perspective.

Once you see that the over-giving is what exhausts you, it creates an inquiry for you to reveal the truth.


You individualize experiences through affirming your needs or themes.

Each development point {AC, IC, DC, and MC} illustrates a specific theme based on the location through the astrological sign and degree in your natal chart.

Once you know your theme, it brings the opportunity to consciously clear and move past it.


For example, the astrological sign and degree placement for my Ascendant Point can be illustrated in 2 ways:

Through Applied Astrology, as a Sabian Symbol, which is a sight-seeing bus, signifying moving away from a beloved, secure past with the motivation of curiosity for an expanded experience.

Or as an I-Ching Gate and Line theme through the Attract by Design® approach, which corresponds to devote time to what new individual values {versus the conditioned universal values} are understandable now.

When I use either of the above energy approaches to ask what is happening with any experience, it supports me to ascend my perspective.


Where does the opposition of points come into play in your experiences?

Knowing what each side of the energy’s needs or theme is supports you to recognize what energy will counteract your current energy.

Each energy theme has a lower expression {when healing is needed} and a higher expression {when spirit is present}.

When healing is needed, you’ll see it in your experience as an “over” or “under” effect.


Let’s use my Ascendant Point and Descendant Point as an example.

The lower energy expression of my Ascendant Point theme is overloaded, while the higher expression is in harmony.

The opposing Descendant Point theme has a lower expression of chaos or disorder, while the higher expression is innovation.

To put this into practice, when I am overloaded with things I believe I must do, I then lean into innovation to shift my energy, bringing me back to balance and clearing the perspective that had me out of balance to begin with.


One way to help shift the energy is through a specifically created channeled mantra, which invokes the energy theme that you’re looking to bring back in to the experience.

Remember the see-saw reference? In essence, you’re calling forth the side that isn’t being used to bring oneself back to center.

In this case, the Mantra I would use is I am interpreting order with patience to begin establishing new perspectives, step by step as it corresponds with the astrological placement of my natal Descendant Point to balance the “over” energy as reflected through my Ascendant Point.


What happens if one doesn’t adjust the energy to bring it back to balance?

If one doesn’t adjust the energy, the pattern continues with experiences ongoing that illustrate it until the tension of being out-of-balance causes one to change the energy approach.

Basically, you experience the same “over” or “under” effect through different circumstances until you recognize it as a signal that a change is needed.

Once in balance, there’s a sense of peace and fulfillment because you’ve completed a cycle of clearing conditioned beliefs, which is the purpose of your incarnation.


To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

I am a mindset coach, spiritual and business mentor.

As a spiritual mentor, I support you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As a business mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.