Reflection with the Solstice


A turning time stand alone blog, focusing on the energy of the solstice {whether it be winter or spring}.

Astrology & Human Design chart required for deeper understanding.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian 

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be incredible resources for my clients.}

What is solstice?

Solstice, like equinox, is an energy turning point…a time to reflect with the change of season and initiate a new perspective or pattern. For the solstice, this point occurs both in the winter and summer and for the equinox, it occurs in spring and fall.

The solstice & equinox date is slightly different every year and is marked by a cardinal energy via the sun to support initiating new ideas. The winter solstice falls on December 21st in 2021 and is the inspiration for this special blog post.


What can you know to work with the energy of the solstice?

The sun moving into Capricorn marks the winter solstice point.

While the other planets will be in different signs or degrees, the Sun is always in gate 10.

Gate 10 focuses on the energy of behavior…strengthening your journey to acquiesce through unconditional love to your own pace within the collective, while supporting others to do the same…despite challenges or shifts in external expected behavior.


I-Ching imagery supports you sensing [the frequency/vibration of} this energy…

…imagine yourself treading on the water with the heavens above.

>>> Envision the level of balance you feel between the lake and the heaven with you in the middle.

The middle view offers an opportunity to see the higher and lower energy.


Then we take it even deeper with the line progressive theme of .2…

Where winter solstice peaks during the transition to Capricorn with the Sun…to focus on the spirit theme of bypassing others drama through creating your own inner sanctuary.

Finally, with the Moon in Cancer, you have the possibility to feel the extra tension created by the axis {like when there is a full moon} between the desire to be public {Capricorn} and private {Cancer}

…creating a tension to remind you that you have needs in both areas and it is only through balancing that you find the middle.


What can I know to work with the solstice using my specific energy design?

Once you know the energy gate {10.2}…you now can look to your Human Design chart.

First, notice if gate 10 is listed in your personality or design columns {it will also be circled on your chart} and if it is, see which symbol/planet it is connected to.

If these symbols/planets are new to you, you can refer to my previous blog post >>> Life Themes by Design.

If gate 10 is not listed or circled, this will be a new energy for you to work with.

Next, look to see if gate 10 creates a channel flow with another already active gate by seeing if those gates are circled on your chart.

In this case, gate 10 creates a flow with gates 20, 34 or 57.

While I don’t typically have gate 10 active {as it is not circled}, I do have both gate 34 and gate 57 active within me…

So when gate 10 is active, I have access to the flow of energy that gate 10 to gate 34 creates as well as the flow from gate 10 to gate 57.

Here’s how the energy presents for each active gate when it meets gate 10…

Gate 20 provides contemplation for what is happening in the moment through the lens of gate 10’s unconditional self-love.

Gate 34 presents the opportunity to explore your energy commitment or resources to empower your individual place with the higher understanding of acceptance of self.

Gate 57 creates an alertness to your environment to work with gate 10’s appreciation of individuality with loving self-acceptance.

Because other planets {especially your individual planets} tend to move through this energy soon before or after this time, you may feel this flow at multiple times during this season.


Is there more you can do to work with this special solstice energy?

Besides knowing the energy gate and potentially pulling an oracle card for an energy theme focus, you can look to 2 special points in your astrology chart called antiscia and contra-antiscia. This energy is utilized more in European astrology reviews versus us.

For the purposes of this blog, the focus is solely for the solstice. On this day, the antiscia point shares the same amount of power that your natal sun does while the contra-antiscia provides another energy point for reflection through the moon.

This means you have another energy theme {antiscia point} to call forth to support you with its strength while you are going through this transition period and another one {contra-antiscia}to bring deeper insight to your situation.


This is an advanced area so if you desire to simplify it, focus on the signs themselves rather than the specific gates, there is value here because similar to when the sun and moon are in full moon illumination, your opposing antiscia and contra-antiscia points create a push – pull effect that provides deeper clarity on the sign themes.

If you’re new to astrology sign themes, refer to my previous blog post to discover each sign’s general theme >>> Complete with Chiron

How do you determine your antiscia & contra-antiscia points & gates?

Time to pull out that astrology chart. Next, note your natal sun and moon sign.


We’ll begin with your antiscia as it relates to your sun. Locate your sun sign below and find the corresponding antiscia sign.

Aries sun >>> Virgo antiscia

Taurus sun >>> Leo antiscia

Gemini sun >>> Cancer antiscia

Cancer sun >>> Gemini antiscia

Leo sun >>> Taurus antiscia

Virgo sun >>> Aries antiscia

Libra sun >>> Pisces antiscia

Scorpio sun >>> Aquarius antiscia

Sagittarius sun >>> Capricorn antiscia

Capricorn sun >>> Sagittarius antiscia

Aquarius sun >>> Scorpio antiscia

Pisces sun >>> Libra antiscia


Next, let’s find the degrees of your antiscia…

Take your natal sun location {degrees, minutes} from your astrology chart and minus 30 degrees {or 29 degrees, 60 minutes}.

Here’s an example: my sun is 5 degrees, 9 minutes so my antiscia point is 24 degrees, 51 minutes.

Now it’s time to refer to a document previously created to uncover the energy gate/theme of your antiscia point >>> Living with Your Lunar Cycle.


Each sign has approximately 6 gates, sometimes they overlap a bit but for a general idea, you can assume each gate is 5 degrees to locate your gate.

Since mine is 24 degrees in aries, I look to the fourth gate 42 for my theme as Aries started with gate 25 already in progress.

I then work with gate 42’s theme on the solstice as I would work with my sun theme in human design…to support who I am.

But you’re not done yet…


Next, find your contra-antiscia point through your natal moon…

Aries moon >>> Pisces contra-antiscia

Taurus moon >>> Aquarius contra-antiscia

Gemini moon >>> Capricorn contra-antiscia

Cancer moon >>> Sagittarius contra-antiscia

Leo moon >>> Scorpio contra-antiscia

Virgo moon >>> Libra contra-antiscia

Libra moon >>> Virgo contra-antiscia

Scorpio moon >>> Leo contra-antiscia

Sagittarius moon >>> Cancer contra-antiscia

Capricorn moon >>> Gemini contra-antiscia

Aquarius moon >>> Taurus contra-antiscia

Pisces moon >>> Aries contra-antiscia


Next, let’s find the degrees of your contra-antiscia…

Take your natal moon location {degrees, minutes} from your astrology chart and minus 30 degrees {or 29 degrees, 60 minutes}.

Here’s an example: my moon is 11 degrees, 34 minutes so my contra-antiscia is 18 degrees, 26 minutes.

Now it’s time to refer to my previously created document again to uncover the energy gate/theme of your contra-antiscia point >>> Living with Your Lunar Cycle.


Remember, each sign has approximately 6 gates, sometimes they overlap a bit but for a general idea, you can assume each gate is 5 degrees to locate your gate.

Since mine is 18 degrees in libra, i look to the fourth gate for my theme as libra started with gate 46 already in progress.

I then work with gate 57’s theme on the solstice as a reflection point as i do with the moon theme.


To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Deb Farina, channel for Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about your understanding your individual energy design to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your own divinely diven gifts for strength and support, evolving your soul along the way.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life plus has expertise in guiding you energetically to fulfill your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.