Leveraging Your Individuality: Complete with Chiron
Season 2, Episode 8
In the 8th episode of Season 2 Soul Themes, we continue the look at your understanding of your individual energy planets or points that are focused for collective/generational evolution.
Astrology & Human Design chart required for deeper understanding.
>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro
& Human Design here >>> Jovian
{I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}
In the final of a series of 3 planet/point close ups to support you bringing your individuality into the collective, we look to Chiron for completion.
What is Chiron?
Chiron is an asteroid that emits a frequency to bring awareness to the themes in your life that can be healed to make your soul journey complete in these areas.
While Chiron is felt the most intensely during the return, which occurs around age 50, you are working with this theme throughout your life.
The Chiron Return occurs specifically when Chiron reaches the exact point it was at when you were born. See your astrology chart to locate your Chiron sign and degrees, then any astrology ephemeris for the years you turn 49, 50 and 51 to determine your specific return date.
How is the asteroid Chiron similar to the collective planets Uranus and Saturn?
All 3 energies are significant to show you major life opportunities to transition and re-birth your energy.
The Saturn Return {every 28 years}, the Uranus Opposition {typically around 42 years} and of course, the Chiron Return {approximately 50 years}.
While Saturn focuses on where you are restricting and constricting, and Uranus gives you the focus of innovative individuality, Chiron provides a deep soul wound to heal. To discover more about Saturn & Uranus, visit the other Leveraging Your Individuality blog posts.
As with Saturn and Uranus, Chiron is generational so those who were born close to you in age will share the same astrological sign. During each return or opposition, an energy transition opportunity is greatly enhanced.
If one does not bring awareness to an energy transition, it will be experienced through external forces, whether it be big disruptions or transitions to obtain your attention on the area that must shift for your growth and evolution.
Chiron asks you to find your deepest darkest wounds that have been hidden with the illusion of protection. you believe that by avoiding it or pushing it down, it will go away.
It is part of your subconscious work so attention is required to release any conditioned or as human design would say, not self aspects of your beliefs.
Your struggle is released, not by no challenge, but by the ease to which your challenges are met which is supported through your unique energy approach.
Understanding Your Chiron…
Let’s locate it first! Consult your astrology chart. {see link above}
Once you’ve located it, note your Chiron astrological sign first to understand your general theme. For example, my Chiron is in Aries so it’s devoted to strong individualism/self and new experiences.
My deepest soul wound pertains to self-confidence and having the courage to try new things.
Here’s a simplified snapshot of the remainder of signs for you:
where is your deepest wound in relation to your theme?
Taurus appreciates the physical senses & security.
Gemini emphasizes communication.
Cancer pursues emotional security.
Leo accents respect and recognition.
Virgo focuses on mastery of service.
Libra looks to balance and harmony.
Scorpio encourages emotional power.
Sagittarius seeks the truth through idealism.
Capricorn brings perseverance and ambitious determination.
Aquarius wants to connect everyone.
Pisces extends empathy and healing.
Then, to gain more specificity on your energy approach by finding your energy gate through Human Design, refer to: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.
Since astrological signs begin at 0 degrees and end at 29 degrees 30 minutes, you can approximate which gate, giving each gate 5 degrees. For example my Aries gate is at 20 degrees so that lines up with the 3rd from the last gate: #51.
As you can see from living with the lunar cycle, gate 51 calls for a shift in old perceptions to awaken new possibilities and recognize the unseen forces at work.
When I work with this theme, I heal and create a bridge to completion for my soul themes.
Here’s how the energy approach works for me…
I lean into the wisdom that is created from an observer view, with no attachment to my experience {as I work from the .6 line progression as defined in a previous blog post here >>> Life Themes by Design }
As I watch the energy of the experience arouse my ability to regenerate from old perceptions…
Themes like relationships in particular which covers various areas like business, money, family and self.
To regenerate as my energy approach requires, I act like the phoenix that rises from the ashes…literally creating a death of the old perception to rise up with a dramatic shift to new possibilities.
Let me illustrate with a few tangible business examples…
Leaving behind webinars to open a Facebook Group without an email required {when groups were just beginning}.
Releasing a Facebook Group to channel Attract by Design® programs.
Letting go of a traditional email list to work with relationships and referrals, increasing my 1:1 coaching.
Let’s look at the recent one in more depth…
Releasing a traditional email list, when almost every business program I ever participated in teaches it, is one of the key ingredients to growing a successful business by recognizing it is not the case for me even though I had been working on this for almost 10 years.
My rebirth occurred when I allowed my website to house free access to my blog without any opt-ins. This shift in thought opened an energy portal that created a vibrational frequency bringing 2 new clients through referrals {one from a referral given over 2 years prior} and another relationship where I shared my gifts through another’s group program, extending my audience.
Meet Deb
Deb Farina, channel for Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your uniquely you method to attract.
With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.