Timeline Transitions


Restore & Remember

…who you are

Read the transcript or access the video below.

Hey there!

Do you know about the spiral of time, ascension through spiritual healing?

Like the picture of the wave above, the spiral redirects energy from a stagnant space

To bring you back into rhythm with your Higher Self.

You’ve been clearing, transmuting “past” to restore and remember

That your answers are within…

And these videos, articles and audios

Are a guide to bring you back home.

As you read this blog post or watch the 3 Waves video, Timeline Transitions {link at top of page}…

Inquire within {hand on heart} and follow what resonates to expand your consciousness.

Timeline Transition

…the 3 Waves

When one thinks of ascension, the pyramid or triangle comes to mind

In science the triangle is the delta symbol, connected to 5 or transforming energy {the topic of the next blog post}

The 3 is integrating

Healing the divine masculine, assimilating with the divine feminine

To restore one to the state of 1.

As this 1 energy was split into 3, the duality of above and below.

The duality of energy supports navigating experiences in different frequencies.

But these frequencies have gotten so fragmented that the essence of them has been lost.

But it is slowly being remembered as deepened connection with Higher Self emerges

Through processing of emotions so one can witness experiences rather than judge or categorize them.

The 3rd dimension of reality, Earth, gives one the opportunity

To process denser emotions and realign to a different view.

One when is rigid in thinking, the energy stagnates like water that doesn’t move.

As with stagnant water, it attracts “insects” that feed off of it.

In a similar way, your thinking feeds off the unprocessed “dead” energy

From the past in an unending cycle of the same thinking.

The wave takes you up to a fresh perspective, to create from a higher perspective

Then drops you down to receive through alignment with what is true for you.

When these 2 energies meet in the middle {“centering”}

It creates a “new” pattern in the moment.

The wave is to move loosely, without attachment

What can be referred to as flowing…

The wave uplifts energy

The way you think and feel

Each frequency you experience of energy is a wave

It comes over you but isn’t meant to stay there

Energy becomes trapped or stuck in the body

When emotions are in need of being processed

The frequency of the wave contains information

With the potential to uplift into a new experience, being present in the moment.

Each frequency is a different variation of an energy expression {more to come on this soon}

The expression of energy you experience is based on what your Higher Self wants you to understand and embody.

When you play with the perception of the view

It shifts the frequency like a dial.

This is where it becomes important to bring the energy body into the mix…

the HPA axis

Simplified, this axis is a channel that communicates information from one part of the brain through to your nerve system…

The nerves are interconnected, similar to a root system, so if you see yourself as a big tree, it’s where you’re nourished or take in nutrients.

Dense energies, create through the emotion of fear, are where you’re still connected to the past traumas

And you’re responding emotionally as if you were still in those past experiences {included prior timelines}

When emotions are processed and released, the energy moves in flow with present time.

One is open to the new, creating in the moment, without preconceived ideas filtering the idea.

Since the physical, mental and emotional bodies function as 1 mind, when emotions are suppressed…

Symptoms occur physically, showing dis-ease {Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life guides through this piece}

During times of ascension, as the collective is in currently, there’s an upswing on the emotional bodies, requiring a rapid ascended of ideas…

When new ideas are closed off, the middle integration or balancing isn’t able to occur, as the energy is split or fragmented, on one side of a seesaw.

When you open to reframe experience, energetically you move into a centering state…

As new ideas process without pulling from the past as the sole solution.

The reframe, in essence, shifts the dial to experience the dimension/perspective in a new frequency

Moving through time {releasing the past to be in the now}

To come out of the past, the karmic cycles, requires resolution…

So you have experiences to learn from life

Rather than replay the loop from the past, the denser energy you’re trying to change with a future event.

While this can be intellectually understood, there’s an inner sensing that is required to complete the integration.

To shift from the 3D perspective to a 5D or 7D frequency,

One experiences energy through sensing what one cannot see…

This is, in part, the journey collective consciousness is moving into with the spiritual expansion epoch

And the closing of a cycle includes the release of attachment to past beliefs, traumas or associated events, a clean slate.

As with all blogs and videos, please lean into what resonates the most and leave the rest.

For individual guidance, explore a Session or Reading.

To further support your integration for new, visit the companion Energy Expression audio {free for you}: Innocence Inspires

It’s the cure for chaos, supporting you to see the higher organization of events.

To receive support for this current Developing energy cycle: ASK

Choose from energy guided flows and/or a live class, charting your own journey!

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs, guiding you to restore and remember your true/soul expression.

Whether it be understanding a life transition, a calling to clarify your gifts in a new way, and/or embrace awareness of consciousness for spiritual expansion.

I support to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

To release your individual expression, guiding understanding to emerge and inspiration to flow, in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {11 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in energy pattern releasing as well as focused expansion in all areas of life, including relationships and business.

The intuitive flow and focus approach guides to grow in alignment with your energy, deepening connection to Higher Self and intuition so your actions are unlimited by conditioning to create expansion in all areas.

The inquiry and intuitive approach develops and brings trust in your understanding while affirming your natural expression, empowering to create in alignment with what you desire to feel.