Transformational Timing
Restore & Remember
…who you are
Read the transcript or access the video below.
Hey there!
Would you like to take a dive with me into spiritual alchemy, transforming reality and experiences through healing?
Healing one’s relationship with self and all that is…
Like the picture of light traveling upward from the book, transformation signifies a release of definition or form
To become something else, or in a higher perspective, to release what you are not. Both are true.
And the alchemy works through a release of the concept of time.
Alchemy has been defined as the attempts to transform a base “metal” into a universal “elixir”.
Spiritually, it’s taking the core, or base, part of you, which has been fragmented…
This is what you believe to be separate from you.
Restoring and remembering you are whole.
That you always have connection to the power of one, empowering your journey.
By clearing and transmuting “past” attachments to a way of being.
Realizing your answers (and truth) are within you…
And the journey begins when you inquire from within.
When you’re willing to remember.
These videos, articles and audios
Are a guide to bring you back home
To remind you who you truly are.
As you read this blog post or watch the Alchemy of 5 video, Transformational Timing {link at top of page}…
Inquire within {hand on heart} and follow what resonates to expand your consciousness.
Consider this blog post a spark that ignites what is already within, awakening it so your light shines bright.
Transformational Timing
…the Alchemy of 5
When one thinks of alchemy, one thinks of transmutation…the change of form
As I mentioned in the last blog, Timeline Transitions, 5 signals transforming energy.
It works through time, without regard to past or future.
While the 3 integrates, the 5 recalibrates rhythm…
The vibration of form around you.
Shifting and moving it like a dance.
As many of us collectively move through re-balancing and creating a clean slate…
New beginnings and endings emerge.
But confusion appears when the past is trying to be brought to what is new.
To begin fresh, one must let go of what was…
And to do so there is no attachment to the past.
This means beliefs, patterns, and even relationships.
5 (or the 5th dimensional view) is an extension of the energy of 2, which is a frequency that connects to Higher Self.
2’s frequency can clear fear (false evidence appearing real) to re-establish connection with what is true.
And this shifts the form of reality you experience as you trust, moving with inner peace or stillness.
2 begins the shadow clearing denial of self, where there is conflict within and beliefs or paradigms mar the true you.
With acceptance, one sees uniqueness and it’s place in the whole.
Our energies are constantly moving and 2 (also seen as divine feminine) reminds to ground to what is within.
Where 2 is able to see wholeness and ground in higher states of awareness…
5 takes the energy out further to detach from an experience and pattern or category tied to a belief.
It releases the cord to the past or future vision, reshuffling the energy dynamic.
As I spoke about in Sovereignty Spirit, discernment and listening to self expands your vibration.
You begin to see a wider view and can see more dimensions or perspectives.
It’s a witnessing energy that releases judgment, or shame for a belief or pattern…letting it play out.
In the 5th dimensional view, you’re detached from the way the form of the experience takes shape
Allowing it to emerge in its light form.
Projecting on to your reality in whatever way matches your vibration.
In the shadow of the 5, one is trapped in a state of routine…
Unable to process emotions and moving like a machine through the day.
There is impatience rather than stillness and acceptance.
As you face the shadows of your past and process emotions, you expand to hold more light.
And the light carries with it information encoded to support your ascension journey.
This will manifest in physical ways, bringing unique symptoms and signals for you to pay attention to.
This holding of more light re-balances energy
Transforming the way you experience…
Like a flowering, your heart opens to a new view, detaching from a specific form or way of being.
The alchemical reaction of added light is divine grace
Clearing fears and opening the channel as emotions are triggered and processed
Beginning when your heart opens with vulnerability…
This will happen when you feel safe and secure within
Or resistance will occur and the experience will replay until spontaneously you surrender
Requiring immense compassion.
Releasing emotional stagnant energies so realizations occur and what is not true comes to light.
Letting go of denying the present moment.
Releasing the conflict and re-balancing emotional states.
In higher awareness, 5 exhibits patience or infinite time
As the pressure of time is no longer there
Because there isn’t attachment to something having to happen…
A desire is relinquished or transformed
Because the need is no longer present
When in a state known as now, the void.
In the void, there is security from within
So external shifts of reality can occur freely
Allowing chaos to happen without fear or insecurity
Chaos is seen as recalibration to a rhythm of what is true.
The alchemy that transforms one’s connection to time
A metamorphous similar to the dragonfly experience…
When I was called back to this blog post, I had been seeing dragonflies everywhere
This tells me of the ongoing transformation I am experiencing.
And it’s fitting this blog post wants to be released as we come upon our 2nd eclipse season of 2024.
Eclipses signify deep transformational opportunities similar to what the dragonfly goes through…
When the dragonfly leaves the flowing water (emotional states)
And grows wings, it takes to a new way of being with wind (consciousness).
In much the same way, your experience transforms into a completely new state…
You can feel like a fish out of water until you
Adjust your view to what form your reality is in now.
It’s a continual adaptation as the foundation beneath you is no longer there.
So you can create a new foundation from within.
Occurring as you release emotional forms from the past.
And the wind becomes a conscious connection to your gnosis…
An inner knowing connecting with wholeness, or what some call intuition.
There is a trust that where you are is where you are meant to be.
Rather than a resistance to the current experience
You welcome the light of it
To inform you and transform with it.
Bringing you into the rhythm of the now moment
Without attachment to the past, what was…
Even a few moments ago
Time no longer matters in this higher state of awareness…
It’s the moment that contains a sense of fulfillment rather than a future event.
A state of being (not becoming).
As I walked in nature (before coming back to complete this blog post)
I saw a multitude of butterflies, reminding me of our stages of metamorphous.
Accepting whatever stage is present is what one can grow with.
As with all blogs and videos, please lean into what resonates the most and leave the rest.
Additional Ascension Articles will be written on this topic over time.
To further support integration for beginning…
Visit the companion to this blog post, an Energy Expression audio {free for you}: Lightning Leaps
It’s a cure for conflict, supporting to release the denial of self in a gentle way
When you’re ready to allow it.
Meet Deb
Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, guiding you to restore and remember your true/soul expression.
Illuminating your journey through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.
All at your divine pace and timing.
With over 20 years of coaching experience {12 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in energy pattern releasing as well as focused expansion in all areas of life.
The intuitive flow and focus approach guides to grow in alignment with your energy, deepening connection to Higher Self and intuition so your actions are unlimited by conditioning to create expansion in all areas.
The inquiry and intuitive approach develops and brings trust in your understanding while affirming your natural expression, empowering to create in alignment with what you desire to feel.