Path to Possibilities


The remainder of the year brings possibilities for a new path.

The last of the planets move into retrograde, with Mercury in its next cycle in Virgo, while Uranus and Jupiter settle in for the remainder of the year in specific themes in Taurus

Venus in Leo asks to embrace and heal your heart in the 3rd and final pass into commitments…


With heart-inspired guidance and a release of the older mental paradigms that fit into an existing society view

To create a new slate with the Lunar Nodes, through the middle of September, to test these inspired ideas in real time.

With support from Saturn and Neptune in Pisces to forgive actions that aren’t “approved” by society or traditionally thought as acceptable.


Mercury is in retrograde in Virgo while Uranus and Jupiter move into retrograde in Taurus…bringing realizations as well as integrations and receptivity to new grounded heart-inspired possibilities.

Taking it slow to explore ideas to transform and create a different path, leaving behind the old structure with Venus in Leo as it moves direct on the same day Jupiter moves retrograde.

Following this, the Sun on September 5th approaches a deep conjunction with Mercury in Virgo to light up new possible ways while at the same time the old ways that no longer serve are realized, bringing a sense of finality or completion to the past.


And now more on the retrograde energies…



Mercury’s late summer/fall retrograde wave opens consciousness to realize and distinguish self as part of the whole…

Beginning August 23rd in Virgo at 21 degrees, 51 minutes in the theme of realization,

And completing Sept. 15th at Virgo 8 degrees in the theme of distinguishing.


Mastering possibilities…

Mercury retrogrades are an opportunity to delete it or do it, clearing the mental cobwebs and connection to past, to be present and aware of what can evolve.

In Virgo, the emphasis becomes on mastering possibilities with deep healing through empathy as well as forgiveness for past actions.

As always, Mercury impacts communication and technology, asking to take things slower to review but this retrograde emphasizes structure as well as relationships…


As Virgo works with Pisces, there’s an emphasis on revisiting what systems will continue with you on the journey as support, utilizing Saturn’s location in Pisces to bring freedom to where you’ve felt trapped.

This Virgo-Pisces flow brings play and empathy for the journey as Mercury in Virgo rewinds, moving you through clearing the hold on the past to open up to realizations, then possibilities…

Opening self to remember the truth within you, accessing unconscious to bring to an increased state of awareness, purifying your being.


This state of realization you’ve been working in, as the retrograde approached, is revisited to release the mental and emotional attachments to the past…

Opening your heart to see possibilities through illumination as you release trying to resolve discomfort and embrace life to show you the path through.

Part of the mental loop cycle of stagnancy occurs as the past circles around and around in pursuit of answers but once the pursuit is released, the answer appears.


Once the possibilities are seen through inquiry, illuminating where the past timeline has obscured the present…

The pattern is seen from an elevated perspective.

Providing empathy and forgiveness to prior actions, releasing the hold of them on the future to see where gifts can be utilized now.

Lean into play, releasing the seriousness, and remember the bigger picture when reviewing the details…

Be adaptable and open with empathy, forgiving the mis-takes as part of life’s journey.

Taking it slow so realizations can be experimented with, testing and evolving as you go {and grow}.



Uranus’ retrograde supports disrupting through individuality and continues the journey of integrating ideas through simplifying as it reviews where you feel you need to take action.

Starting August 29, 2023 at Taurus 23 degrees, 4 minutes and completing January 27, 2024 at Taurus 19 degrees, 5 minutes.

Moving you through clearing acceptance of different choices, while also strengthening trust in the unique way you’ve chosen.


Everything comes in its time…

Uranus in Taurus works through the theme of assimilating truth, to support stepping away from the current path, releasing the non-essential, and broaden your view.

There are times you’ll be presented with a contrary view from another to see there are multiple ways to perceive an experience or belief…


The way through the integration theme is to simplify, which works in support of Mercury’s uncluttering by creating open space.

Releasing the need to resolve everything and rather, let nature take its course.

The mind loves to try and solve everything, even creating problems through its complexity, obstructing the natural flow of life.


Uranus in Taurus reminds you there’s calm in the storm and remembering to center your energy goes a long way.

Your inner fire is being stoked with Uranus while Mercury is slowing you down to revisit the ideas, ensuring full integration.

The dedication to integration ensures the fullness of your light is strengthened to share with others.


With the increased Earth signs active in the collective, there’s a natural balance that comes individually to work through Water, bringing emotions to heal and establish peace.

Part of this balancing for Uranus comes when one is open to ideas, shaking up what is, through creativity.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the water brings flexibility to otherwise rigid Earth structures, making them pliable and providing room to grow as well as rich nutrients.

Both Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus are best supported with movement…

Taking time to process and deepen understanding about emotions at the root increases stability.

Spending time in nature and recognizing the beauty of its cycle can also be uplifting.



Jupiter’s retrograde in Taurus is navigating the same pathway that the last Mercury retrograde did but this time, through being seen or recognized.

And continues a theme that Uranus started last year during its’ prior retrograde…

Starting September 4, 2023 at Taurus 15 degrees, 34 minutes in Receptivity and completing December 31, 2023 at Taurus 5 degrees, 34 minutes in Nourishing Purpose.


Nothing is lost…

Recognizing when one lets go, all is preserved through memory and completion is a time to celebrate, like a milestone.

Memories of the past may comfort during times of change, and help see what’s in need of attention, through remembrances of feelings as reminders of what one wants to feel now.


When past is honored for what is has given, it can remind what is possible to receive.

And when it’s seen in the present moment, there’s beauty in the unlimited forms provided by inspiration.

Moving back through rationalizing patterns to see release, once one stops thinking of them as something to be fixed.


When anxiety emerges, it’s because the mind is trying to control the answer.

Inspiration is cultivated through creativity and is spontaneous…

Much like life is a mystery to be lived!

Handling challenges with light

A recognition of purpose from within

That nourishes the soul.


Jupiter’s pathway back to Nourishing Purpose is like ripened fruit, opened to see the seeds and the juicy center.

Are you recognizing what’s nourishing you through each day? Are you looking inside of you for the seed?

As with all fixed energies, it’s supportive to move throughout the day, processing emotions for understanding of experiences as they fit in the whole.


Mid-September, Jupiter in Taurus receives inspiration from Venus in Leo which loosens attachment to external teachings…

As Mercury in Virgo moves direct during this time to support distinguishing your ideas to express.

Then, there’s tension to restraint movement forward until it’s all assimilated. Are you seeing this common theme of patience?


As Venus moves direct on the same day, there’s an intersection of energy themes that began on the day Mercury retrograded…

Venus has been helping one find the way past the mind to the heart and Mercury is supporting the higher mind while Uranus integrates it all into an expression.

Are you truly present and hearing another with your heart?


Venus moves direct…

Going through the same themes for the 3rd and final time.

Whenever a planet retrogrades in a theme, it’s incredibly important for collective consciousness as it works through the theme in experiences, not once or twice but three times for integration.’

For details on these themes, re-visit the prior blog post: Cultivating Receptivity


A note…

All collective outer planets {Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto} will be in retrograde beginning September 4th, increasing desire to go within.

There’s much yin/divine feminine energy present and asking you to go with the flow, surrendering to opportunities, assimilating ideas as well as evolving direction of your energy.

With Chiron and the Lunar Nodes in yang/divine masculine energy, it creates an opportunity through energy re-sets {deep breaths}, returning to your Higher Self.


For individual guidance, explore these options…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs, to find your true/soul expression.

As a life coach and an energy mentor, I guide you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As a career coach and entrepreneur mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {11 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband, Vince and cat, Josie.