Break the Cycle


The Light of the Sun in Libra

Break the cycle of patterns, clearing the mind and your decision making process…

Releasing the way you’ve held onto the past and the emphasis you put on it in the future.

The Sun is currently navigating releasing control or agendas to face fears or insecurities about worth as you replenish your knowledge of experiences through higher consciousness exploration.

As with all initiating energies, it requires a pause and reset to your breath, which deeply grounds your energy to the present moment.

It further supports healing the judgment of conforming your expectations for the future and redirects your dissatisfaction with the present to improve on it with one action at a time.

Mercury entered Libra

Last night at 8:08pmEST Mercury entered Libra

An opening that kicked off the cycle of the eclipse season…

Bringing with it a re-set point that is reminiscent of the energy in early July as it covers the territory that the Lunar Nodes went through…creating a clean slate and re-harmonizing you to flow.


While also touching upon the recent Sun’s light of clarity that emerged when it entered Libra 11 days ago.

With a powerful reminder that being present is strengthened by trust and moves you through life in synchronistic flow.

And continues through the themes the Sun has navigated to bring clarity and detachment, releasing the ties to past failures.


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Pluto goes direct

Pluto’s retrograde officially completes on October 10th at Capricorn 27 degrees, 53 minutes in the theme of Redefining Limits.

This energy taught to utilize restriction and identification of limits to redefine and redirect your energy.

Now you’re given opportunity to implement new approaches to this theme as the planet makes a final pass through, which ends January 31, 2024.

The universe is continuing to organize for you, if you let go and surrender to the experience in front of you and see it as a clean slate.

In its current expression of Re-Definition, Pluto guides to see reality with increased clarity, specifically around the theme of Judgment.

When Pluto moves direct, the Libra Sun is in the theme of Clarity which further supports releasing external distractions.

Growth clears out the weeds of the mind, the stagnant energy flows, and re-defines situations from a newly inspired perspective.

The way to see clearly is to remove the obstacles from your view by letting go what is not essential in the moment.

When you catch yourself over-focusing on the future or the past, look to the bigger picture by shifting your focus.

Like the caterpillar that turns into a butterfly, you’re wings are developing as you re-define the way your mind sees experiences…

Realizing with openness that one often takes the specifics of the experience rather than the lesson

By looking at the actions rather than the learnings that can be utilized going forward.

To recognize the difference, check in and see if you feel expanded or constricted when you think of the learnings.

Clarity comes from your inner guidance system and removes the urge to focus on what isn’t essential even if the mass society paradigms encourage it.

It’s an opportunity to upgrade perspective and re-connect to a higher state of being, which can become the roots for what you’re developing in the present.

Support for in-between sessions and video episodes…

Re-Defining Series


Fall Eclipse Season 2023

The eclipse season brings a karmic choice point, supporting October’s energy to break the cycle on patterns and strengthening consciousness of Higher Self-Heart, Higher Mind and Higher Source.

This pivotal energy opens transformation over the next 6 months and is tied to the current energy of the Lunar Nodes as well as prior Taurus creation energies reviewed through multiple planets {and points}.

The Fall Eclipse season offers the opportunity to transform fear or anger, letting go of what no longer serves your expanded vision through Preserving higher consciousness...

And to convert unhealed, unaccepted parts of self to light which transcends to a higher, whole state of being that serves all, Nourishing Purpose.

Both of these themes aren’t new…

Utilizing what you’ve learned with the Lunar Nodes, you cleared the slate of paradigms to re-set to harmony with the present

And through Taurus, re-discovered creation with a fresh outlook and receptivity through re-orientation to Higher Self

To break the cycle of patterns.

Solar Eclipse: October 14th

In a Solar Eclipse, the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth so there’s emphasis on the shadow side of life to bring light to it.

Through the Light of the Sun, in the theme of Preservation, see where you can let go what no longer serves your expanding vision, the Higher Self.

To reach this state of being, one must overcome the concept of failure and let your choices come from the heart.

The specific degree point is Libra 22 which asks for caution for emotions surpassing what’s important and to nevertheless, face insecurities and resolve vulnerability through Higher Self.


Lunar Eclipse: October 28th

In a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon so there’s emphasis on what is tangible to bring forth.

Through the Light of the Sun, in the theme of Nourishing Purpose, you’re asked to take risks and build something you cannot see, the Higher Source of Creation.

To reach this state of being, release the belief of struggle and surrender to the experience without expectation.

The specific degree points of Taurus {Earth Pt}/Scorpio {Sun} 6 harmonize to support action based on instinct, going beyond rational thought to recognize what is needed in new situations with patience and focus to adjust in the moment.


Consciousness Shifts

…prompts to support this time of transformation:

Where's the behavior that’s keeping you in the past and confusing the present?

Your mind doesn’t logically understand what your higher consciousness is showing you.

Think of where you can soar free of the mental to be in the present, seeing what is possible.

Where can you release the loop in pursuing answers to find direction?

Be intentional about what you’re developing, working through your heart’s inspiration.

Use emotion as a signal to recognize what needs to shift or balance a past pattern.


Free to Divinely Designed & Detached members…and available for all to invest in

While this blog post updates on retrograde energies and introduces the Fall Eclipse season, additional detail to support breaking cycles is available October 10th in the Eclipse Masterclass:

 Clear Confusion & Concepts

What’s coming…

Saturn goes direct, officially completing its retrograde November 4, 2023 at Pisces 0 degrees, 30 minutes.

0 is a key reset point with the potential in Pisces to flow with all forms of energy by focusing on what is relevant in each moment.

Giving an opportunity to implement new approaches to Spiritual Space and empower freedom through releasing the belief of separate or half-full, through the post-shadow which ends February 7, 2024.

This energy that Saturn brings to your structures isn’t new and has been empowering you all along to break free from any state of victim consciousness…

Where have you felt trapped?

And what have you learned about the way you give that area space to empower a different view, resulting in a direction that frees?

Your emotions trigger memories of the past that show attachment to a belief that is ready to be seen in a new way.

At times, the belief empowers with a memory that fills with joy and uplifts energy forward.

When the memory is dissatisfying in any way, it offers opportunity to propel towards transparency and release, offering space for a new commitment.

 For individual energy guidance, explore these options…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Readings

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs, to find your true/soul expression.

As a life coach and an energy mentor, I guide you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As a career coach and entrepreneur mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {11 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband, Vince and cat, Josie.