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Each of your planets or points depicted in your Human Design chart {whether listed in the Personality or Design column} are related to a specific theme. If you’re new to planet themes, you can discover more about them in my blog post: Life Themes by Design
Begin with the first energy gate you have in your energy design or if there is one that calls to you specifically, as this means the theme is relevant for you to know now.
Start with the gate description then locate the relevant progression line theme (1- 6) directly below it. Each line builds upon the previous so look to the line directly before to shed additional insight.
When an energy gate is noted with 2 astrological signs, it’s because there is a transition during the line progression from one sign to the next sign.
Gate 46: Effort {Serendipity} in Virgo or Libra
…drawing strength from spiritual significance and patient perseverance supports aligning to “being in the right place at the right time” {synchronicity}.
Line .1: Investigate your commitment to grow as inner conviction creates an affinity for others who are aligned and willing to support.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to simply be you with others’ approval or not. {where it transits to Libra}
Line .3: Through experiences, remove doubts to act without hesitation into what is unknown.
Line .4: Find opportunity to adapt through insights and an inner willingness to evolve.
Line .5: Lead with calm, steady progress and be cautious of getting intoxicated by success.
Line .6: Witness who, what and where serves your energy at any given moment.
Gate 47: Ah-ha {Realization} in Virgo
…by reviewing beliefs/truths as you experience life, you create space to strengthen truths and remove those that do not apply, supporting realizations {which may be to accept not fully knowing}.
Line .1: Investigate to review beliefs that no longer serve by starting from within, thwarting overwhelm.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to remove yourself from situations that are not meant for you, releasing the potential for exhaustion.
Line .3: Through experiences, choose what is aligned with who you are to release confusion when exposed to what others do.
Line .4: Find opportunity to remain focused and persist by not letting others distract from your true beliefs and honoring what those beliefs represent.
Line .5: Lead realizations with inner composure and rest, trusting that over time, things will look different.
Line .6: Witness the mind has limits and to truly live fully, one must go beyond the mind to live.
Gate 48: Depth {Well} in Libra
…utilizing your unending access to knowledge {tangible and intangible} as a replenishing resource to apply renewed talents/gifts as a benefits for others.
Line .1: Investigate what is relevant in the knowledge to apply it to your experience/s and nourish your energy.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to benefit others as applying your talents will allow them to continue to grow.
Line .3: Through experiences, trust in the timing of your abilities to be recognized.
Line .4: Find an opportunity through inner development to gain depth of knowledge for self expansion and to share with others.
Line .5: Lead by staying present to access your talents/gifts to share with others
Line .6: Witness sharing gifts brings both fulfillment and the continued ability to share those talents.
Gate 49: Rebirth {Molting} in Aquarius
…working with your emotions to shed outdated perspectives and adjust to advance forward cautiously with new principles that have relevance for the future.
Line .1: Investigate potential opportunities as you conserve energy, waiting for the awareness of aligned timing.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to envision change, exhausting all opportunities to ensure aligned outcomes before action is executed.
Line .3: Through experiences, garner support by informing and receiving mutual agreement to ready for change.
Line .4: Find opportunity to align with inner truth through use of emotional review as support for transformation.
Line .5: Lead with clear and guiding lines found through inner emotion, sensing the need for change in the rightness of the moment.
Line .6: Witness what is possible in the moment to embrace and adjust to new circumstances.
Gate 50: Integrity {Values} in Libra or Scorpio
…aligning experience and synchronicity {fate} to honor the wisdom of spirit and life, enriching the self and the community as a whole.
Line .1: Investigate old values and beliefs to clear conditioning, building a strong foundation of relevant values to grow with.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to avoid external distractions and look to what one can achieve by staying firm to one’s values.
Line .3: Through experiences, clarify and recognize what is of value now, being adaptable to receive support to honor one’s values.
Line .4: Find opportunity to qualify aligned values in the moment, standing behind them or adjusting as needed.
Line .5: Lead with alignment of which new individual values {versus the conditioned universal values} are understandable now.
Line .6: Witness the impact of purity when establishing strong values, especially during times of change.
Gate 51: Shake up {Arousing} in Aries
…a shift in old perceptions to awaken new possibilities and recognize the unseen forces at work.
Line .1: Investigate the disruption as an opportunity for advantage and growth, creating a higher understanding with acceptance.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to withdraw and be patient to transcend the shock of an upset and open yourself to growth.
Line .3: Through experiences, allow spontaneity and the universe to realign your path.
Line .4: Find opportunity by accepting circumstances as supportive of advantage and see alternate possibilities.
Line .5: Lead by instinctive adaptation, creating symmetry through interactions and circumstances.
Line .6: Witness new understandings emerge when keeping still through change.
Gate 52: No Movement {Stillness} in Cancer
…remaining or creating calm, with no action intended externally but rather act by going within to find the inner resonance of your individual journey, bringing insight and perspective.
Line .1: Investigate before taking action to recognize the truth of movement forward.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts when distracted by external influences and contemplating fears around lack of action.
Line .3: Through experiences, resist acting out of force and develop calmness through inner composure.
Line .4: Find opportunity through resting, avoiding the urge to take action simply for doing so.
Line .5: Lead by being reserved in speech and attentive to your words to align both what you say and what action you take.
Line .6: Witness tranquility through inner stillness, unaffected by outside pressures.
Gate 53: Step by Step {Development} in Cancer
…being drawn into new experiences organically as a way to increase self-knowledge and experience expansion.
Line .1: Investigate new with great consideration and take steps forward slowly to align your vision and gain strength with inner calm.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to feel secure in growth and share it with others.
Line .3: Through experiences, let things develop on their own and watch each step emerge.
Line .4: Find opportunity to maintain balance through any challenge, relying on your inner stability.
Line .5: Lead by advancing forward steadily, accepting that external pressures will occur.
Line .6: Witness that being of service to others becomes an example for them.
Gate 54: Drive {Ambition} in Capricorn
…accessing your inner guidance, strengthening your advance forward with a focus on the vision you’re striving for, no matter what happens around you.
Line .1: Investigate achieving influence by being confident in yourself, standing on your own worth.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to remain loyal to your vision, despite outer appearances.
Line .3: Through experiences, realize there aren’t shortcuts to transformation but aligned relationships do support it.
Line .4: Find opportunity to strengthen your advance forward when you see the virtue in missed encounters as all things meant to come in due time.
Line .5: Lead by holding higher expressions of alignment through spiritual connection to transform your direction.
Line .6: Witness where your energy goes, ensuring you’re working in concert with others in interactions.
Gate 55: Space {Spiritual Abundance} in Pisces
…applying clarity to feelings to release any remaining conditioning, creating space to establish connection with abundance.
Line .1: Investigate for clarity before movement through emotions present.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to hold to your values even when emotions are triggered.
Line .3: Through experiences, find the strength of a standstill to establish clarity within before movement without.
Line .4: Find opportunity to determine what is in alignment through emotions present, bringing action together with wisdom.
Line .5: Lead by being open to others and the clarity that emerges from spiritual space.
Line .6: Witness materialism through spirit, centering collective needs with intentions.
Gate 56: Movement {Wanderer} in Cancer or Leo
…moving from experience to experience, using each as an opportunity to tell a story that stimulates a new expansive belief, supporting the opening of a new cycle of thoughts.
Line .1: Investigate intention for experiences, being purposeful with who and what one engages.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to be strong from within and see other’s views of the world.
Line .3: Through experiences, continue to examine and update beliefs to absorb and deepen understanding.
Line .4: Find opportunity in your environment by aligning when and what you say.
Line .5: Lead by moving from experience to experience, being crystal clear in the way you express ideas to others.
Line .6: Witness beliefs based on your experiences to bring increased quality to them.
Gate 57: Clarity {Intuition} in Libra
…proceeding gently but with a ceaselessness that can penetrate through distractions to bring clarity with gradual and inconspicuous steps, bringing about the truth.
Line .1: Investigate through inner work to guide from chaos to resolute decisiveness.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to dig for the truth hidden beneath.
Line .3: Through experiences, avoid over-pondering and act in the moment as intuition is fleeting.
Line .4: Find opportunity to sense both yours and others needs into the future, releasing fears with modest action.
Line .5: Lead ceaselessly by advancing with steadfast steps and pondering before and during each action to adjust as needed.
Line .6: Witness where intuition is relevant and when no further insight is needed.
Gate 58: Meaning {Vitality} in Capricorn
…accessing the replenishment provided in stimulating conversation to expand viewpoints and perspectives, bringing more meaning through knowledge.
Line .1: Investigate the joy of living fully with meaning by creating contentment with everything, a harmony that is free from doubts and concerns.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to contribute something of value, recognizing your inner joy attracts activities you enjoy which have meaning.
Line .3: Through experiences, replenish your knowledge and establish inner security with true joy.
Line .4: Find opportunity to make a choice for beneficial stimulations that spontaneously bring joy, finding inner peace.
Line .5: Lead by sharing knowledge to replenish with those associations that are aligned as they have the power to influence your joy.
Line .6: Witness what you’re attracting when focused solely on pleasure to recognize where there is no direction to then, course correct.
Gate 59: Dispersion {Bonding} in Virgo
…by focusing on interacting with others who are mutually attracted to you, you create deeper resonances and connections to dissolve barriers of egotism, creating unity and fulfillment.
Line .1: Investigate misunderstandings through interaction.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to release the inner separation and physical barrier that egoism can create by finding a way to relate.
Line .3: Through experiences, establish deep connections to release any barriers to relationships.
Line .4: Find opportunity by letting go the comfort of friendships to reach out to others to connect.
Line .5: Lead by enhancing unity through ideas that dispel misunderstanding.
Line .6: Witness who, what, when and how establishes alignment for relationships.
Gate 60: Definition {Limitation} in Capricorn or Aquarius
…accepting restriction by identifying your own limitations allows you to direct where you re-define your energy, finding new ways to resolve challenges.
Line .1: Investigate the limitation, utilizing restraint to provide for energy needed later when timing is apt.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to move freely by seizing the moment and going beyond unnecessary limits.
Line .3: Through experiences, restrain indulgence to be discriminant with resources {space, time, energy} as they apply to you and benefit the collective.
Line .4: Find opportunity with limitations when they’re natural and save energy to later use that energy to spring forward with what is viable.
Line .5: Lead with limitations to create boundaries and advance with resolve.
Line .6: Witness acceptance of restricted resources, designing a balance between temptation and unreasonable restraint.
Gate 61: Truth {Mystery} in Capricorn
…deep inner thought review to penetrate the mysteries, revealing and expressing the truths to appreciate current circumstances but recognizing they’re temporary.
Line .1: Investigate the inner workings of life through spiritual connection.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to recognize the inner inspiration that is both truth and a magnetizing force.
Line .3: Through experiences, see balance comes from within but that inspirations are enhanced through collaboration.
Line .4: Find opportunity to hold higher truths while researching to clarify further.
Line .5: Lead others through by staying true to your principles while expressing it in an innovative way.
Line .6: Witness the showing of experience as words and insights are not supportive alone: showing is better than telling.
Gate 62: Clarifying {Defined Details} in Cancer
…fixing your attention to what are pertinent and relevant matters or details, without getting caught up on solely logic yet recognizing the practical limits in moving forward.
Line .1: Investigate what is pertinent and move forward with what is shown to be attainable.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to choose restraint and express unpretentiously regarding what is pertinent when reaching out or receiving support.
Line .3: Through experiences, recognize what is of value by paying attention to small things and be cautious of being overconfident.
Line .4: Find opportunity by exercising caution and focus on inward growth at this stage, rather than force an outcome.
Line .5: Lead by recognizing which thoughts are relevant through planning, then prepare and finally take action in aligned timing.
Line .6: Witness limits in endeavors, remaining clear in intentions and avoid overshooting the goal.
Gate 63: Refresh {Doubts} in Pisces
…to maintain alignment continually, your critical perspective is refreshed and attuned to the present environment with a focus on the details.
Line .1: Investigate alignment, composing oneself to not move forward too quickly.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to pay attention continuously, remaining steadfast to your purpose.
Line .3: Through experiences, alignment {with what and who} is created with caution.
Line .4: Find opportunity in the details as through clarity of the tenuous balance will fulfillment emerge.
Line .5: Lead by affirming simplicity over grandeur.
Line .6: Witness balance by refraining from looking back (as you aren’t headed that way).
Gate 64: Investigating {Possibilities} in Virgo
…cautiously reviewing options when in a new state which appears as confusion to discern with clarity which possibilities are most resonant to move forward.
Line .1: Investigate options cautiously by pausing the enthusiasm to move forward so one doesn’t rely solely on the past.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to strengthen inner resolve to move forward with deliberation and patience.
Line .3: Through experiences, recognize change is constant and spirals into new, gaining strength when recognizing who has the clarity to support your endeavor.
Line .4: Find opportunity in the confusion to silence doubt with persistence and strong inner principles to provide clarity.
Line .5: Lead by shining your light with new possibilities to dispel others confusion.
Line .6: Witness moderation is required to maintain clarity, keeping clear and balanced while also celebrating achievements.
To access information for Gate 1 through Gate 22, visit Library 1.
For information on Gate 23 through Gate 45, visit Library 2.
Disclaimer: This library is made available as a way for you to receive general information and an understanding on this topic. In no way is this information provided meant to be a substitute for financial or legal advice, or a guarantee for success as that includes several factors, but not limited to, your level of personal responsibility, commitment and path.
To receive individual guidance, supporting to apply this knowledge directly to experiences, email me {} to schedule a chat.