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Each of your planets or points depicted in your Human Design chart {whether listed in the Personality or Design column} are related to a specific theme. If you’re new to planet themes, you can discover more about them in my blog post: Life Themes by Design
Begin with the first energy gate you have in your energy design or if there is one that calls to you specifically, as this means the theme is relevant for you to know now.
Start with the gate description then locate the relevant progression line theme (1- 6) directly below it. Each line builds upon the previous so look to the line directly before to shed additional insight.
When an energy gate is noted with 2 astrological signs, it’s because there is a transition during the line progression from one sign to the next sign.
Gate 1: Expression {Creation} in Scorpio bring forth over time innovative ideas that seem extraordinary upon reveal {because they are part of an aligned co-creation with divinity}.
Line .1: Investigate creating when called to and without needing force.
Line .2: Use innate gifts to align with the collective, recognizing creativity is expressed uniquely through your perspective.
Line .3: Through experiences, apply creativity with what you know now.
Line .4: Find opportunity to follow the flow of creativity {without influence} to connect with all that is.
Line .5: Lead by tapping into the true magnet ability of your form, which is following your creativity, without needing to understand it.
Line .6: Witness being the medium or channel through which creation is expressed.
Gate 2: Guided {Receptivity} in Taurus
…finding your natural connection with the unseen and inner guidance system of the higher self, establishing the difference between knowing and knowledge.
Line .1: Investigate signs to bring forth the crystal clarity of higher knowing.
Line .2: Use your inner sense of knowing to attain what is aligned without special attention to it.
Line .3: Through experiences, recognize life is continually giving lessons and it all happens in divine timing.
Line .4: Find opportunity by giving that which can be readily learned instead of what is unable to be translated.
Line .5: Lead by waiting to act until the timing is aligned.
Line .6: Witness that you’re the medium, not the creative resource.
Gate 3: New {Order} in Aries or Taurus
…the beginning that requests breaking away from the old or traditional approach to establish or implement a new principle of organization.
Line .1: Investigate by taking pause to embrace the whole picture without attachment.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to accept from within, supporting maturation through your own application.
Line .3: Through experiences, recognize what is aligned and in proper timing.
Line .4: Find opportunity by accessing the innate quality within that provides assuredness to take action. {where it transits to Taurus}
Line .5: Lead with beginning by seeing the potential for mixed interpretations, detaching from results and allowing misunderstandings to clear up over time.
Line .6: Witness new endeavors through realignment, as tradition doesn’t give way easily and requires clarifying your vision as you go.
Gate 4: Logical Pursuit {Answers} in Leo
…the journey of admitting knowledge is needed and to pursue answers by not simply looking for solutions but by ascertaining which solutions are aligned, whether they are temporary or partial.
Line .1: Investigate when and where to apply solutions for effectiveness, utilizing a combination of play and discipline.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to access kindness in response to other’s views, recognizing everyone has strengths and areas to develop.
Line .3: Through experiences, support thoroughness in pursuit of the answer rather than settle on the easiest solution to save appearances.
Line .4: Find opportunity in letting imagination expand possibilities but be cautious of going beyond what is needed, especially when validating for self.
Line .5: Lead with openness and childlike exploration to discover answers without assumptions.
Line .6: Witness your mind with discipline as it can be accessed in excess without patience for a solution.
Gate 5: Waiting {Universal Timing} in Sagittarius
…accessing inner certainty of reaching your desires to look deeper into your actual circumstances to release any illusions preventing you from this, using patience as a strength.
Line .1: Investigate meeting your inner timing with others’ timing by attuning to your sacral energy.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to actively watch for timing for your next actions.
Line .3: Through experiences, recognize nervousness or anxiety when nothing is happening; when helplessness kicks in, it can prompt impulsive action that is not aligned.
Line .4: Find opportunity in biding time and reviewing options for when the time is aligned.
Line .5: Lead by creating balance from within, providing acceptance and delight in what life will present or offer you.
Line .6: Witness and honor your natural rhythm that prepares you to respond in aligned timing as you let go of the pressure of waiting.
Gate 6: Conflict {Emotional Balance} in Virgo
…having the vision to observe feelings without attachment which lessens potential conflicts and brings harmony through objectivity and clarity.
Line .1: Investigate a potential emotional unbalance by biding your time to come to a resolution, dissolving the disagreement before it starts.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to sensitively withdraw from disagreement in a timely manner as resolution can be found through inner harmony.
Line .3: Through experiences, strengthen your inner nature by releasing need in the situation.
Line .4: Find opportunity by focusing on promoting peace, rather than trying to improve a situation through conflict.
Line .5: Lead with emotional clarity combined with objectivity to dissolve discord and create harmony.
Line .6: Witness your ability to recognize even when you can resolve emotional upsets easily, it doesn’t always serve to.
Gate 7: Shared Interests {Common Intent} in Leo
…by guiding with shared interests, you ignite consent in others, moving things forward with flexibility in use of your resources to maintain balance.
Line .1: Investigate shared interests by making your intentions clear.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to center, aligning in interest with those you’re leading.
Line .3: Through experiences, utilize different roles to support those you lead.
Line .4: Find opportunity when it’s realistic to lead or withdraw with integrity.
Line .5: Lead others with clear communication and direction.
Line .6: Witness who receives resources and guidance when to ensure all feel included and recognized for their skills.
Gate 8: Outlets {Contributing} in Taurus or Gemini
…fostering and creating innovative ideas through empowering oneself with uniting with others through common experiences.
Line .1: Investigate creating strong bonds of unity with inner truth and sincerity.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to assist others with their creativity in service of the highest alignment, empowering through authenticity.
Line .3: Through experiences, fostering and creating ideas with those of a common mind, keeping distance emotionally with those who are unaligned.
Line .4: Find opportunity to release the need to compare or compete with others, establishing security through a look at one’s own needs.
Line .5: Lead by creating true unity through openly accepting those who are naturally attracted to you and letting those who aren’t leave with ease.
Line .6: Witness creating relationships through true contributions, sensing which timing is aligned for harmonious connections.
Gate 9: Refinement {Attentiveness} in Sagittarius
…by trusting yourself to pay attention to/focus on the relevant details of your life, you’re able to honor all life’s experiences {accessing fulfillment}.
Line .1: Investigate re-engaging with life to embrace the details.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to recognize whether an inclusion enhances or distracts from your purpose/goals/intentions.
Line .3: Through experiences, maintain relevance by focusing on the bigger picture.
Line .4: Find opportunity to stay true to your intent by being present with the details.
Line .5: Lead by accepting your needs will be met so your focus to what is relevant is magnetic.
Line .6: Witness opportunities to celebrate, giving space to relax and feel joy, while honoring accomplishments.
Gate 10: Unconditional Love {Behavior} in Sagittarius or Capricorn
…acquiescing to your own pace and place within the collective, supporting others to do the same, despite challenges and shifts in expected behavior.
Line .1: Investigate finding your own place without obligation to honor your individual behavior in any given circumstance.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to bypass others’ dramas, creating an inner sanctuary. {where it transits to Capricorn}
Line .3: Through experiences, surrender to your own reality and honor its alignment with you; empowering new behaviors to emanate from experiences.
Line .4: Find opportunity to explore to seek greater benefits and understanding through interactions.
Line .5: Lead by cautiously questioning what is in place, challenging the traditional and conventional.
Line .6: Witness the steps of your journey, honoring it through sharing and empowering others by individual example.
Gate 11: Peace {Harmony} in Sagittarius
…ideas and solutions that were obscured are now brought to light to make necessary adjustments to beliefs, thereby increasing the possibilities that turn into reality.
Line .1: Investigate your ideas by sharing them with your environment and progress them further.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to embrace new beliefs with tolerance and resolution to foster your creativity.
Line .3: Through experiences, identify which ideas are valuable and bring a freshness to ideas to stimulate growth.
Line .4: Find opportunity to consider and convey ideas through concept and form with inner conviction.
Line .5: Lead through a balanced perspective (or union of beliefs) to support higher understanding and benefit all.
Line .6: Witness a renewed sense to prevail with balance and harmony when surrendering to timing.
Gate 12: Taking Stock {Standstill} in Gemini
…utilizing caution, prior to expressing or proceeding forward, to ensure alignment through envisioning and outlining potential outcomes that are different than previously believed possible.
Line .1: Investigate values by retiring from movement.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to wait for alignment, while staying on point with your commitments.
Line .3: Through experiences, gracefully pass the missteps and stop them from recurring in the future.
Line .4: Find the opportunity by knowing when the time is aligned to move and be willing to take action.
Line .5: Lead with caution and preparedness to maintain balance.
Line .6: Witness the change that emanates from taking stock and defining your own standards.
Gate 13: Commonalities {Fellowship} in Aquarius
…listening and reflecting on yours and others experiences with acceptance and appreciation to expand yours and others perspective to see the commonalities.
Line .1: Investigate seeing and reflecting all sides of an experience by accessing everyone openly.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to see an unbiased view with multiple perspectives.
Line .3: Through experiences, reflect and align with self’s interpretation of what is externally brought to you through another.
Line .4: Find opportunity to go beyond what is simply noise to sense the experience from a deeper perspective.
Line .5: Lead by reflecting with openness to see there is a deeper purpose for each and every individual.
Line .6: Witness even limited interaction moves forward a deeper unity by seeing the best in everything and everyone.
Gate 14: Abundance {Harvest} in Scorpio or Sagittarius
…attracting with the clarity of commitment, detachment and perseverance that appears at ease with resources.
Line .1: Investigate prosperity for higher understanding through examining your inner wisdom for motivation and attainment of wealth.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to manage resources with grace, maximizing possibilities with expertise and through skilled delegation.
Line .3: Through experiences, use talent and resources in highest synchronicity and benefit for all.
Line .4: Find opportunity to establish security through a look at one’s own needs, rather than comparing or competing with others.
Line .5: Lead with sincerity in all material interactions.
Line .6: Witness a spiritual approach to responsibilities associated with wealth, detaching with grace and generosity from a place of worth.
Gate 15: Diversity {Humanity} in Gemini or Cancer
…recognizing extremes and the diversity of humanity as well as conditions available to use each day, equalizing attachment to any in particular to bring individual balance forth.
Line .1: Investigate matters quickly and simply, without undue influence from external considerations by maintaining a sense of humility.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts through honoring your ways with sincerity and integrity, rather than looking externally for guidance. {where it transits to Cancer}
Line .3: Through experiences, maintain what you started and continue in an unwavering direction.
Line .4: Find the opportunity through centering with your rhythm to flow through life, resisting any extremes that aren’t supportive.
Line .5: Lead by sensing when to guide others, supporting those who have less experience.
Line .6: Witness accepting self to create balance and inspire others through example.
Gate 16: Discerning {Selectivity} in Gemini
…with enthusiasm as the decider, you ease tension by sorting through your options to see which feel most relevant while recognizing you are simply in a state of preparation.
Line .1: Investigate enthusiasm used for the benefit of all through cultivating interest in the moment.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts in a state of preparedness to see past illusions to access objectivity and the seeds of movement required.
Line .3: Through experiences, recognize the moment to take action by going within.
Line .4: Find opportunity to awaken enthusiasm in others to guide them by accessing self-assuredness.
Line .5: Lead by resisting the call of enthusiasm to move forward until you select those ideas you sense are attainable by recognizing their potential.
Line .6: Witness seeing things as they truly are, awakening from false enthusiasm to re-assess objectively one’s goals.
Gate 17: Opinions {Following} in Aries
…following your aligned balance from within to digest the many perspectives that are offered to you in any given experience.
Line .1: Investigate with open-minded accessibility to listen to other’s views without being swayed from what is true for oneself.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to allow for a preference of associations that support a higher understanding in life.
Line .3: Through experiences, release the superficial and select what feels most true for development.
Line .4: Find opportunity to digest all perspectives while looking for the one that is true for all.
Line .5: Lead with the conviction of a higher understanding that serves as a righting point when interacting with life.
Line .6: Witness the highest vibration of consciousness to expand others’ perspectives and aid in the creation of alignment for their lives.
Gate 18: Perfecting {Improving} in Libra
…remove stagnation through unattached review of current practices or processes to ensure they are supportive of evolving.
Line .1: Investigate traditional practices based on current relevance, releasing rigidity to what was done before.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to observe intuition and emotion without fear and support detached review of practices.
Line .3: Through experiences, support for change now, rather than later.
Line .4: Find opportunity to move beyond the past by releasing the focus on the symptoms and find true practices to evolve.
Line .5: Lead with deliberation and work with others to reform practices, being watchful for past patterns returning.
Line .6: Witness reform from a distance, dedicating oneself to universal concerns and spiritual development for all.
Gate 19: Boundless {Approach} in Aquarius
…reaching out to others with inexhaustible energy to establish unity {as you sense what is wanted and needed, you recognize the limitless opportunities to connect}.
Line .1: Investigate establishing partnership by reaching out to others with emotional detachment, maintaining individuality even in interaction with others.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to approach others from a place of higher understanding, realizing everything serves to further.
Line .3: Through experiences, establish relationships motivated by inner clarity of true needs and wants.
Line .4: Find opportunity through composing energy to further cooperation by being at ease and helping to combine everyone’s contribution.
Line .5: Lead by supporting others strengths yet retaining overall responsibility through connections.
Line .6: Witness those who come to you and seek to understand experiences through your compassionate wisdom.
Gate 20: Observing {Contemplating} in Gemini
…sitting in the current energy, the present, while viewing what goes on around you without reaction, akin to a wide commanding view of it, like a bird perched on a branch, to attain clarity.
Line .1: Investigate contemplation through detached observation, requiring a simplification to see the smaller aspects are part of the whole.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to balance inner perspectives with those seen in the external world.
Line .3: Through experiences, reflect objectively with what is seen in the external world by directing thoughts inward without attachment.
Line .4: Find opportunity in relationships to further perspectives while acting independently through awareness and support expression through the moment.
Line .5: Lead by contemplating divine meaning through observing your environment.
Line .6: Witness to recognize what expression could benefit everyone.
Gate 21: Taking charge {Biting Through} in Aries
…moving through obstacles to get to the heart of your material responsibilities as you individually chose to express/live them.
Line .1: Investigate challenges before they compound into crises, creating responsibility for your growth.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to gently strengthen your willpower to remove persistence interference and support advantage on the material plane.
Line .3: Through experiences, hesitate your need for action based on external circumstance and release overwhelm by seeing another perspective.
Line .4: Find opportunity in the difficulty through your capacity for self-control, discovering an applicable response to stay focused in one’s direction.
Line .5: Lead by impartially looking at circumstances to consider the ultimate action to direct material matters for aligned reforms.
Line .6: Witness unity when adjusting delicately to remain in balance by implementing only necessary controls to avoid chaos.
Gate 22: Grace {Openness} in Pisces
…illuminating thoughts come through when emotionally balanced and ready to receive with openness to utilize contemplation for the highest understanding possible.
Line .1: Investigate embracing any situation to enrich the experience through emotional awareness and reliance on one’s humility.
Line .2: Use your innate gifts to recognize shiny object syndrome and promote fascination without losing awareness.
Line .3: Through experiences, be open to align with simple truths for higher understanding.
Line .4: Find opportunity to enrich interaction through use of time, going beyond time and space.
Line .5: Lead by being true to yourself and sincere when interacting.
Line .6: Witness through presence that there is true value in simple elegance or grace.
To access information for Gate 23 through Gate 45, visit Library 2.
For information on Gate 46 through Gate 64, visit Library 3.
Disclaimer: This library is made available as a way for you to receive general information and an understanding on this topic. In no way is this information provided meant to be a substitute for financial or legal advice, or a guarantee for success as that includes several factors, but not limited to, your level of personal responsibility, commitment and path.
To receive individual guidance, supporting to apply this knowledge directly to experiences, email me {} to schedule a chat.