Deb Farina

series: attraction flow Support

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Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1

∞ Episode Series: Attraction Flow Support

Episode 9: Attraction Grounding & Presence

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…I’m so glad you’ve been guided here to where you discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, including what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your divine design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design Chart.

If you don’t have a Human Design Chart, feel free to click the link above this episode to obtain one for free {and please know I am not affiliated with this site…one of my clients actually guided me to it and I’ve found it an incredible resource}.

In this episode, you’ll discover the fuel that supports your attraction flow to maintain its’ upward momentum to the Throat Center with aligning support through the Splenic, Sacral or Solar Plexus Centers.

The fuel, originating from the Root Center, is a pressurizing flow that is much like you turning on a hose, then regulating the intensity.

The Root is an energy center that drives attraction flow energy upward towards the Throat, where all roads lead in Human Design, supporting your ability to express and manifest instantly.

The energy that flows from this grounding supportive center is then adjusted as it travels through the Splenic, Sacral and Solar Plexus Centers to meet a specific need or theme you can to utilize or evolve in this lifetime.

Before we get into the episode, a few things you need to know.

If you haven’t yet reviewed the Attraction Basics Series {Episodes 1 – 3}, this episode could be challenging to follow unless you know a bit about Human Design.

While we utilize Human Design Charts here, it is with my signature focus of Attract by Design®, which specifically looks at your Attraction Flow, Attraction Communication and Attraction Validation, aka who your true self is without the conditioning.

If you’d like a visual, follow along with my Human Design chart by heading to Attract by Design®, then scroll 1/3 down the page to see my chart, zooming to see the area I’m now speaking about.

As a reminder, you will need your very own Human Design chart which can be obtained through the link at the top of this blog page.

Okay, ready to go? Have your beverage at hand? I’m going to take a sip of my tea and get this show on the road…

There are 9 Gates in the Root Center

Like any gate, it controls what enters and when.

The timing is not directly controlled consciously by you but rather when you interact with another individual or there is an astrological transit that triggers this theme within you.

Yes, the planets have pull and while this is more advanced study, I felt called to mention it so you know that your gates are being activated all the time.

The way you bring your conscious understanding and support to the direction of the flow is by creating more awareness about your gates…

>>> which gates are strong and innate in you, supporting you to evolve or achieve your purpose in this lifetime.

And which gates are non-active, creating a learning opportunity for you to expand your possibilities when activated.

Does this sound confusing? No worries. I am going to break it down, step by step. It’s one of my gifts/themes in this lifetime to support you.

Let’s begin with noticing which Root Center gates you have active innately.

They are the circled numbers in the Root Center, which as a reminder for those newer to Human Design is the center/shape located at the bottom of your graph.

For those following along with my chart at Attract by Design®, you’ll see I have 4 circled numbers, or active gates.

The number of gates you have active isn’t about quantity.

More doesn’t necessarily mean better as you’re given exactly what is needed for your divine design to/for purpose to play out if you choose to.

In some cases, this means no active gates in a center.

Let me review what this means for you so that you can move on to the next episode in this series although I will say it is beneficial to know these gates as they will be activated for you through planetary transits…

And this will be an area that you can evolve if you choose to.

When gates are not active, their themes don’t always feel like you and can trigger conditioned society responses unless you know who you are. For example, when you’ve validated what your design is and you are strong in knowing what themes support you.

The themes are defined through the gates and the channels of energy that flow from gate to gate, or center to center.

Make sense so far?

When there are no gates active in the Root Center, it can show up for you as feeling the need for intense activity or the desire to be still to concentrate but you don’t know why these themes are presenting when they do.

When you don’t know why the energy themes are presenting, because the flow from the Root to another center isn’t complete, you aren’t always clear on what to do.

It’s like a hiccup…you are going along and then you hit a bump but what do you do next?

>>> A solution that serves many who have this design is to spend time in nature, to ground your energy naturally.

This way when a theme is active in you, you won’t rush off to try and clear the energy before being present to understand why this energy or fuel is there for you.

If you don’t ground your energy to understand it, it’s like you’re driving with a full tank of gas but you have nowhere to go. Your energy isn’t being directed and it then doesn’t express or manifest in a way that serves you.

But by spending time in nature and being conscious of your themes, you are able to channel this energy into a direction that supports your attraction flow.

Got it?

Let’s talk about the connection these Root Gates have with each center: Splenic, Sacral and Solar Plexus, going through each gate, one by one.

Are you clear on which gates are active, the circled numbers?

Beginning from the left, Gate 58 {and as you can see from my chart if you’re following along} is active for me.

Gate 58 is the theme of vitality, the fuel that creates a spark for the theme of enjoying having joy in your life. You’ll often here me say how I adore or love something. That’s where this comes from. My recognition that I do enjoy these things and I love that I do.

It can also be seen as a zest for living life…because when we love things, we tend to feel attracted to more of the same.

Therefore, we create a continuum of energy that flows from that joy.

Following me so far?

See why this is important to know for your attraction flow?

Even if you don’t have this gate active, you will experience the theme at some point thanks to the planetary transits!

Notice the color that extends upward from gate 58 on my chart…it’s a red/black stripe. {Revisit Season 1, Episode 2 for more on these red/black lines.}

When gate 58 moves its’ flow of energy upward and it continues all the way to gate 18 in the Splenic Center {meaning gate 18 is circled as well}, this flow of energy creates the art of mastery.

The energy theme then flows upward through any of the Splenic channels toward the Throat, depending on your design.

Gate 18 of the Splenic Center aligns the energy fueled by gate 58 in the Root Center to find a remedy for what dissatisfies you so that you can look for its’ source to change.

Even if you do not have these gates connected, but one of the gates is active, it plays a key role in your life theme. {More on that in another episode.}

Onto the next gate…

If you have Gate 38 active {notice it is not on my Human Design chart because the gate isn’t circled}, the focus of the fuel to attract is a perceived untruth.

Gate 38 is focused on the value and purpose of one’s life. It elevates the struggles or challenges to give them meaning.

See how this could keep you moving?

When it travels upward to Gate 28 in the Splenic Center, it completes the channeled flow of energy to align by specifying the energy to create your uniqueness.

Gate 28’s job is to give awareness so you can find the inner alignment to choose the struggle or challenge that resonates with what you desire to create.

Next gate in the Root Center is gate 54 which fuels the energy of committing to your individual goals first.

It’s the pressure to rise up and to transform which keeps you going with what you’ve individually chosen to attract to you.

Yes, with your choices, you create a vibration or signature that supports your intentions to attract when aligned.

This is the last Root Gate that links up to the Splenic Center.

Gate 54 meets gate 32 which supports your endurance by making aligned adjustments as you need to when you move along through your goals.

For those who have the channel flow of energy from gate 54 in the Root Center to gate 32 in the Splenic Center, you are looking for your talents to be recognized to be promoted or move up the proverbial ladder in some way.

Even if you don’t have this channel as your design, you may activate it in some way in your lifetime with the astrological transits but if it is part of your divine design, it’s a key attraction flow for you throughout your life.

Now at the top of the Root Center is gate 53.

When active, gate 53 creates a fuel to begin something new organically, meaning you are drawn into an experience without much consideration beforehand.

Its’ energy is then pushed upward towards the Sacral Center’s gate 42 which brings the resource of continued energy alignment or path towards it with a focus on growing by observing without emotion where you benefit from your efforts.

When these two gates are connected, the channel directs the focus on gaining depth of knowledge through experiencing a cycle of events.

In essence, it’s the driving force for growing through experience and after reflection, being able to translate this for others.

Powerful to confirm or know this about yourself, right?

Moving on to the next gate, which is 60. When it’s circled on your chart, it’s innately active and has been given to you to support your attraction and energy flow in this lifetime.

Gate 60 of the Root Center fuels your energy towards creating a boundary or container to resolve old challenges in new ways. Its’ goal is to transcend any limitations.

When gate 60 continues its’ flow upward to Sacral Center gate 3, you gain the momentum to implement new ways.

For those with a channel flow of energy from the Root Center’s gate 60 to the Sacral Center’s gate 3, you access the incredible innate cycle of change and evolutionary growth, transcending the limitation of the present to surrender to what is an energy that impacts humanity with its’ change.

One more gate in the Root Center that meets the Sacral Center and if you’re following along with the Attract by Design® page, you’ll see I have this gate AND channel.

Gate 52 in the Root Center, when active, fuels the inner yoda by keeping you still in a sense of anticipation of what can emerge through witnessing what is occurring in your life now.

Its’ energy naturally flows upward to Gate 9 in the Sacral Center which supports and honors the momentum to look at all the details during this contemplation, whether you think they matter or not.

This channel theme of concentration, which many of my clients appreciate in me, brings the capacity to sustain a focus long enough for the improvement to appear.

The next gate in the Root Center is another one I have…do you? It’s gate 19 and fuels re-establishing connection by sensing others’ needs before they do.

It naturally flows upward towards the Solar Plexus gate 49 which creates an emotional wave to transcend the old way of thinking or being to create a rebel like energy to develop something individual within/for you and possibly society.

When you have this channel energy, you’re creating something for those around you to believe in and being sensitive to your own position, you are able to experience the emotional viewpoints that support you to recognize which are most compatible with the highest synchronicities, otherwise thought of as greater good for all.

The 2nd to last gate of the Root Center is gate 39. It’s one quite a few of my clients have had recently. Gate 39 fuels the stirring of emotions to see the potential for personal growth.

It flows naturally to the Solar Plexus Center gate 55 {yes, I have that one active if you’re following along} which is accessing the energy of abundance through an emotion trigger that transcends you to greater spiritual connection.

Think oneness here…with all that is.

When you have the full channel, it’s a powerful spiritual transcendence energy…freeing from the 3D lower expressions of energy to experience the 5D higher vibrations of emotions to set things in motion with a newer spirit, cultivating the mood to do so.

One more gate {and yes, you will see I have it}. It is gate 41 which fuels the desire or momentum to interact with others in a grounded way of tangible experiences to evaluate the potential satisfaction or accomplishment.

It can also be the fantasies or dreams that create a sense of sustainment to keep you moving, taking steps that build clarity.

The energy then travels upward through a channel of energy flowing towards gate 30 in the Solar Plexus Center which cleanses by fully immersing in experiences with a call to the sensations or feelings you have while in the experience.

The channel of energy expressed by these 2 gates is funneling you into experiences you haven’t had yet to evolve you. And this inexperience actually drives you forward like desire and then emotions of the experience evolve you.

So now that we reviewed all 9 Gates in the Root Center, which gates and energy flow channels are active for you and what does it tell you about yourself, plus your attraction flow?

Which ones will you focus on?

Any of these channels can then continue the energy flow that extends upward towards the Throat center, where all roads lead.

Feel free to continue the journey of this series in the next episode on Attraction Mental Strategy, where we focus on the Crown & Anja Centers, available now below.

Episode 10: Attraction Mental Strategy

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…I’m so glad you’ve been guided here to where you discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, including what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your divine design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design Chart.

If you don’t have a Human Design Chart, feel free to click the link above this episode to obtain one for free {and please know I am not affiliated with this site…one of my clients actually guided me to it and I’ve found it an incredible resource}.

In this episode, you’ll dive into the fuel or awareness that supports your attraction flow to the Throat Center with aligning support through the Crown & Anja Centers, otherwise known as your mental strategy.

The Crown or Head Center is the home to your inspiration and fuels these ideas to travel downward to your Throat Center, where all roads lead to express and manifest.

This moves the thoughts into your awareness center, the Anja, where you can interpret what has been stimulated by the Crown.

Neither Center by itself can manifest but lends support to your actions that support attraction.

Mental awareness has been dominant in society and while there are multiple designs that don’t rely solely on this, the perspective from these centers enriches humanity and offers exploration to possibilities so it is worth a focus as a stand-alone episode.

Before we continue with the depth of this topic, there are a few things you need to know.

If you haven’t yet reviewed the Attraction Basics Series {Episodes 1 – 3}, this episode could be challenging to follow unless you know a bit about Human Design.

While we utilize Human Design Charts here, it is with my signature focus of Attract by Design®, which specifically looks at your Attraction Flow, Attraction Communication and Attraction Validation, aka who your true self is without the conditioning.

If you’d like a visual, follow along with my Human Design chart by heading to Attract by Design®, then scroll 1/3 down the page to see my chart, zooming to see the area I’m now speaking about.

As a reminder, you will need your very own Human Design chart which can be obtained through the link at the top of this blog page.

We begin with the Crown or Head Center at the very top of your chart.

For this episode, it’s less important if this center is colored in but more important which, if any, of the 3 gates there are active.

As a reminder from previous episodes, a gate is active when it is circled.

If you’re following along with my chart on the Attract by Design® page, you will see I have 2 out of the 3 gates circled here: gates 64 and 63.

The 1st gate, gate 64, focuses on the past to make sense of the different cycles of experiences or events that lead you to where you are now…to look at each from a discerning view without attachment to one being correct.

You can do this by letting your thoughts stream and patiently await the clarity that comes so that you can express the ah-ha’s as they present.

It’s important not that these ah-has are meant to be personally acted upon but for the energy flow to be expressed so others become aware of this perspective/s.

And this occurs when gate 64 meets up with gate 47 in the Anja Center.

I’m incredibly familiar with this channel flow of energy because even though I do not have gate 47 naturally active, I attract a number of individuals that do. Thereby, creating a complete channel flow for both of us.

Gate 47 in the Anja Center has a role of editing these thoughts to bring them into a form to express, normally received as an ah-ha. By filtering through the thoughts, new details or perspectives emerge.

We’ll continue this journey when we speak of the Anja Center gates that connect the energy flow into channels that lead to the Throat.

Next Crown or Head Center gate is 61. When 61 is active, there’s an inner yes that happens in the moment.

You simply know which thoughts or ideas resonate for now. There’s an awareness that is like recognition.

When the energy flow continues completely through the channel to gate 24 in the Anja Center, you also gain access to turn the awareness into definition.

It’s similar to the energy of solving a mystery. We’ll be talking more about the Anja Center in a bit and how this may carry into your Throat center to express.

The final Crown or Head Center gate is 63 and when activated, logically looks for a pattern to emerge and through this, presents doubt as a fuel for further attention to the areas that don’t feel as secure, to resolve for the future.

When its’ energy flow meets that of Gate 4 in the Anja Center, it looks for a level of consistency that potentially could support you in the future and is captured when others ask you questions that initiate or stimulate this area of your mental strategy.

Those with Gate 4 active love to share their solutions!

Is it supporting you to see which of these gates you have active?

For those that do not have any gates active naturally in the Crown or Head Center, it can show up for you as if you aren’t partial to a specific inspired focus which can create anxiety as you don’t know where to direct your energy.

Letting all ideas naturally evolve without attachment to any one is an evolutionary approach that can put you into the observer or witnessing viewpoint where you can experience the wonder of possibilities.

Next progression is to the Anja Center, directly below the Crown or Head Center with access leading to the Throat.

When the Anja Center is defined you will have a reliable process you can rinse and repeat that supports your mental strategy to bring expression through inspiration into a unique perspective.

If you’re unfamiliar with definition, be sure to review Season 1, Episode 2 for additional details to support your understanding.

When your Anja Center is undefined {as you will see mine is if you’re following along with my chart on the Attract by Design® page }, there is a playful or education role that it plays so that the individual can think abstractly without a level of certainty giving it the space to blossom into a piece of wisdom for both the expresser and the receiver.

2 different approaches and yet there is another layer…like with the Crown or Head Center, the Anja Center has the potential to be completely open, meaning there are no active gates naturally.

Those who have this layer of openness {which I do} derive great pleasure in considering a ray of options without becoming attached to any of them.

To complete this topic, we’ll review the 3 remaining Anja Center gates: 11, 43, 17…

These gates sync up to the Throat Center with a specific awareness to share or express in a certain way utilizing one of the mental strategy approaches just reviewed.

The benefit to this is a supportive alignment for your attraction to manifest opportunities, resources and support which the Throat Center is known for.

The Anja gate 11 (when active/circled) instills a balance that is known to create inner harmony or peace as you weigh both the desire to be part of the collective and the beliefs that are individual that want to be expressed.

It is a higher perspective awareness driven by Sagittarius energy, bringing you to align with your immediate environment, be independent in thought, allow for fresh ideas, share ideals and be flexible with expansive ideals.

It links up to gate 56 in the Throat center, creating a continuous energy flow of exploring new ideas and ways of seeing things plus the desire to express what has been discovered, without attachment to what becomes of it.

It can often emerge as a story.

The next Anja Center gate is 43 and when active, it’s key for the user with this design to wait for that unhesitating knowing that springs forth a breakthrough.

These breakthroughs in thought will not be substantiated by facts so it is helped along by gate 23 in the Throat center to assimilate the concept into an expression that can be understood by your aligned audience.

It’s often a very simple approach that backs up your knowing.

One final gate in the Anja Center and that is gate 17, which when active, is designed to follow the concept wherever it goes to assess perspectives, locating what is logical to express.

It links up to gate 62 in the Throat Center and when that energy flow is there, there is support to the concept with details, making it tangible and understood.

This completes our review of mental strategy and its’ supportive connection to the Throat center.

Did you recognize something in one of these gates that has affirmed or validated the way you are naturally designed to interact?

For those who wish to discover more now with my support and guidance, there are options available to you >>> Attract by Design®.

Ready to continue with the next episodes?

Next up ∞ Episode Series: Designed to Attract


Deb Farina

Deb is extremely passionate about attracting as you were designed to, bringing guidance for your unique genetic imprint to you so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

She has over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching in the life and entrepreneurial space. Prior to setting out on her own, she worked for small and medium sized entrepreneurial companies, guiding CEOs and COOs to double and triple their businesses.