Deb Farina

Wisdom Waves Collection 2025.png

A restoration to center

In the day to day, you’re often pulled out of center…

A relationship or experience triggers a past trauma or society belief

And you wind up on the extreme end of the consciousness stream…

Without realizing how far from center you’ve gone

Because the remembrance of what a centered state feels like is faint

And you’ve lost your way, to return home to it.

These Ascension Audios, Wisdom Waves, support you to shift

From the extreme side of the stream of life

Back to the center where you create in flow and synchronicity

At peace with yourself and life’s journey down the river

Remembering the way it feels again to be balanced

And as if life is working for you…

Explore these Energy Expressions for free {click on the highlighted name to be transported}:


Anticipate Answers: the cure for doubt, when a pause occurs to recognize fears and an opportunity arises to inquire, breaking the cycle with remembered truths and restoring connection between your heart + mind.

Possibilities Power: the cure for confusion, when the signal that emotional processing needs to be done in order to let go of the past, bringing opportunity for understanding of potentials not seen previously.

Innocence Inspires: the cure for chaos, enabling the higher view of events, bringing a new rhythm that aligns you with what could be, creating integrity with your true soul expression, initiating a clean slate.


Standing in Strength: release worry, strengthen your connection to Source, and see opportunities in the present, with the Majestic Tree energy to restore and remember who you are, re-connecting to strength.

Fly Free: release disempowered, dense states of consciousness to envision and guide intentions, restoring your energy expression to a state of freedom, with support from the red-tailed hawk.

Stilling Shadow: Break through dense energies, bypassing the mental loop and altering experience, embodying additional light energies, with the Stork’s spirit to embrace change, restoring and remembering your truth of direction.

Continue the journey: Opening

Includes Expectation Exhale + Love Listens

Presence Peak + Serenity Seas

Desires Dive + Phoenix Purifies

With Bonuses: Ankh Anchors + Enrich Experiences

Inquiries can be directed to