A Turning Time standalone blog post, continuing the journey into the fall eclipse season of 2022 as it relates to your spirit themes and opportunity for ascension to deeper understanding.

Astrology & Human Design chart required to individualize your experience.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

New to working with eclipses? Start with this previous blog post: Eclipse Exploration.

What is the difference between the spring and fall solar eclipse?

This time the Solar Eclipse and New Moon is in Scorpio, the sign opposite the 1st Solar Eclipse and in earlier degrees than the 1st Lunar Eclipse. This difference means you’re looking at different planets and points impacted, although some will overlap from the prior eclipse season and the same general astrology themes of Scorpio’s focus on the wealth and values of others will prevail.

Where do you look at in your chart to discover the impact of the October 2022 Solar Eclipse?

The October Solar Eclipse happens at exactly 2 degrees Scorpio.

Following the same steps you did with the 1st eclipse season, notice if you have any planets in your astrology or Human Design charts that are located between 28 degrees {of the preceding sign: Libra, Cancer, Capricorn or Aries} and 7 degrees {of the fixed sign: Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus}. If you do, you will feel that theme emphasized. Remember, for points, look 2 degrees less in either direction.

In Human Design, these locations equate to Gate/Lines: 50.3, 50.4, 50.5, 50.6, and all of 28 for Scorpio; 56.3, 56.4, 56.5, 56.6, and all of 31 for Leo; 60.3, 60.4, 60.5, 60.6, and all of 41 for Aquarius; 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and all of 27 for Taurus.

The closer your planet or point is to 2 degrees Scorpio {Gate/Line: 28.1} or one of the other Fixed Signs {Leo, Aquarius, or Taurus} at that location of 2 degrees {Gate/Line: 31.1, 41.1, 27.1}, the stronger the theme will present for you to evolve your experience.

What is the general theme of the October 2022 Solar Eclipse?

The theme for Scorpio 2 degrees as a Sabian Symbol {Scorpio 2} is a broken bottle and spilled perfume which designates the cracking open of ego to share the creative side of self.

While this is a simplification and all symbols are designed to be self-interpretative, it will get you started on understanding the energy theme.

What do you look at once you know if you have a planet or point impacted by the eclipse?

#1 – Planet Theme.

Once you’ve located which planet or point is in the pathway of the eclipse, knowing the theme of your planet or point will help create awareness so you can consciously work on the eclipse experience and deepen your understanding subconsciously as you fixate on that energy.

If you’re new to what the planet themes are, you can refer to Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode 4: Planet Themes.


#2 – Sign Element.

After you look at the planet theme, you then look to the element it’s in. Each fixed sign has an element that emphasizes an energy approach.

Since Scorpio is the primary element now, this approach of emotional power will be emphasized when you have another planet or point located near the lunar eclipse pathway.

When you have another Fixed Sign other than Scorpio, it adds in an extra element plus the interaction with the collective Scorpio point {where the Solar Eclipse is).

As a reminder, Leo brings Fire for respect and recognition, Aquarius is Air to create innovation and conversation and Taurus is Earth for the physical senses. These elements impact your energy in a different way than when it’s simply Scorpio for this eclipse season.

When a planet or point in Scorpio Water interacts with Leo Fire, it brings added drama or passion. Likewise, Scorpio Water gives Aquarius Air nurturing by showing how important feelings are and Scorpio Water provides Taurus Earth with nourishment, while releasing rigidity.

Note which of these element interactions, if any, you have impacting your eclipse experience. Discover more about the way elements work in Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode 3: Elements.


#3 – Gate Theme.

To know the specifics of your theme impacted by planet or point, look to your Human Design chart, which illustrates with great detail based on the gate line and teachings of the I-Ching. To get you started, there is a summary of all gate themes in Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode: Living with the Lunar Cycle.



What is the difference between the spring and fall lunar eclipse?

The November Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon is in the signs of Scorpio and Taurus again but this time the Sun is in Scorpio while the Moon is in Taurus, making Taurus the focus of the energy.

This 2nd Lunar Eclipse of the year occurs at 16 degrees, 1 minute Taurus, later in degrees than the 1st Solar Eclipse and earlier in degrees than the 1st Lunar Eclipse.

Therefore, again different planets and points will be impacted although you will see an overlap and the same general astrology themes of opposition.

Remember the see-saw? Oppositions in astrology create tension to remind you of 2 different needs to support growth. In this case, the needs are your own value and wealth with Taurus on one side versus the wealth and values of others with Scorpio on the other side.


Where do you look at in your chart to discover the impact of the November 2022 Lunar Eclipse?

If you have any fixed signs {Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius} in your astrology or Human Design charts that have planets located between 11 degrees, 1 minute and 21 degrees, 1 minute, you will feel that theme emphasized. For points, look 2 degrees less in either direction.

In Human Design, these locations equate to Gate/Lines: 24.4, 24.5, 24.6, all of 2, 23.1 and 23.2 for Taurus; 44.4, 44.5, 44.6, all of 1, 43.1 and 43.2 for Scorpio; 19.4, 19.5, 19.6, all of 13, 49.1 and 49.2 for Aquarius; 33.4, 33.5, 33.6, all of 7, 4.1 and 4.2 for Leo.

The closer your planet or point is to 16 degrees, 1 minute Taurus {Gate/Line: 2.3} or one of the other Fixed Signs {Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo} at that location of 16 degrees, 1 minute {Gate/Line: 1.3, 13.3, 7.3}, the stronger the theme will present for you to evolve your experience.


What is the general theme of the November 2022 Lunar Eclipse?

The theme for Taurus 16 degrees 1 minute as a Sabian Symbol {Taurus 17} is a battle between the swords and the torches, speaking of the duality between the mind and spirit.

While this is a simplification and all symbols are designed to be self-interpretative, it will get you started on understanding the energy theme.


What do you look at once you know if you have a planet or point impacted by the eclipse?

#1 – Planet Theme.

Once you’ve located which planet or point is in the pathway of the eclipse, knowing the theme of your planet or point will help create awareness so you can consciously work on the eclipse experience and deepen your understanding subconsciously as you fixate on that energy.

If you’re new to what the planet themes are, you can refer to Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode 4: Planet Themes.


#2 – Sign Element.

After you look at the planet theme, you then look to the element it’s in. Each fixed sign has an element that emphasizes an energy approach.

Taurus is an earth element, designed to look to what is practical. In particular, Taurus is known for its connection to the physical, the senses. Since the collective point is located here for all of us during the final lunar eclipse, this is the approach that will be emphasized when you have another planet or point located near its pathway.

Another layer comes into play when the planet or point is in a Fixed Sign other than Taurus, because you have another element at work and interacting with the collective Taurus point {where the Lunar Eclipse is}.

Leo brings Fire for respect and recognition, Scorpio uses Water for emotional power and Aquarius is Air to create innovation and conversation. These elements impact your energy in a different way than when it’s simply Taurus for this eclipse season.

For example, when you have a planet or point in Leo Fire interacting with Taurus Earth, the Earth element will teach the Fire to be more organized. Likewise, Earth gives Water the container to create from and Earth provides Air with practical energy to put ideas into reality.

Note which of these element interactions, if any, you will have impacting your eclipse experience. Discover more about the elements in Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode 3: Elements.


#3 – Gate Theme.

To know the specifics of your theme impacted by planet or point, look to your Human Design chart, which illustrates with great detail based on the gate line and teachings of the I-Ching. To get you started, there is a summary of all gate themes in Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode: Living with the Lunar Cycle.


To read the next blog post >>> Divinely Designed with Deb.