A Turning Time standalone blog post, continuing the Retro Review with Mercury and the Lunar Eclipse 2022.

Astrology & Human Design chart required to individualize your experience.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

Mercury Retrograde at a glance:

Mercury will begin in airy Gemini where it is most at home…

This planet brings in the focus of perspective and communication along with the energy approach of flexible and adapting, changing things that can be improved through stimulating conversations.

With the specific theme at the start of the journey of contemplation through commanding presence to see the expanded picture. After all, divine meaning requires inner concentration.

Mercury continues the journey by looking at all manners of contemplation, supporting one to detach from any specific outcome a perspective brings and to instead use if for self-evaluation.

The themes wrap up with contributing empowering ideas with like-minded souls to bring unity to what you’re creating.


Mercury will impact Pluto and the Solar Eclipse by providing friction with its’ divine masculine deliberate focus to grow and change your perspective.

Then, Mercury shifts at the end to meet up with Pluto and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus to bring harmony through the slow and steady eye to self-realize and ground ideas into form.

This Mercury retrograde energy will utilize the elements of Air and Earth to take the innovative ideas from the Air and turn them into something tangible with the Earth.


What is your Mercury in?

Individual your experience by looking to the Element of your natal/birth Mercury.

As a reminder, each element presents through a trilogy of astrological signs and represents a different energy approach for you to utilize for perspective and communication.

Since Mercury starts in an Air sign, this is the energy you begin with…

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius} are at home, fluid in intellect, conversation and relationships.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius} will be fueled with passion/purpose as Air keeps the Fire going.

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces} have the potential to be more of a thinker.

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn} will be lifted up so movement happens more frequently.

When Mercury shifts to Earth Taurus on May 22nd, follow the Pluto retrograde guide above.


What will Mercury focus on in this retrograde?

Mercury begins at Gemini 4 degrees 52 minutes and ends at Taurus 26 degrees 5 minutes which is designated as follows:

In energy design, it’s Gate 20, beginning at line 6 and ends at Gate 8 line 2, continuing themes we’ve begun in late April but now looking at them with a new perspective.

The gate themes of Gate 20 focus on contemplation and Gate 8 looks at unity.

The themes present as follows, rewinding through the lines for you to experience each, one at a time:

Starting with reflecting from a detached view like a sage to recognize what would benefit and support everyone {gate 20, line 6} which then transitions to being open to deepen clarity by self-examining the impact one has had on others by observing others without attachment {line 5}.

Next, the opportunity to recognize relationships can further perspective but one must honor awareness and act independently {line 4} which shifts then to reflecting objectively by taking what is seen in the external world and directing thoughts inward {line 3}.

Completing Gate 20 through a focus to senses that a view where only the self is considered limits perspective and sees these perspectives can be balanced with what is seen in the external world {line 2} and finishes with investigating contemplation through a detached observation that is not easily comprehended by others, requiring a simplification to see the smaller aspects are part of the whole {line 1}.


Then, moving to Gate 8 to evaluate unity through sensing which timing is aligned for harmonious connections to create relationships through true contributions {line 6} which transitions to then accept those naturally attracted and let those who aren’t leave, while recognizing when and how to create, releasing the need to woo {line 5}.

Next, the opportunity to support whole heartedly each individual’s empowering contribution through respect and well-established alignment {line 4} which shifts then to use caution and experience to recognize unaligned relationships, keeping distance emotionally {line 3}.

And completes with responding to others in service, empowering them through a role model of authenticity {line 2}.


To deepen your understanding of the energy themes and integrate the above themes further, sit with these brief overviews of the applicable astrology Sabian Symbols and again follow the flow from one to the next…

Starting with Gemini 5 which is a radical magazine that depicts the arrival of the unexpected to bring a deepening of understanding while offering the opportunity to leave your individual mark.

Gemini 4 follows with holly and mistletoe to transform the most ordinary into joyous moments, bringing spiritual self-renewal.

Gemini 3 continues the journey with the garden of the Tuileries signifying the benefits to society when you creatively utilize time or money to encourage all forms of expression.

Gemini 2 is Santa Claus filling stockings furtively representing the joy that comes from giving and appreciating each individual, recognizing which gifts will hold the most value.

Gemini 1 is a glass bottom boat in still water which shows the awareness needed to seize the moment when one quickly recognizes opportunity, whether through perception or intuition.

Then Taurus 30 begins the next theme with a peacock parading on an ancient lawn, signifying the poise and presence to dramatize the highest opportunities while recognizing even the smallest accomplishments.

Followed by Taurus 29 which is 2 cobblers working at a table symbolling a willingness to look at all sides of an issue with objectively, similar to brainstorming.

Continuing through Taurus 28 with a woman pursued by mature romance, depicting hope and patience for the fullness of the experience while refusing to accept defeat.

And completing the cycle with Taurus 27 to a squaw selling beads supporting the look at intrinsic value and value given equally for value received.

Is this Mercury Retrograde significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

Mercury is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design…any line of Gate 20, 8.6, 8.5, 8.4, 8.3, 8.2; 18.2, 18.1; any line of 46, 6.6, 6.5, 6.4; 41.4, 41.3, 41.2, 41.1; any line of Gate 60 and 61.6. If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in Air {Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} in early degrees of 1 through 4 or Earth {Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn} in later degrees of 26 through 29 will feel Mercury the strongest.

Since Mercury’s retrograde officially begins March 10th, 2022 {although you’ve been anticipating it energetically and preparing for it}, it sets the stage for the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, occurring only days later on May 15, 2022…

The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at a glance:

The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse ends the eclipse season with a look at both side of the coin: watery Scorpio and earthy Taurus to remind you of 2 different needs.

This Scorpio submersion into emotional saturation for inner power nourishes Taurus’ ability to bring a perspective to form.


What is your Sun & Moon in?

As with the Solar Eclipse, we will look to the Sun and Moon but this time they are already at odds with the element approach.

The Sun desires you to lean into Earth Taurus as follows {similar to the Solar Eclipse}:

Refer again to your natal Sun to utilize this energy.

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn} are at home, grounding into form.

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius} will be more practical, turning ideas into reality.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius} have the potential to be more organized.

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces} will feel more able to bring things to form.

This energy is complemented in a full moon effect to create tension and remind you of 2 different needs. The Moon desires you lean into Watery Scorpio as follows:

Refer again to your natal Moon to utilize this energy.

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces} are at home, accessing the inner world of intuition and emotion.

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn} will feel nourished and be less rigid in approach.

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius} have the potential to be more nurturing as it’s easier to be in touch with one’s feelings.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius} can temper the passions/purpose to trigger balance.

What will the Sun and Moon focus on in this Lunar Eclipse?

The Sun and Moon are presenting opposing views to remind you of 2 different needs.

Let’s focus here on the Moon where it peaks at Scorpio 25 degrees, 18 minutes designated as Gate 14.1 in energy design or through astrology Sabian Symbols as Scorpio 25.

Gate 14 brings you in touch with magnifying the opportunity to manifest through attracting with the clarity of commitment, detachment and perseverance that appears at ease with resources.

Because this moment occurs in line 1, there is an emphasis on investigating through careful study to bring increased knowledge to your use of chosen resources.

14.1 focuses the theme to examine your motivation for and attainment of wealth to open up to higher understandings of prosperity.

Scorpio 25 is Indians making camp, emphasizing resourcefulness and reminding us that we can find whatever we need, wherever we go.

Is this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

The New Moon/Solar Eclipse is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design: 43.2, 43.3, 43.4, 43.5, 43.6, and any lines of 14; any lines of 62, 56.1, 56.2, 56.3, and 56.4; 49.2, 49.3, 49.4, 49.5, 49.6, and any lines of 30; 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5, 23.6, and any lines of 8. If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in Fixed Signs {Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus} that are located between 20 degrees, 18 minutes {of the fixed sign} and 0 degree, 18 minutes {of the next sign: Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini} will feel the eclipse the strongest.

The closer your planet or point is to 25 degrees, 18 minutes Scorpio {Gate/Line 14.1} or one of the other Fixed Signs {Leo, Aquarius or Taurus} at that location of 25 degrees, 18 minutes {Gate/Line: 62.5, 30.1, 8.1}, the stronger the theme will present for you to evolve your experience.

While this full moon signifies the completing days of the eclipse season, planet retrogrades are still in full swing. Here’s a short preview of the next 2 planets that will join the others…


What’s to come with Saturn in airy Aquarius and Neptune in watery Pisces?

There is still work to be done with regeneration through Pluto while perspectives and communication with Mercury have moved direct, stabilizing now with help from Saturn.

Saturn in Aquarius supports adjusting to the concepts of the current situation while providing the needed innovation and fluidity to change systems…the structures, practices and processes.

Then, a few weeks later, Neptune in Pisces adds an element of compassion as you experience the results from bringing these new ideas in your structured way out in the world, bringing unlimited awareness which creates an opportunity to evolve with empathy for the experiences given to you.

This planet energy strengthens and becomes a factor closer to the retrograde dates of June 4th and June 28th.

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