Deb Farina

intro to alignment

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Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1

∞ Begin here with Bonus Episode 11: Intro to Alignment

Updated: 7/25/23

Hey there! Welcome to a special episode of Divinely Designed with Deb

>>> Align with Your Attraction Authority…what drives your decisions.

I’m Deb Farina and I am so happy you were guided to me.

These blog {formerly podcast} episodes use a channeled signature focus, requiring your Human Design chart to understand and work with your innate attraction flow, communication and validate to/for purpose.

See the link at the top of the page to obtain your Human Design chart for free.

Now, let’s get started, shall we?

>>> This is a read first episode, because unlike typical Human Design teachings that focus on Strategy at the beginning…

I was intuitively guided to bring you to your Alignment first. You’ll see why.

Today, you’ll discover which decision method you innately use: intuition, instinct or emotion

And the role of the mind in your decisions, as well as a tried and true approach to make divine decisions.

As does about 66% of the population, I make decisions based on instinct but as you’ll see today, intuition plays a role in my life and business as well.

This episode is here to support and guide you to make decisions that are in highest synchronicity for you.

And not from a conditioned place, whether it be society pressure, past experience or ancestral ties.

It’s about differentiating and choosing you as you were designed to be {and attract opportunities, support and resources along the way}.

Before we get into the Human Design, I feel called to pull an oracle card and share a channeled message to bring you into the present.

Rather than predict what might happen, let’s focus on the energy because this is what empowers you {and your decisions}.

The card is from the Crystal Mandala Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild and it’s >>> Rest

Hmmm…is it time for you to allow for a re-charge?

Self-care creates space…space for what is coming in.

To receive intuitive insights and care for others, one must be open to receive.

This reading is linked with this episode as Authority Design supports utilization of your energy.

By recognizing where your natural approach to decisions is, you are free to release the other teachings that don’t apply.

Freeing up your space and naturally re-charging your energy.


Now let’s dive into what you came for…discovering your divine decision making authority!

It begins with Human Design.

If you’re not familiar with Human Design, it shares your unique energy genetic code…

Human Design utilizes the depth of Astrology, I-Ching, Chakra and Kabballah concepts combined in 1 soul system.

Providing the answers to the way you’re designed to attract to/for purpose.

Human Design utilizes Strategy & Authority as the basis for this understanding, so this episode will define both simply as a reference point.

Strategy, or as I like to call it, Approach, can be found in the summary of your Human Design chart, noted as a Reflector {very rare}, Manifestor, Projector or Generator/Manifesting Generator.

This plays a role in the way you attract and may factor in when I share more on your tried and true decision approach.

More on Strategy is also available in Season 1, Episode 2 {and the final episodes of Season 1} but as I mentioned earlier, it’s best to understand your Authority first for your specific attraction or energy flow.

Let’s locate your Authority, again in the summary of your Human Design chart: either Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego, Self, No Inner or Lunar Cycle.

Authority is housed in a center that is predominantly focused on a specific energy.

To find out more about the specifics on the centers as well as your Attraction Authority, explore Season 1, Episodes 1, 5 & 6.


But before you take the deeper dive into your Authority, discover what you can do to implement this aspect for your energy flow…

Why are we looking at your energy flow?

Society puts you out of touch with your natural decision making response…your innate flow.

Traditionally, you’re taught to use your mind; maybe even make pro and con charts…

This strategy may support you and I’ll explain why in a bit…

But it also can distract or confuse you, depending on your energy design.

First, let’s uncover what your divine decision making approach is

The most important thing you’ll take away today is whether you’re designed to rely on instinct, intuition or emotion in the decision making process…

Or if willpower and the environment drives you more.


First off, you must be familiar with the centers where these energies originate from to determine if they’re defined for you.

Grab your Human Design chart and start at the bottom.

The center at the very bottom is the Root Center.  

When a center is colored in, it’s considered defined.

Definition is a strategy or approach one can rely on consistently, repeating the same methods to receive similar results.

When the center is without color, or open, it is exploring and evolving approaches for the centers role.

The Root Center works on momentum and fuels your energy, sending it up through the other centers.

To ultimately reach the throat where your true/soul expression emerges.

Along the way it flows in channels, working with their energy themes to progress forward.

From the bottom, in the center, directly above it the Root is the Sacral Center {it’s a square}.

Then to the left of that {a triangle} is the Splenic Center.

And to the right of these {another triangle} is the Solar Plexus Center.


Let’s start with the center square: the Sacral Center.

When it’s defined, it is red…is yours red?

Then instinct plays a big role in your divine decision making…

What does instinct do? It’s that gut response of knowing yes or no.

You’ve had it your whole life but it’s possible it was played down in life experience but how could you know, right?

He, he…you do KNOW.

I have this center defined and all through life, people have been telling me they want the reasons behind my decisions, as if my knowing wasn’t enough.

I began to doubt my own abilities to decide, beginning to look externally for answers when internally they were the most divinely aligned all along.

This is the conditioning I refer to above…

The conditioning separates you from who you are as well as who you came here to be in this lifetime…

And for those who are more tangibly driven, it impacts your attraction BIG time.

Because it effects your alignment…

When you follow your conditioned patterns and not your divine design, it takes you on a round about course…

The collective {the universe and the divine} will always send signals to point you back.

However, the more you follow the map of your divine design like a passenger, choosing with free will to go the way you decided to go when you came here…well, it’s much more flow.

At times, things come easier.

When driven by instinct, you have the ability to use your body to help support you when your conditioned patterns interrupt your natural aligned flow.

I’ll be talking more about how at the end.


Let’s keep going with the identification first.

Note if you are Sacral & Instinctual.

Again, this is when your Sacral Center is colored in, defined.

Next up is left of the Sacral Center...

This triangle represents your Splenic Center.

It’s where your innate intuitive intelligence resides.

Is it colored in for you? Yup, mine is too!

In fact, I have a special line from the I-Ching that demonstrates a rare ability with intuition and that sometimes, it’s the only way I know.

Imagine how well that’s gone over in main stream society, right?

I get that you may already be on board with this concept of using a sense other than the mind

But in case you’re becoming aware and beginning to accept it…let this be the extra affirmation or validation you needed to hear.

While we’re all intuitive, instinctual and emotional…it’s not always defined in us or the main source of decision.

For those of you whose Splenic Center is colored in, intuition is reliable for you to use and actually, you’re meant to strengthen it in this lifetime by using it.

…even if it’s not listed as your Authority.

You master intuition once you let it support you and I’ll share ways you can access strategies to do so at the end.


Let’s keep going with the identification…

Keep in mind you might have more than 1 as I have both the Sacral & Splenic Centers defined.

Now, let’s go to the right of the Sacral Center.

The triangle on the right is the Solar Plexus Center.

This center is all about relationships and emotion.

When it’s not defined, as mine is not, you feel everyone’s emotions.

When the Solar Plexus is colored in, it is defined.

In this case, it means the emotional wave is key for understanding why you are deciding.

Experiencing emotions to gain deeper spiritual awareness into the depth of your decision is important to support aligning to/for purpose.

The emotional wave is feeling the lower energy vibrations and the higher energy vibrations until you balance at where you are most consistently and reliably now.

Each vibration is a portal into understanding more about the decision you’re making either solidifying it or changing the course.

We’ll dive deeper into this in a bit at the end.


Now, if none of these centers {Sacral, Splenic or Solar Plexus} are colored in for you, this means your decision making is directed by…

Your Heart Will Power & Ego {many Projectors have this}

OR {especially you Reflectors}, the Cosmos.

See that smaller triangle above the Solar Plexus…

This is your Heart Center in Human Design.

Manifestors use this center as a way to direct their energy flow and if you have this filled in, you’ll be called to use your strength of willpower to attract. I’ll give you an example in a sec.


But first, the last identification…when you whole chart is not colored in.

The Cosmos or Environment around you greatly impacts you but it can also be the most significant if you had none of the previous centers defined.

When the cosmos, or the environment around you dictates your energy flow, it’s key for you to know the transits, and I’ll explain what that means in a sec.


Regardless of which center supports decisions,

Understand the answer still comes from within…

In all cases, when you work with your Attraction Alignment, it is your divine design.

Your Authority shows you the way to make decisions based on what is already strong and reliable within you.

When you have more than one of these centers defined, notice which is your Authority {which is often defined in your Human Design Summary}.

The Authority becomes your go to and I elaborate more on what to do with it in Season 1, Episodes 5 & 6.


For example, I have both Sacral & Splenic defined but my Sacral is my Authority…

Meaning I listen to my body, not my intuitive mind for the decision in the moment.

It’s based on the present where my intuition helps support future needs.

Based on the pace of society, many make decisions in a split second and its’ subconscious.

You may have been conditioned to wait, which is most aligned for Solar Plexus but causes confusion when driven by either the Sacral or the Splenic.

The trick is recognizing that this innate method is okay and reliable for you, especially when it is different than others.


As you begin to work with your decision making approaches, understand that there are tried and true tools to help you…

Those who identified with instinct as your Sacral was defined…

Are you a Generator or Manifesting Generator?

In either case, doing a step by step task like washing the dishes or weeding the garden can distract your mind, getting you in touch with your instinctual aligned answer.

Manifesting Generators, muscle testing is also very effective for you!

As you’ll see, Manifestors bring into being so being involved in receiving the decision is powerful for you.

If you’re intuitive and your Splenic is defined…the best tool is proven action as it builds confidence.

Creating a journal to record your intuitive messages and what occurs once you follow them will help you interpret them but most importantly, begin to trust them.

The messages come fleeting so asking your guides for help by showing confirmation with either numbers or an image can serve you too.

If you’re designed to work with the Emotional and use the Solar Plexus Center, journaling is BIG for you to recognize subconscious emotions.

The realizations you have as emotions shift into awareness are GOLD.

It’s also one of the few authorities where pros and cons serve you because you don’t make immediate decisions…it’s best to wait to share your decision so your convictions of why are behind it.


For those of you who are Heart Defined and driven to make decisions with your willpower…

Here’s a tip for you >>> initiating an action comes from a deeper soul driven goal within you.

So it’s important you inform, if a Manifesting Strategy, or wait for the invitation to share when a Projector Strategy.

Intentions are key to focus your energy but so is timing.

Before Manifestors act, let others know what you’re doing, often sharing the why so the information is received and others work with you.

This will feel uncomfortable at first and to truly develop this, there is a blog series on Attraction by Strategy.

Finally, you lovely Reflectors, those who have no Centers defined.

And are impacted by the cosmos the most…

You work best with decisions by expressing them out loud to someone you trust or to yourself.

As you sample others energy, this form of expressions helps you recognize your decisions versus what others may be wanting you to do.

Reflectors have a very cool amplification ability which you can discover more on through your Strategy in the later Season 1 episodes.

The Strategy will help you understand why lunar transits are especially key for you.

For those new to transits, this is when planets are revolving around the earth and move through certain gateways of energy.

Especially for Reflectors, it’s a guidance system to navigating decisions because you transit through different energy themes before finalizing your decision…

Unless you’re being activated by an individual like me who has a strong instinctual or intuitive response…then you will feel like you know right then…and you will.

To implement this material, focus and hone in on which defined center is your Authority and practice with the tips here.

Remember, learning is fun but integration of the knowledge is power!

What can you integrate today from what you learned about your natural decision making go to?

I’d love to support you on your journey to attract as you were meant to and evolve to/for purpose in this lifetime.

Ready to continue with the next episodes?

Next up >>> Episode Series: Attraction Basics


Deb Farina

Deb is extremely passionate about attracting as you were designed to, bringing guidance for your unique genetic imprint to you so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

She has over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching in the life and entrepreneurial space. Prior to setting out on her own, she worked for small and medium sized entrepreneurial companies, guiding CEOs and COOs to double and triple their businesses.