Eclipse Elevation
Eclipses manage your alignment with time.
Known for their connection to the moon, they show what has been hidden in the shadows.
And energetically offer re-balancing opportunities to hold more light.
In an eclipse astrologically, the Sun, Earth and Moon align…
Either creating a shadow of the Sun or the Moon
To explore more of the traditional interpretation: Eclipse Evolution
Eclipses are part of the spiritual ascension journey as they offer extra energetic support for transformation…
Re-balancing your connection to time, clearing the past patterns and paradigms that are ready to go…
Aligning you to initiate a new pathway for evolution and growth.
When in the shadow state, you face fears and see them for what they are…
False evidence appearing real based on a past memory or trauma, paradigm or pattern.
That has been attached to your identity, keeping you stagnant in a cycle.
The conscious clarification of a belief ascends your energy beyond the narrow view it was originally
Provided opportunities to explore, initiating new thoughts and improvements on the way you travel in life
Navigating through different areas of your journey, including relationships, work, health, etc.
It can seem as if time stands still or speeds up during an eclipse season
Which is the space referred to surrounding the Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Occurring 2x a year, about 6 months apart.
For the next 2 1/2 years, the eclipses are preparing for the new of the spiritual expansion era in 2027, culminating in Feb. of that year.
Each eclipse season, the collective works through an energetic theme together
And individually, karmic themes are activated to clear alongside these.
During times of transformation, such as the closing of an era
All feel it in some level, even if they are unaware what it is that is causing it
And the changes can be dramatic, even if simply in the way one thinks.
As the change in thinking will result in changes of experience…
Sometimes, quickly and at other times, it can take months or years to heal the attachment to a pattern or paradigm.
It’s why the ascension cycle is seen as a spiral, allowing you to climb and fall as you journey around.
This recent fall 2024 eclipse season has opened the Pisces-Virgo (Gemini-Sagittarius) journey
To clear emotional ties that create conflict within…
When the inner guidance “argues” with the external teachings.
The resolution is through transparency with self
Accepting truth of you in whatever shape it takes
Allowing yourself to be the witness to your journey
This is supporting by the dragonfly energy…
Stepping out of emotional waters
Letting the wind of your intuition carry you forward in time.
This is an Ascension Article, which was written October 2024.