Deb Farina

season 2

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Welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2

Soul Themes by Divine Design

Available as a blog {formerly as a podcast}


This is where you can see the approach to working with energy design and the collective astrology planet themes at any given moment.

New to Human Design? Begin with Season 1, formerly a podcast and now available through blog pages here >>> Divinely Designed with Deb 1

Otherwise, Season 2 has 9 episodes total and you can begin with Episode 1 or follow the guide below based on your experience with astrology.



Want to continue?

Check out the Bonus Blog Posts from the Day by Day Energy Series & Turning Times. {Click on the highlighted name to be transported}.


Deb Farina

Deb is extremely passionate about attracting as you were designed to, bringing guidance for your unique genetic imprint to you so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

She has over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching in the life and entrepreneurial space. Prior to setting out on her own, she worked for small and medium sized entrepreneurial companies, guiding CEOs and COOs to double and triple their businesses.