the Elements in your Energy
Season 2, Episode 2
In the 3rd episode of Season 2 Soul Themes, we begin with a simple approach to understanding the elements that you can use now, then build on it to take you even deeper into your energy design in a specific, honed approach.
If you don’t have your Astrology chart yet, you can obtain one here for free >>> Astro.
and if you’d like a Human Design chart, you can obtain one here for free >>> Jovian.
{I’m not affiliated with either of these websites but have found them to be incredible resources for you.}
Why is it important to understand the elements behind your energy design?
The elements, as defined via astrology as Air, Water, Fire and Earth, determine whether or not you are designed to work with divine masculine or feminine energy at any given point, for any specific purpose.
Let me elaborate…
Mars, the planet that supports how you go after your aligned desires, is in Taurus for me. Taurus is an Earth element.
An Earth element is incredibly practical and grounded in material, tangible ways. It’s a strength to lean on when working with this planetary theme.
Earth is divinely feminine so the way this gift is utilized is to concentrate more on the inner world…
To tap into the yielding fluid flow of what is brought to you in your physical reality to see the higher expression of energy.
It’s naturally less active and more of a be~ing energy. {Less active doesn’t mean no action but simply action in aligned timing.}
Now if my Mars was in a divine masculine sign like my Venus which is in Libra, an Air energy…
There would be more movement and/or stimulated activity that is required. In my case, this energy is focused on giving/receiving rather than going after what I desire.
Knowing my energy design tells me where to focus my individual energy, where to hone it and use it efficiently.
Masculine energy is firm and focused {yang} versus the feminine yielding, gentle energy {yin}.
In Air signs, it requires stimulated conversation to bring it about…to conceptualize it.
Therefore, this energy requires more interaction than the Earth energy I use to go after what I desire.
This isn’t simply for Mars & Venus but every planetary theme available {which basically covers ALL the areas of your life}.
The more conscious you are of your energy design, the easier it is for you to work with your strengths through these planetary themes…
And the simpler it is for you to focus or hone your energy with/for purpose.
Why do most people start understanding astrology element energy with their Sun sign?
The sun is one of the largest planets and therefore the energy is most easily felt or prominent in your energy.
It is also the planet that creates your identification with self…what feels like you.
For example, my Sun sign is in Virgo, an Earth element that focuses on mastery of service to others with a flexibility that is created through the divine feminine energy of the element.
We talked about this energy a bit with Mars in Taurus but the difference is that Virgo is focused more on mastering service.
It’s easy for me to associate with the practicality of an Earth sign & the divine feminine way of being with fluidity as you see i have more than one planet residing in this energy…
However 7 out of my 12 planets are in divine masculine energy so this means movement or stimulation is definitely a requirement of my energy to be in alignment.
By looking to the planets for direction to which themes I focus these energy strengths I am able to live fully in my energy design with/for purpose.
Once you know which element is in what planet, you can then build on this with knowing more about the astrological sign characteristics.
Like my share earlier about Taurus versus Virgo. Taurus is more focused on the physical senses or security while Virgo focuses on mastering service.
Each element has an overall theme and then the theme becomes even more specific when the astrological sign is brought into the mix.
Since Air is such a prominent element this year {and plays a role in ALL 3 Mercury Retrogrades so it will be felt collectively}
Let’s take a closer look at this element, then the astrological signs themselves.
The element of Air is known for intellect, innovation, conversation and stimulation as well as fluidity of movement.
Then, we break down the element Air by astrological sign for a closer look.
Gemini is all about the communication.
Libra is all about the harmony and balance.
Aquarius wants to connect everyone.
In general, Air can carry lots of ground and cannot be enclosed!
Do you have any planets in Air? I have 5!
3 are in Libra, 1 in Gemini and 1 in Aquarius.
Let’s refer to one planet and sign so you can see how it’s all put together simply.
I have Pluto in Libra. Pluto is the planet known for regeneration and is one of the farthest so it can take longer to grasp the spiritual understandings of the lessons presented by it.
Pluto is a generational planet, meaning that many in the same generation will share the astrological sign.
It occurs roughly for those born from 1971 to 1984.
Since air signs require innovation and intellectual stimulation as well as conversation, many born during this time will utilize these strengths to focus on Libra’s theme of creating harmony and balance for themselves.
Of course, like anything in the beginning, this is simplified to gain an understanding and there is much more depth that can be expressed.
This is where Human Design can support you to understand your unique and individual energy design.
My Pluto Gate is 46 which I like to think of as serendipity as it captures the focus of aligned timing. Now this is where we can really deepen the specificity…
Where does Human Design come in to play with this?
Human Design is a combination of Astrology, I-Ching, Kabbalah and Chakra system. By bringing in these 3 other systems, it creates an increased level of specificity and focus.
Simply put, it looks at the actual degree the sign is transiting in and then deepens the look on the energy that is involved based on the other systems in the complex Human Design chart.
But to understand it, you can simply begin to look at the energy gate itself.
Energy gates are like doorways, portals of opportunity to lean on or utilize the strength of the energy.
For example, let’s relook at that Earth sign in Mars…
In Human Design, the degrees equate to the energy of gate 27.
27 is known for nourishing or nurturing in all aspects of life.
This means physical, spiritual, emotional and mental needs to create wholeness or balance within oneself.
Then, you can build on this energy gate further by looking at the progressions of energy.
The I-Ching further brings clarity and hones the energy focus to the level of energy that is displayed by the line number as depicted in Human Design.
Simply refer to the planet symbol in your personality to get started.
The line numbers range from 1 to 6.
In my case, the .5 applicable to the astrological degree of my Mars signifies handling my resources for the greatest benefit to all.
My strength lies in distributing nourishment for all, guided by spiritual counsel. You can consider this blog post an example!
Let’s go back to the elements that started it all.
The Taurus Earth element naturally appreciates the senses and security given by what is tangible like this blog.
It’s durable and fixed, honing in to provide something real and tangible.
This is energy that I can rely on to lean on all the time! And thanks to Human Design I know where to put its focus specifically, as it was designed for me.
Then, when I look to the planet conversation as discussed in my last blog post, I see my Mars has relationships with my Mercury, Sun, Moon and Saturn.
My Saturn is in Watery Cancer, another divine feminine energy, which shares the same approach as Earth elemental energy…
It’s inner world, intuitive.
Water is a bit more emotional than earth and supports time alone to understand feelings. When I’m working on processes or structure, which is Saturn’s theme, I do so best solo.
Water as an element, nourishes the earth and is flowy, less rigid energy.
Therefore, my structures are a strength for me when they are nourishing and fluid.
This means accessing my divine feminine be~ing consistently, to be yielding to what has changed energetically in my environment.
The last element we haven’t yet spoken of is Fire, a divine masculine energy requiring movement and stimulation like Air.
Fire is what creates the spark or the passion!
Think of the expression to light a fire under something…it means to get it going.
My Mercury is in the Fire sign of Leo so my thinking and communicating are very active.
Leo is known to sustain respect and recognition through warmth.
It’s natural for me to be warm and welcoming of other’s thoughts or forms of communication.
I believe you’re getting the hang of the elements for your individual design but what happens when this innate energy is exposed to what’s happening collectively…
Energy shifts our environment continually which is why it’s supportive to know the strengths in your individual design to lean on
But you can also understand your energy in relation to what is coming or approaching energetically too!
When there is a planetary aspect/conversation, like the ones approaching with Mars, you can anticipate where to lean on your individual energy design to make the most efficient and effective use of the energy.
Mars is collectively creating a sextile to the aspect Chiron, then mars will trine Saturn…both are incredibly supportive conversations that will emphasize certain healings and support stabilizing your energy.
I know my Mars requires nourishment so self-care will be on the menu for me when I am healing or when I’m working on systems or processes…I know it seems so practical, right? Well, that is an Earth sign for you.
And as you can expect, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
When you build in the conversation of the other planet, such as my Saturn, which is in Cancer and is supportive of attuning to the needs of those in challenging circumstances…
You can see why I was called to create this blog post!
Meet Deb
Deb Farina, channel for Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your uniquely you method to attract.
With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.