Retro Review 5


A Turning Time standalone blog, focusing on the energy of Uranus and Mercury, with what’s to come with Mars.

Astrology & Human Design chart required to individualize your experience.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro Charts

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

These Retro Review periods are an opportunity to look at the past with a fresh perspective to gain higher understanding from the experiences, with specific themes highlighted through the collective.

Explore Saturn as it goes direct and Neptune Retrograde 2022 in process: Retro Review 2.

Or Chiron and Jupiter in process: Retro Review 3.

And most recent, Uranus: Retro Review 4.

Saturn goes direct October 23, 2022

Here’s a recap of what you’ve been working on: Saturn in Aquarius supports adjusting to the concepts of the current situation while providing the needed innovation and fluidity to change systems…the structures, practices and processes.

Now, it’s time to take things forward and bring in what you’ve learned.


The Fall 2022 Solar Eclipse at a glance:

The Solar Eclipse occurs October 25, 2022 in the New Moon of watery Scorpio and meets up with the Sun in the same location.

The emotional power and honing in energy of Scorpio along with the developmental energy of an eclipse point emphasizes a focus on living with observation to ensure alignment and supplies the persistence to meet any of life’s challenges with courage.


How will this impact with planets in retrograde?

Neptune brings an added sense of compassion and empathy to transcend old outdated thoughts.

Jupiter and Chiron will require tempering one’s emotions to not extinguish the passion for the things that matter to you, supporting expansion and healing.

And Uranus adds grounding to support the approach of individualizing Mars’ journey to uncover desires versus perceived needs.


What is your Sun & Moon in?

If your natal Sun and Moon are in the same sign (as mine are), it will be easy to follow the element designation as a quick review for how to utilize your energy to initiate.

If your natal Sun and Moon are in different signs which is more common, it will require intertwining the energies. To help with this, work with your Moon then add your Sun in since the eclipse is Solar, not Lunar.


Since the Sun and Moon are in a Water energy, the Elements follow the same approach as with the Neptune retrograde:

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces} are at home, with unlimited emotional depth, highlighted through compassion and empathy.

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn} will be less rigid and go with the flow, nourished through divine feminine feelings.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} can see their passions will be tempered to be more balanced in actions, or if too focused on emotion, the passion can be extinguished.

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} have the opportunity to be more nurturing through spending more time with the importance of their feelings.


What will the Sun and Moon focus on in this Solar Eclipse?

The Sun and Moon meet up at Scorpio 2 degrees, 0 minutes which is designated as Gate 28.1 in energy design or through astrology Sabian Symbols as Scorpio 2.

Gate 28.1 explains the approach to take as being open intuitively to deal with the perceived challenge by tuning in to the present.

Scorpio 2’s Sabian Symbol is a broken bottle and spilled perfume, signifying pouring your passions into what you do as it will leave a lasting impression.


Is this New Moon/Solar Eclipse significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

The New Moon/Solar Eclipse is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design…all lines of gate 28 & 50; 31 & 56; 41 & 60; 27 & 3.

If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in fixed signs {Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus} located between 0 degrees and 7 degrees will feel the eclipse tension the strongest. Those who have planets or points in initiating signs {Libra, Capricorn, Aries or Cancer} located between 27 and 29 degrees, 59 minutes will also feel the eclipse tension strongly.

The closer your planet or point is to 2 degrees, 0 minutes Scorpio {Gate/Line 28.1} or one of the other Fixed Signs {Leo, Aquarius or Taurus} at that location of 2 degrees, 0 minutes {Gate/Line: 31.1, 41.1, 27.1}, the stronger the theme will present for you to evolve your experience.


To continue this eclipse review, access the Lunar Eclipse >>> Part 2

As we continue the journey to explore the next retrograde…


Mars Retrograde at a glance:

Officially begins October 30, 2022 and ends January 12, 2023.

…an opportunity to learn, to see another possibility or potential.

Focused in Gemini, the sign of communication and one that can see both sides of a perspective, brings an interesting twist to your days and desires.

The way the communication unfolds will depend much on your perspective, whether you choose to see both sides or if you tunnel in to one view.

The intention is to recognize your true aligned desires versus perceived needs.

There is a key connection with Saturn on November 28th to bring stability to rebirth the way you execute for aligned desires.


What is your Mars in?

Individual your experience by looking to the Element of your natal/birth Mars.

Here’s how your Natal Mars reacts…

Air {Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} has enhanced innovation and stimulated movement in balance with your environment.

Fire {Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} keeps going with passion, increasing the spread of light and warmth.

Water {Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces} is increasingly thinking and dispersing ideas to flow into concepts.

Earth {Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn} feels the desire to create movement more.

Notice if you have any planets or points in Gemini as the themes of these planets/points can intertwine with Mars’ theme for you.


What will Mars focus on in this retrograde?

Mars begins at Gemini 25 degrees, 37 minutes and ends at 8 degrees, 8 minutes which is designated as follows:

In energy design, it starts at Gate 12.4 to take stock and find the opportunities in this and then, completes at Gate 16.3 where discernment through experiences is based on enthusiasm.


Let’s look at each general theme by gate…

Starting in Gate 12: Taking Stock {Standstill} supports utilizing caution, prior to expressing or proceeding forward, to ensure alignment through envisioning and outlining potential outcomes that are different than previously believed possible.


Then, moving through Gate 45: Educating {Gathering} activates calling those forth who are aligned to be supported in education for their wellbeing, focusing on the collective, trusting law of attraction at the root.


And then, Gate 35: Exploring {Progress} guides the desire to have experiences simply to have them, with the call to share them {through a personal lens} after the event has been processed.


To finish the journey in Gate 16: Discerning {Selectivity} brings enthusiasm as the decider, easing tension by sorting through your options to see which feels most relevant while recognizing you’re simply in a state of preparation.


Since the themes are so numerous, let’s look as the beginning and ending Sabian symbol themes to bring additional support to the way you ground into the energy as it presents:

At the beginning of the retrograde, Gemini 26’s symbol of winter frost in the woods signifies a stopping of normal activities to change perspective.

Then, the retrograde ends with Gemini 9’s symbol of a quiver filled with arrows, depicting the preparation needed prior to targeting what one desires,


Is this Mars Retrograde significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

While all will feel the retrograde to some degree, Mar’s retrograde is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design: 12.4, 12.3, 12.2, 12.1; all lines of gate 45 & 35, 16.6, 16.5, 16.4, 16.3; all lines of gate 32, 57, and 48, 18.6, 18.5; 30.2, 30.1, all lines of gate 49, 13, and 19.

If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in Air {Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} from 8 through 26 degrees will feel Mars the strongest. Notice the themes of these planets/points as they will be emphasized for you.

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

I am a life coach and business mentor. As a life coach, I support you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey...all at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, spiritual business mentoring supports you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning. The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

My intuitive guided modalities/methods to reveal and release include oracle readings of vibration and frequency to heal what is hidden in your subconscious, energy design to affirm individual talents and bring gifts out, and/or astrology elements/symbols to deepen understanding and dissolve conditioning for your journey of evolution.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.