Retro Review 3


A Turning Time standalone blog, focusing on the energy of Jupiter and Chiron, with a note on the Lion’s Gate 2022.

Astrology & Human Design chart required to individualize your experience.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

New to astrology? Start with these introductory blogs by clicking on the title below…

Recognize Your Retrograde Energy

Leveraging Your Individuality: Complete with Chiron

These Retro Review periods are an opportunity to look at the past with a fresh perspective to gain higher understanding from the experiences, with specific themes highlighted through the collective.

Explore the Pluto Retrograde 2022 in process: Retro Review 1.

Or Saturn and Neptune Retrograde 2022 in process: Retro Review 2.

Chiron Retrograde at a glance:

 A cycle of healing reaches its completion point.

As you begin new, old perspectives/patterns come up to release, healing a stuck or stagnant area of your life.

Chiron asks you to be present to your experiences and to trust in yourself, releasing the need to control everything and allow more of the magic in the universe to support you.

In the shadow since early April 2022, Chiron’s retrograde officially begins July 19th and ends December 23, 2022, a full month following Jupiter going direct.

Chiron brings the fuel/passion through Fire during this retrograde.


What is your Chiron in?

Individual your experience by looking to the Element of your natal/birth Chiron and see how it reacts when exposed to the Collective Chiron in Aries…

Fire {Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} has access to enhanced warmth and light to support individual confidence.

Air {Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} is lifted like a balloon, seeing things from a broader perspective.

Water {Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces} will feel increased passion and need to temper oneself for balance or exhaust one’s energy. 

Earth {Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn} will have the ability to be more adventurous and try more things.


As a cardinal energy, Aries looks to get something going, supported by the Fire element that creates a spark or passion within you.



What theme will Chiron focus on in this retrograde?

Chiron begins at Aries 16 degrees, 26 minutes and ends at Aries 11 degrees, 56 minutes which is designated as follows:

In energy design, it begins at Gate 51, line 2 and ends at Gate 21, line 3.

These are the themes of Arousing and Biting Through…


Gate 51 supports a shift in old perceptions/patterns to awaken new possibilities and recognize the unseen forces at work. As you replay your past experiences, you can heal those old perspectives by looking at things in a new light.

As you are moving through the lines of innate gifts and abilities as well as investigation, there is an exploration quality at the beginning of the retrograde period, represented through each progressive line of the energy design Gate 51:


Line 2, where the journey begins, asks you to look within to your intuitive gifts and be patient with your journey; there is no rush and all upsets are temporary.

Line 1 then progresses you to investigate the shift in perception/pattern as an opportunity for advantage and growth.


Once complete with Gate 51, you will have the opportunity to explore Gate 21 which open a portal of energy for you to move through obstacles to get to the heart of your material responsibilities as you individually chose to express/live them.

As you enter this energy opportunity, you begin with an advanced use of the theme and then complete with an experience that brings it all into perspective as you move through this energy gate’s lines 6 through 3:


~ {6} make adjustments delicately to remain in balance by implementing only what is necessary as a control.

~ {5} impartially looking at circumstances will support you to direct material matters in a balanced and aligned way for reform.

~ {4} lean into your capacity for self-control as an opportunity to discover an applicable response to any energy relationship.

~ {3} recognizing what it feels like to not have control over a situation to see both sides.


To deepen your understanding of the energy themes and integrate the above themes further, sit with these brief overviews of the applicable astrology Sabian Symbols simplified to ground your energy and again, follow the flow from one to the next…

Aries 17: two prim spinsters, signifying perspectives and patterns that are unconventional and an open-mindedness that comes prior to making any decision.

Aries 16: brownies dancing in the setting sun, bringing you back to the natural clarity that comes with intuition and a recognition a cycle has ended with excitement to move into a new beginning.

Aries 15: an Indian weaving a blanket, demonstrating an opportunity to use gifts and talents for others in a conventional way.

Aries 14: a serpent coiling near a man and a woman, reminding you to channel your creative passions and guard against impulsiveness through tempting situations.

Aries 13: an unsuccessful bomb explosion, signifying being thorough and controlled to access a successful completion of an objective.

Aries 12: a flock of wild geese, bringing your attention to the potential for looking to others for answers when your answers come from within.



Is this Chiron Retrograde significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

Chiron is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design: 51.2, 51.1 & 21.6, 21.5, 21.4 & 21.3; 7.4, 7.3, 7.2, 7.1 & 33.6 & 33.5; 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2 & 5.1.

If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in Fire {Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} from 11 through 17 degrees will feel Chiron the strongest.



Jupiter Retrograde at a glance:

As thoughts emerge, remain open to them and ask what they have to teach you.

Through unconditional love and the strength of your Higher Self, accept new opportunities to expand the way you perceive experiences and open the door to new patterns.

Jupiter begins with the passionate fuel of Aries Fire then tempers to a flow of emotion with Pisces Water, bringing in layers of compassion.

In the shadow since early May 2022, Jupiter has given you the opportunity to experience specific themes {noted below in detail} in the present.

The retrograde rewind and opportunity for a new perspective on the past officially begins July 28th and ends November 23, 2022.


What is your Jupiter in?

Individual your experience by looking to the Element of your natal/birth Jupiter. Each element presents through a trilogy of astrological signs and represents a different energy approach for you to utilize towards transcendence and inspiration.

Beginning in Fire like Chiron, the same elementary energy presents…

Fire {Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} have access to enhanced warmth and light to support individual confidence.

Air {Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} is lifted like a balloon, seeing things from a broader perspective.

Water {Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces} will feel increased passion and need to temper oneself for balance or exhaust one’s energy. 

Earth {Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn} will have the ability to be more adventurous and try more things.


But then Jupiter moves back and completes in Water where your natal/birth Jupiter will express as follows:

Water {Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces} are at home, with unlimited emotional depth, highlighted through compassion and empathy.

Earth {Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn} will be less rigid and go with the flow, nourished through divine feminine feelings.

Fire {Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} can see their passions will be tempered to be more balanced in actions, or if too focused on emotion, the passion can be extinguished.

Air {Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} have the opportunity to be more nurturing through spending more time with the importance of their feelings.


What will Jupiter focus on in this retrograde?

Jupiter begins at Aries 8 degrees, 43 minutes and ends at Pisces 28 degrees, 48 minutes which is designated as follows:

In energy design, it starts at Gate 17, line 6 and moves through the full energy gate and then travel to complete all of Gate 25, ending at line 1.

Gate 17 works in the Anja where concepts and opinions are created to work with omniscient opinions to be at one with the universal thoughts then Jupiter moves to continue the expansion with Gate 25 in the Higher Self to work on universal love with trust and acceptance.


You begin with the Gate of Opinions to provide you an opportunity to follow your alignment from within to digest the many perspectives that are offered to you in any given experience.

As concepts are created through integration of external ideas and insights, this energy to digest thought supports you to then express/translate the perspectives through your individual experiences, serving the collective.


Consider line 6 through 1 as it relates to the energy of expansion and recognition, giving you the change to experience each one by one:

~ {6} Like a Buddha, when attuned to the highest vibration of consciousness, one can expand others’ perspectives and aid in the creation of alignment for their lives.

~ {5} With the conviction of a higher understanding beyond ours, one can utilize this understanding as a righting point when interacting with life.

~ {4} When understanding of all opinions, while looking for the concept that serves everyone, one creates an unselfish approach to test inner principles and see whom they attract.

~ {3} While releasing the superficial and selecting what feels most true for development, one can endorse concepts for the long haul.

~ {2} Choosing your company supports a higher understanding in life as relationships provide support to create structural concepts that can be tested.

~ {1} Listening to other’s views with open-mindedness while not being swayed from what is true for oneself supports creating concepts that stand strong.


Next up, the Gate of Acceptance shows you the way to expect the unexpected with trust by stepping into/surrendering to your inner truth without the constriction of conditioned results.

Taking you through the progressions of energy in reverse with lines 6 through 1 as follows:


~ {6} wait for aligned timing and the magic of the unseen.

~ {5} let spirit heal and remove that which is not true for you, giving space and alignment to associations that support you.

~ {4} remain true to self, lessening the impact from external circumstances.

~ {3} accommodate to the demands of the moment, adjusting when the unexpected occurs.

~ {2} be present with each task for its’ own sake as living in the moment releases expectations for the future and supports fulfillment.

~ {1} follow your original heartfelt energies as confidently following your truth with trust, without external feelings interfering, brings forward a free nature to live as an individual.



To deepen your understanding of the energy themes and integrate the above themes further, sit with these brief overviews of the applicable astrology Sabian Symbols simplified to ground your energy and again, follow the flow from one to the next…

Aries 9: a crystal gazer, signifying the importance of intuitively anticipating needs.

Aries 8: a large hat of streamers flying, facing east demonstrates change and the opportunity for new adventure.

Aries 7: a man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once, signifying being flexibility and the ability to multi-task.

Aries 6: a square brightly lit on one side, bringing the emphasis to weighing options in totality to recognize where the advantage lies.

Aries 5: a triangle with wings, signifying an enlightened view of looking at a situation to see the best possible scenario.

Aries 4: two lovers strolling through a secluded walk, providing an emphasis on relaxation and rest with new premeditating outcome.

Aries 3: a cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country, signifying individual effort forward a collective or group goal.

Aries 2: a comedian entertaining a group, bringing the emphasis on experimenting in fun ways of expressing oneself.

Aries 1: a woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her, signifying openness to new experiences.

Pisces 30: the great stone face demonstrates strength of character.

Pisces 29: a prism, signifying looking at how one part of something impacts the whole of it.



Is this Jupiter Retrograde significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

Jupiter is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design: 17.6, 17.5, 17.4, 17.3, 17.2 ,17.1 & 25.6, 25.5, 25.4, 25.3, 25.2 & 25.1; 33.2, 33.1, 31.6, 31.5, 31.4, 31.3, 31.2, 31.1, 56.6, 56.5, 56.4 & 56.3; 9.4, 9.3, 9.2, 9.1, 34.6, 34.5, 34.4, 34.3, 34.2, 34.1, 14.6 & 14.5.

If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in Fire {Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} from 1 through 9 degrees and in Water {Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio} from 28 through 29 degrees will feel Jupiter the strongest.

Notice the themes of these planets/points as they will be emphasized for you.


What’s to come with Lion’s Gate?

Lion’s Gate occurs when the Sirius Star aligns with Earth, the Sun {in Leo} and Orion’s belt. This powerful alignment impacts the frequency of all on Earth, providing an opportunity to utilize ancient ways of thinking for modern times. During this window, access to ancient memories and advanced spiritual consciousness is available.


In the next Retro Review, explore Uranus and the 3rd Mercury retrograde. 

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life coach for entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-minded, supporting you to uncover your unique energy to release conditioned patterns and perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled to reveal your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey...all at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

My intuitive guided modalities/methods to reveal and release include oracle readings of vibration and frequency to heal what is hidden in your subconscious, energy design to affirm individual talents and bring gifts out, and/or astrology elements/symbols to deepen understanding and dissolve conditioning for your journey of evolution.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.