Retro Review 2


A Turning Time standalone blog, focusing on the energy of Saturn and Neptune.

Astrology & Human Design chart required to individualize your experience.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

New to astrology? Start with these introductory blogs by clicking on the title below…

Recognize Your Retrograde Energy

Leveraging Your Individuality with Saturn

These Retro Review periods are an opportunity to look at the past with a fresh perspective to gain higher understanding from the experiences, with specific themes highlighted through the collective.

Explore the Pluto Retrograde 2022 in process: Retro Review 1.

Saturn Retrograde at a glance:

Allow yourself to achieve through acts of love.

Saturn in Aquarius supports adjusting to the concepts of the current situation while providing the needed innovation and fluidity to change systems…the structures, practices and processes.

In the shadows since late February, Saturn has presented an opportunity to experience specific themes {noted below in detail} in the present.

As Saturn officially begins to retrograde tomorrow, June 4, 2022, there is enhanced energy to bring new perspectives to your structures and responsibilities with these same themes until it moves direct October 23, 2022.

What is your Saturn in?

Individual your experience by looking to the Element of your natal/birth Saturn. Each element presents through a trilogy of astrological signs and represents a different energy approach for you to utilize towards structure and responsibilities.

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} are at home, fluid in intellect, conversation and relationships.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} will be fueled with passion/purpose.

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces} have the potential to be more of a thinker.

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn} will be lifted up so movement happens more frequently.


Notice if you have any planets or points in Aquarius as the themes of these planets/points can be intertwined for you.

Since Pluto retrograde is in Capricorn, it impacts the way the physical shows in our reality by lessening rigidness.

When this surrender to the flow divine feminine energy combines with the divine masculine Air as noted above, movement happens more frequently for structures, processes and practices.

What will Saturn focus on in this retrograde?

Saturn begins at Aquarius 25 degrees 15 minutes and ends at Aquarius 18 degrees 35 minutes which is designated as follows:

In energy design, it starts at Gate 30, line 1 and ends at Gate 13 line 6, continuing themes we’ve begun in late February but now looking at them with a new perspective.

The theme begins with an investigative look at Feelings and Desires then a full review of what is to be Reborn, then completes in Fellowship with a detached, observer view to lead by example.

The themes present as follows, rewinding through the lines for you to experience one at a time:

Starting with access inner composure in the face of your feelings and the insights that flow forward, finding balance supports the ability to relate to feelings versus being overwhelmed by them {gate 30, line 1}.


Then, it transitions to the theme of rebirth {gate 49} to work with emotions to shed outdated perspectives and adjust to advance forward cautiously with new principles that have relevance for the future. Here’s how it works through each line:

Line 6: embrace and adjust to new circumstances by focusing on what is possible in the moment.

Line 5: sense the need for change, creating a supportive presence with clear and guiding lines found through inner emotion.

Line 4: access support for change and transformation, aligning with inner truth through use of emotional review.

Line 3: garner support to ready for change by committing to preparing for transformation.

Line 2: prepare for change through envisioning with higher principles, exhausting all other opportunities to ensure aligned outcomes before action is executed.

Line 1: conserve energy with awareness, waiting for aligned timing as you cycle through potential opportunities.


Completing with the theme of Fellowship {Gate 13} to reflect on all sides of an experience to see commonalities. Through Line 6: an approach of seeing the “best” in everything and everyone, recognizing even limited interaction moves forward a deeper unity.


To deepen your understanding of the energy themes and integrate the above themes further, sit with these brief overviews of the applicable astrology Sabian Symbols to ground your energy and again, follow the flow from one to the next…

Starting with Aquarius 26, a hydrometer highlighting objectivity and analytical problem solving with efficiency, taking advantage of natural conditions/resources.

Followed by a new theme with Aquarius 25, a butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed, signifying opportunity for development or be-coming.

Then Aquarius 24, a man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his experience, emphasizing self-mastery and control over compulsions as wisdom can be gained from experiences.

Followed by Aquarius 23, a big bear sitting down and waving all its paws, signifying delight in self-achievement/progress, accepting self to then accept others.

Then Aquarius 22, a rug placed on a floor for children to play, making a game of life and utilizing whatever is at hand to nurture/support it.

Followed by Aquarius 21, a woman disappointed and disillusioned, bouncing back after disappointment by recognizing limitations are challenges for developing potential.

Completing a theme through Aquarius 20, a big white dove, a message bearer which signifies trust and acceptance in the aligned time to act.

Ending the retrograde with Aquarius 19, a forest fire quenched, showing the ability to both recognize and resolve challenges.

Is this Saturn Retrograde significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

Saturn is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design: 30.1, all of 49 and 13.6; 45.2, 45.3, 45.4, 45.5, 45.6, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3; 47.2, 47.3, 47.4, 47.5, 47.6, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3. If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in Air {Aquarius, Gemini, Libra} in 18 through 25 degrees will feel Saturn the strongest.


For those with Human Design background, take note of any partnering gates {those that complete a flow} for the gates notes above. For example, Gate 49 completes a channel flow with Gate 19.

Since I have Gate 19, during the times Gate 49 is activated, I will have access to use the fuel from Gate 19 to approach others and recognize what is needed while using Gate 49’s sensitivity to recognize my own position with these needs and as a result, establish relationships.

Saturn’s {and Pluto’s} retrogrades are then joined by Neptune…


Neptune Retrograde at a glance:

Speak your truth…and inspire others to do the same.

Neptune in Pisces adds an element of compassion as you experience the results from bringing these new ideas in your structured way out in the world, creating an opportunity to evolve with empathy for these experiences given to you.

In the shadows since early March 2022, Neptune has given you an opportunity to experience specific themes {noted below in detail} in the present.

The retrograde rewind and opportunity for a new perspective on the past officially begins June 27th and ends December 4, 2022.

What is your Neptune in?

Individual your experience by looking to the Element of your natal/birth Neptune. Each element presents through a trilogy of astrological signs and represents a different energy approach for you to utilize towards transcendence and inspiration.

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces} are at home, with unlimited emotional depth, highlighted through compassion and empathy.

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn} will be less rigid and go with the flow, nourished through divine feminine feelings.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} can see their passions will be tempered to be more balanced in actions, or if too focused on emotion, the passion can be extinguished.

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, Aquarius} have the opportunity to be more nurturing through spending more time with the importance of their feelings.

Notice if you have any planets or points in Pisces as the themes of these planets/points can be intertwined for you.


What will Neptune focus on in this retrograde?

Neptune begins at Pisces 25 degrees 27 minutes and ends at Pisces 22 degrees 39 minutes which is designated as follows:

In energy design, it remains in Gate 36, Resolution for the full time, reviewing themes from line 4 {opportunities} to line 1{investigating}.

There is more time for you to spend in each theme than you would with another planet, like Mercury {which moves fairly fast through each line} as Neptune is a greater distance from the Earth like Pluto.


Gate 36 gives us support during challenging or new times, reminding us to go inward with compassion to maintain a sense of balance and illuminate understanding. There is a sense of newness and feelings can be at all time high or low.

Here’s how this theme works through each line:

Line 4 brings opportunity to see change and challenge is temporary through accessing your inner clarity.

Line 3 utilizes experience to activate the emotional depth to release and embrace change, witnessing the transition from challenge to resolution.

Line 2 works with innate abilities and gifts to be open to support to/from others.

Line 1 requires investigation and acceptance of your feeling by reflecting inwards to compassion when external circumstances feel challenging.


To deepen your understanding of the energy themes and integrate the above themes further, sit with these brief overviews of the applicable astrology Sabian Symbols to ground your energy and again, follow the flow from one to the next…

Beginning with Pisces 26, a new moon that divides its influences, signifying the ability to capitalize on newly-discovered perspectives and see the advantage in the changes that are occurring by choosing one of the options as an experiment.

Then, continuing to Pisces 25, the purging of the priesthood, alluding to weeding out what doesn’t serve a higher purpose.

Next, Pisces 24 symbolizes through an inhabited island, being able to organize resources while also making the best of things.

Completing this journey with Pisces 23, the spiritist phenomena which translates loosely to release conditioning and refine attunement, a deeper focus, to manifest.


Is this Neptune Retrograde significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

Neptune is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design: 36.1, 36.2, 36.3, and 36.4; 62.3, 62.4, 62.5, and 62.6; 43.5, 43.6, 14.1, and 14.2. If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in Water {Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio} in 22 through 26 degrees will feel Neptune the strongest.


What’s to come with Jupiter & Chiron?

Jupiter begins with the confidence and passion of Aries Fire then tempers through emotional understanding with Pisces Water, bringing in layers of compassion that are supported with Neptune.

Chiron adds passion to fuel the completion of cycles, while contributing to the expansion with Jupiter.

Both officially begin as Lion’s Gate nears, offering an opportunity to utilize ancient ways of thinking for modern times.

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life coach for entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-minded, supporting you to uncover your unique energy to release conditioned patterns and perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled to reveal your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey...all at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

My intuitive guided modalities/methods to reveal and release include oracle readings of vibration and frequency to heal what is hidden in your subconscious, energy design to affirm individual talents and bring gifts out, and/or astrology elements/symbols to deepen understanding and dissolve conditioning for your journey of evolution.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.