Retro Review 1


A Turning Time standalone blog, focusing on the energy of Pluto, Mercury and the 1st Eclipse Season 2022.

Astrology & Human Design chart required to individualize your experience.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

New to astrology? Start with these Day by Day video blogs by clicking on the title below…

Recognize Your Retrograde Energy

Eclipse Exploration

Then, gain more advanced and relevant to the times info with a click of the title below…

Pluto Positioning

Eclipse Expansion 2022

{There is an oracle reading included in Eclipse Expansion 2022 for the Solar Eclipse.}

Experiences are given to us.

Given to us so we can gain a higher understanding.

“Mistakes”, missing signs, being overly focused or avoiding 1 area are all human behaviors,

requiring compassion and forgiveness to let them go.

When you go deeper into the esoteric reason, accentuated during the eclipse and retrograde season,

you see the deeper purpose and with this, the reason is easier to digest.

These Retro Review periods are an opportunity to look at the past with a fresh perspective to gain higher understanding from the experiences, with specific themes highlighted through the collective.

In our 1st retro review of 2022, let’s look to the current and upcoming energies,

specifically Pluto and Mercury as well as the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse.

And a preview of what’s come with Saturn and Neptune.


With Pluto and Mercury, the collective {that’s everyone} is presented with opportunities to regenerate and rebirth through surrender/control while shifting perspectives and choosing what/how to express individually.

Because Pluto is retrograding very close to the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and Mercury is retrograding close to the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, these themes will increase the developmental cycle or transition that eclipse points are known for.

When multiple planets are shifting, all themes won’t feel as significant to you

so it helps to know where and what to look for in your astrology and/or human design charts {links above in the intro}.

…from at a glance simplified higher vision views looking solely at the element energy for quick day to day guidance

Or a deeper look at which specific themes will impact your journey through detailed energy design review,

This blog post will provide what you need to navigate the start of this retrograde season.

We begin with Pluto as this retrograde occurs first!

Pluto Retrograde at a glance:

Pluto is traveling now in earthy Capricorn…

The regeneration and control/surrender to rebirth theme is met with the energy approach of initiation, perseverance and determination.

With the specific focus on limiting to define self in a new way with a bit of truth and mystery, utilizing the elements of the unseen.

When Pluto is in Capricorn, it impacts the way the physical shows in our reality…structures, processes and practices…by lessening rigidness. After all, Capricorn is a divine feminine energy so it asks for surrender to the flow of the experience.

What is your Pluto in?

Individual your experience by looking to the Element of your natal/birth Pluto. Each element presents through a trilogy of astrological signs and represents a different energy approach for you to utilize towards regeneration and rebirth.

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn} are at home, grounding into form.

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius} will be more practical, turning ideas into reality.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius} have the potential to be more organized.

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces} will feel more able to bring things to form.


What will Pluto focus on in this retrograde?

The pathway of a planet determines what themes will present for the collective. Pluto is traveling the pathway of Capricorn 28 degrees 35 minutes to 26 degrees 7 minutes which is designated as follows:

In energy design, the gates signify specific themes so it helps to know which are applicable. This journey begins with Gate 60, line 3 travelling backwards through lines 2 and 1 to end at Gate 61 line 6. These are themes that you were presented with earlier this year and now have the opportunity to look at them in a new way.


First, look at each general gate theme…

Gate 60 focuses on defining in a new way through limitations with an emphasis on the experience, inherent understanding and investigation of possibilities.

While Gate 61 looks to truth and mystery to end the journey with a higher understanding.


Then, the specific line focuses which include a journey beginning with a focus on restraining indulgence; then moves to seize the moment to go beyond unnecessary limits. At the mid-way point, the focus shifts to conserving strength and ideas until the timing is apt and ends with leading by example to express through your experiences; show versus telling.

To deepen your understanding, sit with these brief overviews of the applicable astrology Sabian Symbols.

Capricorn 29 is a woman reading tea leaves indicating prophecy {pay attention to patterns} and pierce the veil between what is seen/unseen.

 Followed with Capricorn 28’s symbol of a large aviary expresses both the access to a large amount of resources to solve problems as well as the restraint of impulses.

Ending the journey through Capricorn 27 which is a mountain pilgrimage signifying devotion to a high/divine goal.


Is Pluto’s retrograde pathway significant for you?

Because your energy design is unique to you, energies will impact you differently than others. The way to recognize the significance of your impact is through which gates are active for you and/or the location of your individual planets.

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree:

Pluto’s retrograde is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design…61.6, 60.1 – 60.5; 8.1 – 8.6; 6.3 – 6.6, 46.1 – 46.2; 62.5 – 62.6, 56.1 – 56.4; 32.5 – 32.6; 50.1 – 50.4. If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in Cardinal {Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra} or Earth {Taurus, Virgo} located at 25 through 29 degrees will feel Pluto’s energy the strongest.

Since Pluto’s retrograde officially begins April 29, 2022 {although you’ve been anticipating it energetically and preparing for it}, there is a unique added energy with the New Moon/Solar Eclipse…

The Solar Eclipse at a glance:

The Solar Eclipse occurs April 30, 2022 in the New Moon of earthy Taurus and meets up with the Sun in the same location, supporting the Pluto regeneration and change of what you control/surrender to in your experiences.

Taurus is slow and steady with an eye to ground into form through the physical senses.

The initiating energy of the new moon along with the eclipse developmental point will focus on rationalizing, returning your thoughts over and over again until they spiral up and a new perspective merges. 


As Pluto is also in an Earth sign, there will harmony with these approaches of returning your thoughts over and over and redefining self through perceived limitations. Both advocate patience with self.

As Uranus is also in an Earth energy, while direct, it will be conjunct the Moon, supporting the theme with receptivity to go beyond the tangible knowledge to within to access your higher understanding when implementing individuality and disruption of the status quo.


What is your Sun & Moon in?

If your natal Sun and Moon are in the same sign (as mine are), it will be easy to follow the element designation as a quick review for how to utilize your energy to initiate.

If your natal Sun and Moon are in different signs which is more common, it will require intertwining the energies. To help with this, work with your Moon then add your Sun in since the eclipse is Solar, not Lunar.

Since the Sun and Moon are in an Earth energy, the Elements follow the same approach as with the Pluto retrograde:

Earth signs {Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn} are at home, grounding into form.

Air signs {Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius} will be more practical, turning ideas into reality.

Fire signs {Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius} have the potential to be more organized.

Water signs {Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces} will feel more able to bring things to form.

What will the Sun and Moon focus on in this Solar Eclipse?

The Sun and Moon meet up at Taurus 10 degrees 28 minutes which is designated as Gate 24.4 in energy design or through astrology Sabian Symbols as Taurus 11.

Gate 24 speaks to the theme of returning your thoughts over and over until they spiral up and transform.

Because this eclipse moment occurs in line 4, relationships impact the use of this energy. Specifically, cultivating your own mental concepts when with others.

24.4 supports you to find the balance between what is easy in the environment and what is aligned for you.

Taurus 11 is a woman sprinkling flowers, which emphasizes the care put into nurturing and creating beauty, reminding us that one gets out of life what one puts into it.

Is this New Moon/Solar Eclipse significant for you?

Let’s get specific with your energy design/astrology degree to find out:

The New Moon/Solar Eclipse is significant for those with these energy gates/lines in their design…27.4, 27.5, 27.6, all of 24 (.1 through .6), 2.1, and 2.2; 31.4, 31.5, 31.6, all of 33, 7.1 and 7.2; 28.4, 28.5, 28.6, all of 44, 1.1 and 1.2; 41.4, 41.5, 41.6, all of 19, 13.1 and 13.2. If you’re unfamiliar with the focus of these additional gates, access the following pdf for a general summary: Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Those who have planets or points in fixed signs {Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius located between 5 degrees, 28 minutes and 15 degrees, 28 minutes will feel the eclipse the strongest.

The closer your planet or point is to 10 degrees, 28 minutes Taurus {Gate/Line 24.4} or one of the other Fixed Signs {Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius} at that location of 10 degrees, 28 minutes {Gate/Line: 33.4, 44.4, 19.4}, the stronger the theme will present for you to evolve your experience.

The next energy that factors in is Mercury. Since its’ retrograde officially begins on May 10, 2022, the collective will already be in the shadow of this energy {anticipating it!} when the Solar Eclipse occurs.

To continue this energetic review, access here >>> Part 2

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life coach for entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-minded, supporting you to uncover your unique energy to release conditioned patterns and perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled to reveal your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey...all at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

My intuitive guided modalities/methods to reveal and release include oracle readings of vibration and frequency to heal what is hidden in your subconscious, energy design to affirm individual talents and bring gifts out, and/or astrology elements/symbols to deepen understanding and dissolve conditioning for your journey of evolution.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.