Pluto Positioning


A Turning Time stand alone blog, focusing on the energy of Pluto as it relates to your spirit themes.

Astrology & Human Design chart required for deeper understanding.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

New to astrology? Start here…

What does Pluto focus on?

Traditionally, Pluto has been known for its’ rebirth or regenerative theme, geared to support both individual and collective growth. the rebirthing comes from a push-pull effect through the experience of the energies of control and surrender.

Due to this nature, governed by Scorpio, there is an incredibly large element of the unseen and subtle involved. the rebirthing requires releasing identities that you’ve been attached to, which is where the control and surrender energies come in.

Much of what is done with Pluto is hidden or internal, playing out in our energy relationships and experiences through control or surrender for us to gain higher understanding and emerge a new. As Pluto is far from Earth, the energetic/spirit work to bring the theme to higher understanding, both on an individual or collective scale, can take awhile.

It literally can feel like one is circling the same theme unless you continually look for the deeper answers behind the experiences, without attachment to what is front of you now.

After all, it takes approximately 248 years for Pluto to be in the same astrological position. this means as an individual your focus will be geared towards specific themes and that is what you’ll be uncovering in a few moments.

But first, let’s look at the collective impact Pluto is about to have, specifically on the U.S.


What theme is Pluto bringing for all in the collective?

Pluto is currently in Capricorn energy which has a similar divine feminine flow/surrender approach to things as Pluto in Scorpio. The difference lies in the focus as Capricorn can be patient, looking for meaning while also ambitious and persevering.

I’ve always felt the grounding, practical reality of Capricorn’s earthy energy when it impacts the collective but that’s probably because my sun and moon are in another earth sign, Virgo.

This is true for how Pluto is in Capricorn as it impacts the way the physical shows in our reality…structures, processes, practices {which is typically governed by Saturn}.


Already know astrology? Begin here for the energy gate review…

The way Pluto’s energy will be felt in 2022 depends on which energy theme gate/portal is in Pluto’s pathway at the time.

Today, Pluto moves into the progression line 2 for Gate 60 guiding you to seize the moment and go beyond unnecessary limitations, sensing when to move freely and give an outlet to energy contained previously.

Let’s take a deeper look at the way this energy theme works...identifying your own limits allows you to direct to redefine your energy and find new ways to resolve your challenges. Since it is presenting through Pluto, the themes of regeneration or rebirth through a release of control and surrendering to what is will be emphasized.

>>> It is in this energy theme of limitation and definition where Pluto reaches the same exact location when the U.S. was born. While Pluto doesn’t reach the specific 27 degrees, 32 minutes until February 19, 2022, you’re already feeling it.

And there’s support from Neptune, the planet of transcendence and inspired ideas, located in the same degree {22} but residing in the exact opposite sign in Pisces now, instead of in Virgo as it was at the U.S. birth. Again, divine feminine flow/surrender energy approaches but Pisces looks to serve with the big picture while Virgo likes to focus on the details.

Neptune is currently in energy gate 22 and line progression 6, bringing a theme of grace or openness where true value is supported through presence and an observer {or eye in the sky} view.


Where does the upcoming retrograde {April 29th} factor?

Retrogrades offer us an opportunity to review themes that have already come across our path from a new perspective.

Think of it like this…the planets come to us in a present {when direct}, then past {when retrograde} and then forward {when direct} through the same energy gates/themes.

You’ve already been experiencing the energy of gate 60 through the present direct energy via Pluto’s theme of rebirth/regeneration…

Here’s how it will play out through the 2022 retrograde season bringing 2 more opportunities to revisit the us natal rebirth energy on July 11/12th and December 27/28th.

We begin the review process in gate 60 but line progression 3 {where Pluto collectively moves to on March 22nd} bringing the energy of experience to play a role in the theme, guiding you to learn to restrain self-indulgence until June 8th…

Then we’re back in line 2 to seize the moment and go beyond unnecessary limitations, sensing when to move freely and give an outlet to energy contained previously where we remain until July 22nd. 

The difference this time you encounter line 2 is the energy theme will be seen from a new perspective and bring with it a new vibration/frequency for you to change patterns/beliefs in the areas of your life it is impacting…more on that in a moment.

There won’t yet be action to change it but simply to realize it and then the action happens when Pluto moves direct and revisits the same energy {gate 60, line 2} for the third time on December 20, 2022, days before we reach the return again to the us natal birth.

Fascinating, right? Now it’s time to apply it to you…


Ready to determine the extent Pluto’s return and retrograde will impact you?

We can all feel it when a planet is in a certain energy gate/theme but whether it impacts us more significantly depends on our relationship to that energy gate/theme. Whenever you have a planet or point in the same pathway as the collective planet or point within a few degrees, you feel an emphasis in that theme.

Therefore, if you have gate 60, you will be feeling its role in your energy design, through the focus of whichever planet or point it resides in. Each planet offers a different focus and they were reviewed in this previous blog >>> Life Themes by Design.

There are other factors such as when you have a planet/point in the same degrees that trines {is approximately 120 degrees apart} where Pluto is now.

That aspect brings a supportive emphasis, intertwining the theme of the planet or point with Pluto.

For example, if your natal Mercury trines where Pluto is now, there is a distinct impact on your communication and thinking.

Let’s look at your human design chart to see if you’re impacted directly or by a trine.

With this Pluto positioning, there is a supportive emphasis on rebirth through these gates/lines: 61.6, 60.1 – 60.5; 8.1 – 8.6; 6.3 – 6.6, 46.1 – 46.2; 62.5 – 62.6, 56.1 – 56.4; 32.5 – 32.6; 50.1 – 50.4. {astrologically, these gates/themes match the earth and initiating signs 25 – 29 degrees}.

Do you have any of these? If you do, you can look to the planet theme first as described above, then add the gate theme as described below to bring in another layer of specificity with how Pluto will impact you.

Here is a brief review of each gate mentioned {excluding gate 60 which was discussed above}:

Gate 61: deep inner thought review to penetrate the mysteries, revealing and expressing the truths to appreciate current circumstances but recognizing they’re temporary.

Gate 8: fostering and creating innovative ideas through empowering oneself with uniting with others through common experiences.

Gate 6: having the vision to observe feelings without attachment which lessens potential conflicts and brings harmony through objectivity and clarity.

Gate 46: drawing strength from spiritual significance and patient perseverance supports aligning to “being in the right place at the right time” {synchronicity}.

Gate 62: fixing your attention to what are pertinent and relevant matters or details, without getting caught up on solely logic yet recognizing the practical limits in moving forward.

Gate 56: moving from experience to experience, using each as an opportunity to tell a story that stimulates a new expansive belief, supporting the opening of a new cycle of thoughts.

Gate 32: self-renewing movement {often seen as change} allows for adaptation to obstacles to endure life’s circumstances while ensuring remaining in alignment brings continuity.

Gate 50: aligning experience and synchronicity {fate} to honor the wisdom of spirit and life, enriching the self and the community as a whole.

Then, layer in the specific line reference to gain additional specificity on the way the theme is approached. if you’re new to line progression, discover general approaches in this previous blog >>> Life Themes by Design.


There is one other place to look in your energy design…do you have gate 3? If so, it creates an energy flow with gate 60 that is mutative to release any rigidity to bring new ideas forward. you can look to the planet gate 3 is in in your energy design to see its area of focus!

If you don’t have any of these energy gates or the line numbers associated with them, then other planetary energies will be stronger themes for you on the dates Pluto impacts the U.S. or is in retrograde.

For example, if you’ve been impacted by the recent mercury retrograde as i was with my natal Pluto during the shadow period, other energy gate/line themes were prominent. In my case, mercury’s pathway impacted my natal Pluto, working through Aquarius and Libra Air energies instead bringing more innovation and less structure.

Meet Deb

Deb Farina, channel for the Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about you understanding your individual energy design to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your own divinely given gifts for strength and support, evolving your soul along the way.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life plus has expertise in guiding you energetically to fulfill your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.