Planet Activations in Your Energy Design
Season 2, Episode 2
In the 2nd episode of Season 2 Soul Themes, we take an even deeper look at your understanding of energy shifts through planetary movements with the lens of Human Design.
If you don’t have your Human Design chart yet, you can obtain one here for free >>> Jovian
{I’m not affiliated with this website but it is incredible resource for you.}
Where do you find the energy support and strength during planetary movements in your individual, unique Human Design chart?
Each circled number of your Human Design chart is an active gate, meaning you have access to this energy theme all the time.
Each of these active gates has at least one planet connected to it as this is the planet that activates the energy for you. You can find which one by reviewing the personality and design lists on each side of your chart.
The gates themselves are portals or openings for specific energy to be seen, felt or used.
This means the energy can be supportive or a strength to you because it is reliably there all the time.
Each gate has a unique theme and the theme is where your energy is focused on to manifest with/to purpose {more on this below}.
Once you understand the theme, you can more specifically look to your soul’s progression on this theme in this lifetime by seeing what aspect of the theme you came here to embody.
That’s what the line number tells you.
This approach to looking at your energy gate is more specific than astrology because it also includes the I-Ching, Kabbalah and Chakra system {the 4 cornerstones to Human Design creation}.
For example, my Uranus is in Libra which means I see the future with a plan in mind. Libra is an Air energy which brings forth innovation and normally an aspect of relating to another.
There is a strong element of intuition which is further explained via my Energy Gate 57 which literally means gentle wind, meaning I proceed gently while paying attention to my intuition for clarity.
When I factor in my line .6 and .5, I receive the validation of specifically seeing how my energy works:
>>> Attune to life’s situation movement by moment and deliberately evaluate with intuition.
>>> Honing the intuition to what is at hand in the moment and trusting what my intuition is telling me to act on it.
If you’d like to understand this concept of energy gate themes more, head here to the 1st blog post of this season for examples >>> Energy Transits through Your Individual Design
Why is this so powerful?
When you validate the way you were energetically designed to work, you can both lean on it as a strength and support when dealing with energy movements {whether it be planetary shifts or experiences with other people}…
Rather than learn another’s way of being, you can be your pure individual self, releasing the conditioning you’ve picked up and operate more in your truth.
What happens when a planet moves into a sign you have or one that complements it?
First, let’s talk about where you can discover the planetary movements…
There’s always the option to follow an astrologer you feel called to or if you have some understanding, you can use an ephemeris to see when planets are shifting into new signs.
For example, the planet Mars is shifting into Gemini on March 3, 2021. It’s currently in Taurus.
When a planet is in a sign, there is a particular signature of energy that is displayed when the sign is active for a planet.
This energy will either strengthen your work with this energy gate theme {if you are in the same sign or one that complements it}…
Or it will create a challenge for you to find a higher understanding about that theme {if it is in a sign with an element that works differently}.
I know it sounds complicated so let’s simply it with an example…
Mars in Taurus exhibits the Earth’s practical view of going for stability with what you want. Questions like…will this be worth my time and can it support me financially/emotionally/spiritually are asked?
When you have an energy gate in Mars that is Earth {Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo} or even Water {Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio}, you will deepen your work on your specific theme.
If your energy gate in Mars is Fire {Aries, Leo, Sagittarius} or Air {Aquarius, Gemini, Libra}, you will be called to find a higher understanding and it may feel challenging for you.
When Mars moves into Gemini, it now shows Air’s fluidity of movement and incites more conversation as well as being able to see both sides {the human and esoteric}
…so when you go for what you want, you now ask others thoughts and delve deeper into your spiritual understanding to see where there is more meaning.
This is even more specific by your energy gate.
Let’s look at mine as an example…
My Mars Personality gate {what displays on your astrological chart} is 27 {we’ll keep this example to the gate so it’s simple!}…
Gate 27 is a Taurus gate so when Mars is in Taurus, it feels natural for me to deepen my theme of nurturing when I go for what I want. When Air is brought in to an Earth sign, there is a bit of impatience that can occur because Air is so fluid…
Knowing this I can manage any impatience for when I go after what I want with more ease.
What happens when a planet has a strong conversation {like a square!} with another planet?
Speaking of Earth and Air energy…you may have recently went through the Uranus in Taurus square to Saturn in Aquarius. When Air comes into Earth it tends to want to make it more practical which is the other way this energy works together.
As a square, it required a higher understanding as Air and Earth go about things very differently. Think back to February 17, 2021 {2 days ago} and ask yourself if you’ve been feeling impatient or desiring to bring more practicality to your ideas…
Squares aren’t the only planetary conversation…
Mars, the planet that demonstrates how you go after what you want, is due for a sextile to Chiron mid-March. A sextile is when the energies complement each other so you can find a deepening in your healing.
When you know both your Mars & your Earth sign in Human Design, it will show you the themes you will be working on.
Let’s start with understanding more about your Mars…
If your gate 55 is in Mars, your theme is to create space to go after what you want and be sure to dis-attach from the outcome and let your emotional alignment direct your next step.
Gate 55 is active for all of us now through the Sun’s current position so you may find you are naturally giving yourself more space even if you don’t have this gate naturally active.
One more Mars example with a specific energy gate. Let’s go with gate 22, which will also be active via the Sun for us all later this Pisces Season…
If your Mars gate is 22, you’d be open to go after so many different things but recognize that when you listen to your higher guidance, your next strategy comes to you with ease.
Each energy theme is unique and when they all fit together they make up your individual energy design! Think of it as all the puzzle pieces fall into place and an extra pieces {your conditioning} begins to drop away.
Want to begin to notice which energies are strongest in your design?
One of the easiest ways you can begin to build understanding is by working with the Moon. No, I’m not talking about the phases {although I do utilize them too}…
Instead I am speaking of the signs that the moon moves through each month >>> all 12 of them!
Since the moon is one of the fastest moving planets for us, we can experience each of the signs and all 6 of their energy gates themes in 2 to 3 days.
For example, later today the Moon is moving into Gemini which includes energy gates 20, 16, 35, 45, 12 and 15.
With the Gemini gates, you’ll move through more contemplation, discernment or selectivity, create progress, synthesis, caution and finally modesty as we move into Cancer…
You will especially know if they are active or if they create a channel flow of energy {meaning they connect with an active gate you have that naturally flows to the gate active in the collective}.
Begin your understanding of your individual energy design by noticing which signs of the moon you experience more ease or a need for higher understanding or support.
Then, when you feel ready, you can explore each energy gate in depth by sign with the Sun Collective transits as each line {or progression of the theme} is experienced from day to day.
For example, we are in Pisces season now experiencing gate 55!
Each day it progresses with a slightly different approach to the energy theme of this gate which you can use to strengthen or support your individual energy design.
Meet Deb
Deb Farina, channel for Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your uniquely you method to attract.
With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.