One Mind Development Cycle


You’re currently in the Spring Eclipse Season of 2023, an activator for starseed energies to guide the coming spiritual expansion era by bringing support to understanding/creating awareness about the energies that will become available to us.

 Some are calling this the New Earth or the next epoch, which Human Design prophesied would occur in 2027. In January 2026, Neptune shifts into the energy of this recent Solar Eclipse, the theme of beginnings, so as you can see by this time gap of 3 years, there’s much work to be done.


There are layers upon layers of patterns and perspectives from generations to heal/release as well as shift society paradigms to support the foundation of this new way of being.

While you may be called to this shift through an energy healing vocation, there are also those who are guided to support the evolution through more conventional means but what both have in common is an awakened and evolving understanding of spirit.


 This recent Solar Eclipse, which occurred early April 20th {or late April 19th for some}, uniquely emphasized the final degrees of Aries through energy themes that brought a war on FEAR, false evidence appearing real.

Many beliefs are being left by the curb to make way for new ones that are still unfolding, creating a void or standstill which is the point of an eclipse…to make a new doorway for the months to come.


This stripping of limits, which Pluto in Aquarius has been helping us collectively redefine, culminated with the Solar Eclipse, to create a void for new to spring forth from.

As Pluto in Aquarius created a teaching tension with the Solar Eclipse point, which we’ll see again in mid-June with the North Node, confusions are lifted as your attachment to the past clears.

The Eclipse energies receive support on clearing attachment to the past from the dwarf planet Sedna…

who is in final degrees of Taurus, bringing in much work to do on embodiment of purpose through the material realm.

As Sedna is ready to leave Taurus in mid-June, there is an intensity to this theme that won’t let you ignore it.

The Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio energies are supporting the focus

…where our unique gifts support a bigger vision than single material goals ever could

…not to devalue the material but uplift it through the one mind development cycle.


 The one mind development cycle is where individuality meets one mind, the source of it all.

 Rather than each of us looking for meaning that is different, each individual gift is realized in the way it connects with another.

There’s a move to partnerships and community that Saturn in Pisces will lead you in later this year.


But before that can happen, there’s a release of the trappings that were emotionally separating you from the freedom of being you.

There are deep emotional imprints that go back generations, which are no longer being accepted to move into a new state of being.

Sedna is helping you release the deeper emotional imprints by showing you them through experiences.


There are many speaking of this spiritual expansion era change and have been for several years.

And the ability to understand what the change means as well as what to expect has been increasingly able to translate for more to see now and in the near future as it gets closer.

 Here’s a bit of human development history…

Human Design, an energy assimilation of the Chakra system, I-Ching, Western Astrology and the Kabballah, brought awareness to the unique 9 center design that we’ve all grown into, starting in 1781.

The 9 centers take you from the prior 7 center model that was external authority driven to a newer inner authority driven.

As you read this blog post, check in with your inner awareness to resonate with the truth as this is the use for the inner authority model that Ra Ura Hu channeled in 1987.


Even before I read about the spiritual expansion era, I channeled information as it relates to this and I’m not the only one. If you’re reading this, you’re meant to understand it and bring it forward through your expression.

While Ra Uru Hu talked about this spiritual expansion era separating us from each other {specifically a new type of individual who is born and is literally separate from us all}…

There are others, like myself, who see the increased emotional awareness as a way to increase connection on a spiritual level for those currently here, a possibility for those of us willing to evolve into the New Earth grid.

We’re conscious through spirit, our connection to each other.

So we aren’t limited by the body.

This understanding is being deeply embodied now in the collective.


The founder of Gene Keys, using a model based in Astrology, the I-Ching and other esoteric works, Richard Rudd sees what I do, which is that we're opening our hearts and emotional capacity to communicate at deeper levels of awareness as 1.

Your individuality will be emphasized through connection with oneness as we all have been given different gifts that help this transition come about, whether it’s directly in the spiritual space or through a more conventional role.

More on this in a future blog post.


The one mind development cycle is shifting the way we see time, space and money, among other things.

 Have you noticed that you’ve been super busy these days?

One of the key societal paradigms the one mind development cycle is working on is the paradigm of busyness…

Busyness can be a sign of focus, when you’re working towards a calling with intention. or it can be a sign of avoidance, when you’re shutting your heart to a painful area of your life.

Sedna wants you to see that what is acquired materially will eventually be lost.

The true value is in the transmutation, being able to recycle the experience, which Scorpio began showing you in the last eclipse season {in 2022}.

Those with planets or points in later degrees of any sign have been feeling the intensity of these themes.

To work through the deeper imprints, understand what your emotions are reflecting for you to heal.


In this spring eclipse season {and for the last several months through the Lunar Nodes}, the one mind development cycle has been utilizing the Taurus and Scorpio energies to show you….

You already have everything you need.

Taurus supports you to recognize what you have, how you are already whole.

And Scorpio uses emotions to show you what perspectives can be reinvented to empower future experiences.

While Mercury focuses in Taurus {emphasized throughout the retrograde}, the Lunar Eclipse {more on this below} strengthens Scorpio energy.

When one energy is present {Taurus}, the other {Scorpio} naturally complements to find the center point, where source is.

As healing clears conditioned patterns and society paradigms, the energies meld together to function as one to create from source.


Uranus has been supporting this belief by reminding you to witness that you are the medium, not the creative source.

It remains in this theme through the Lunar Eclipse, May 5th, where the Taurus-Scorpio connection is intensified.

Prior to the Mercury retrograde completion, this eclipse will increase the use of focus, honing in on a point in time to bring to form. {More on this below.}

Taurus in the gate of Receptivity is what kicked off the Mercury retrograde sequence…going beyond time and space by accessing oneness.

To open your heart through emotional awareness to trust you have everything you need in any given moment.

While the retrograde has kicked off in this them, this is the 2nd review through Mercury this year as a preview of all these themes began April 7th.

During the Mercury retrograde, themes are coming back to you again for a review or re-look at perspectives.

Mercury works on the rationale mind so that it can be freed from perspectives that are past, so they aren’t taken into the future as expectations.

Mercury’s retrograde completes May 15th but then, you’re given opportunity to implement new approaches to these themes as they re-occur in reverse/original order {Nourishing, Rationalizing and Receiving}, finishing May 31st.


This spring Mercury retrograde is providing an opportunity to review the way you work with the material and its meaning or purpose.

To do so, you embody, giving a tangible form or expression to, what you value.

Mercury’s review of these themes, Receptivity, Rationalizing and Nourishing, supports by bringing you out of your head and into your body.


During this time, any type of work to free energy trapped in your body is advised, whether it be seemingly sedentary like breathwork, or more active like yoga.

The themes on money will be pushing through society’s paradigm, which tells you to work for money.

In truth, there’s a deeper energy at work available through the vibration of money and Taurus-Scorpio energies ask you to see this.

Throughout the retrograde season, you have opportunity to see money as the way it was originally created, to support freedom through expression, whether that be in a conventional role or an entrepreneurial venture.

This ties in to the belief of one mind as each expression is a different piece of the pie with the pie being source…

Or as I often explain it, each of us are fingers of the hand with source as the palm.

Each finger is unique in its expression, and needed for the hand to function, as you are…

In order to see this, Scorpio comes in to balance Taurus energy, bringing you back to the Eclipse point where it all started last fall.

You’re awakening to see the patterns that lack meaning in addictive behaviors, such as retail therapy, emotional eating or working for money…

To shift perception by seeing what is behind the emotion creating the pattern.


While the Lunar Eclipse on May 5th emphasizes Receptivity, Scorpio emphasizes Creation to bring an illumination of where you weren’t seeing the two energies blend.


Scorpio guides transformation of patterns through use of emotions, or emotional alchemy.

This alchemy is supported through a natural flow to a Sagittarius energy that brings a sense of purpose.

The Scorpio energy guides you through experiences to do things again until the old way is released, grounding you deep into your core of being.


The Scorpio energy activates a flow with a Scorpio-Sagittarius energy which pauses you to get your emotional bearings and see the light from within.

Then aims the energy filled with purpose in a direction that is ideal for evolution.

This is the transformation of matter which begins with giving/receiving.


While this is happening, Mercury’s retrograde continues the Taurus journey backwards, in the theme of Returning, where thoughts spiral and ascend up with presence.


Have you noticed that when you give yourself space to process emotions, it actually seems as if you have more time?

When you process emotions, a key aspect of the one mind development cycle, you transcend time and space because the attachments you’re trying to relive are released…

Clearing the path in front of you and behind you for truth to emerge.


Taurus has been playing a major role through Sedna at final degrees until mid-June…

Changing the way you work with your body and the material…

So any repetitive patterns, when you aren’t dealing with emotions, will emerge to clear them.


Ask where the benefit in the pattern is, serving you to see why the cycle keeps returning.


Then, Mercury completes the retrograde shortly after it meets up with the Lunar Nodes, who have been actively working to nourish through experiences…

Balancing this by listening to your intuition and emotions to navigate the unknown, which is the beginning the eclipse season signifies for all.

The rebirth that the Nodes are moving towards Pluto is contributing to as it prepares to retrograde May 1st.


What is Pluto’s role in this?

As a rebirthing agent through the release of control, it takes you on a journey that is the deepest from within…

Releasing where you’ve felt trapped by limits…

Through redefining them with a change in perspective.

While all the themes spoken of in this blog post will be felt at some level, the significance and intensity varies based on your natal design {Astrology/Human Design}.

Explore applying your energy to experiences…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs, to find your true/soul expression.

As a life coach and an energy mentor, I guide you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As a career coach and entrepreneur mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.