Moon Magics


A turning time stand alone blog, focusing on the magics of the moon.

Astrology & Human Design chart required for deeper understanding.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian 

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be incredible resources for my clients.}

What is Moon Magics?

Moon Magics is the ancient knowledge of delving into your subconscious, where your intuition and emotions can be accessed to recognize the truth about any experience.

Each planet provides both a theme and an opportunity to experience esoteric energy.

When one works with astrology, it shows us what energy is present…in ourselves, in the environment and yes, in others.

Each month, the Moon takes us through a phase of energy to remember, awakening knowledge from within but as with all subconscious energy, requiring the awareness to do so.


Where does one begin to work with the Moon?

The Moon is the fastest moving planet and provides the opportunity to experience ALL themes each month which can be overwhelming if you try to look at all the details at once it’s broken into phases.

And like pie, each piece provides its own source of nourishment when spread out over time.


Each lunar phase provides opportunity to recognize a perceived need, a conditioned behavior you can release and open yourself up to reveal a truth.

The truths are directly tied an experience that is presenting in your life.


While there are actually 8 phases of the Moon {which I’ve shared through Moon Intuitive Goddess}, the 4 main phases are typically what is highlighted as follows:

The New Moon, 1st Quarter Moon, Full Moon and 3rd Quarter Moon.


Let’s begin by looking at each phase briefly based on the Moon theme:

The New Moon initializes a new perspective, clearing the remnants of the past perceptions that no longer serve as understanding has been reached.

The 1st Quarter Moon challenges you to see things in a new light, to make a decision and take action based on this different perspective.

The Full Moon is like a see-saw, showing you 2 needs so you can find the center point to balance between them.

The 3rd Quarter Moon emphasizes letting go, releasing any past perspective you’re attached to so that the truth about what is possible can be revealed, giving you a broader scope to work with come the new moon.


Then, take a step back with a wider lens and see each quarter, the Moon travels through a cycle of initiation, honing in and evolution to grow.


What are the cycles of the Moon through the phases?

Here’s where the astrology begins to take shape as each quarter, the Moon travels through one of the astrological signs of each cycle: initiating, honing in or mutating.

These energy approaches bring opportunity to experience each element as it is expressed through the astrological sign. More on the elements at the end.

Let’s look at each of these energy approaches briefly:

Initiating is where new is created and where momentum builds to begin again or continue but in a new direction. It is expressed through Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Honing in provides structure or stability to leap off of by fixating on a moment or point in time to bring perspective forward in a tangible manner. It is expressed through Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Mutating is adapting to circumstances, rather than solve them, to access a state of being which re-cerates flow, where once had been stuck or stagnant. It is expressed through Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.


Why do certain Moon phases impact you more?

Each Moon phase is connected to a specific esoteric theme, defined by the astrology location {more on this below}. When you incarnated, you chose themes to emphasize in this lifetime to master them, deepening your understanding of the energy.

When a phase travels on the same energy pathway as your design, or connects to your design in a harmonic or opposing energy, it triggers emotion or experience to create awareness for your journey.

Think of the luminous Moon as a light house because while every planet travels through all esoteric themes {at its own pace}, the Moon focuses on your subconscious and travels through themes the fastest which gives you opportunity to experience the theme again and again to master it.

 Because it's part of our subconscious and you have free will, you can choose to work on the themes you have in your energy design in this lifetime or work on them all.

When you're focused more on the day to day, there are certain themes you will feel pulled to because they're prominent for your incarnation theme in this lifetime.


Once you’re ready and willing to advance your work with the subconscious, add the knowledge of the collective pathway {planet location} and use each phase to deepen your understanding.

This is where astrology symbols become helpful…


What is a Chandra Symbol?

Chandra, or the Moon, symbol is a phrase channeled regarding a specific astrology degree so that you can deepen your understanding through interpretation.

Each time a planet travels through an esoteric theme, there is a correlation to a specific degree or minute and it is illustrated via the astrology sign location.

Each week on social media {Instagram and Facebook}, access the significance of the Moon’s location through my posts.


When you marry the phase of the Moon with the cycle and astrological degree + minute location, you have a guide to what energy is present for you to work on now.

Let’s look at the upcoming New Moon which is at the beginning of an initiating cycle with Libra 3:

The Astrology Chandra Symbolism Simplified is an inaccurate, imaginative map of the world, signifying the ability to see what you haven’t before.

It removes the pull of mainstream society and instead, creates a call to follow the clues to discover what is true and now for you.


What about the Elements and the Moon?

When the Moon is expressing through an Astrological sign, the element the sign uses supports your use of the energy as noted in the collective theme {for example, the phase of the Moon} or your natal design {for example, your planet and house}.

In this current New Moon, you’re using the approach of initiating through conversation to find the balance in a perspective with others. And as the Chandra Symbol disclosed, follow the clues to dissolve any conditioning so you can come back to your true expression.


Are there other ways to see the esoteric themes? Absolutely and each way brings another layer of understanding. For example…

What about Astrology Houses?

Each of the 12 house correlate to a specific area or theme of your life. When a planet or point is depicted in a specific house for you, this theme is emphasized through that house.

To bring this all together, it helps to know a bit about astrology.

If you’re new to it, discover simple House descriptions with this blog post: Leveraging Your Individuality, Build with Saturn

And explore planet descriptions with this blog post: Life Themes by Design

To simply this approach, look to the element first.

For example, Libra {where our Sun is now} uses conversation to carry a lot of ground and bring harmony to relationships.

Since this theme is expressing through the Sun, the largest planet, it tend to be the most easily recognized.

Now, let’s apply it to your planets or points in Libra.

Since my Libra is in House 11, my focus with this energy is in the area of contributions.

Since my planet Venus is in House 11, the way I give and receive is naturally through this conversation approach with a desire to create harmony.


Are you seeing how knowing this is helpful to you?

And of course, there is another way to see the esoteric themes…

What about Human Design?

Esoteric themes are also depicted through Human Design via its correlation to the I-Ching. Human Design lines up the I-Ching gates with specific themes and then a line to describe the progression of understanding for the theme.

Of course, both the gates and lines also correlate to an astrology degree and minute location.

For example, Gate 25 {which is the location of our Earth Point now} focuses on the theme of Trust and through today’s progression line 3, one learns to accommodate to the needs of the moment, adjusting when the unexpected occurs.

I used the Earth Point instead of the Moon because the Moon moves through 2 or 3 energy gates each day.


When you look at the Human Design Gate of the Moon location, it helps you ground the energy. For example, this upcoming New Moon is located at Gate 46, line 5.

Gate 46’s theme is to draw strength from spiritual significance and patient perseverance to support aligning to “being in the right place at the right time” {synchronicity}.

And line 5 reminds you to lead with a calm, steady approach.


To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

I am a life coach and business mentor. As a life coach, I support you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey...all at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, spiritual business mentoring supports you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning. The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

My intuitive guided modalities/methods to reveal and release include oracle readings of vibration and frequency to heal what is hidden in your subconscious, energy design to affirm individual talents and bring gifts out, and/or astrology elements/symbols to deepen understanding and dissolve conditioning for your journey of evolution.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband and 2 cats, Josie & Lainie.