Life Themes by Design
Season 2, Episode 4
In the 4th episode of Season 2: Soul Themes, we begin with a simple approach to identifying progressive line themes…the very numbers that guide your soul’s specific journey set by planetary alignment at birth.
To follow along, grad your Human Design Chart. Obtain yours here for free >>> Jovian. {I’m not affiliated with this website but hace found it to be an incredible resource for my clients.}
Where do you locate your progressive line theme?
Progressive line themes are found on your Human Design chart located after each energy gate number in your planetary Personality and Design review.
Your Personality & Design review are the columns located to the left and right of your design flow graph.
Some versions of Human Design Charts do not have these columns included but you can obtain one with this info from Jovian {link above}.
To find your line themes quickly, let’s use my chart, found on the Attract by Design® page as an example and for further definition.
In the column to the right of my graph, titled Personality, you’ll see it begins with the symbol of the Sun and then the number 59.6 directly before it.
59 is the energy gate theme which is a more generalized view of the subject matter. {more on this below.}
The .6 is my progressive line theme.
I refer to it as a progression because it is the specific progression of the current incarnation journey and where you chose to focus to evolve and grow in this lifetime.
Can you note yours?
What is the meaning of your progressive line number?
The main number {what I refer to as your energy gate} provides you with a portal or opening to access specific energy to be seen, felt or used.
This means the energy can be supportive or a strength to you because it is reliably there all the time in your individual energy design.
Each gate has a unique theme and the theme is where your energy is focused on in this incarnation.
Once you recognize your theme, you can more specifically look to your soul’s progression on this theme in this lifetime by seeing what aspect of the theme you came here to embody.
That’s what the progressive line number tells you.
While the lines can be interpreted in many ways dependent on your use of the understanding {i.e. business, relationship, finances, etc.}
And through the connection to the planet based on your birth time, like the Sun {known for defining your self-identity}.
There are general themes prevalent in each line.
>>> Line 1 is investigative
Think get to the bottom of things…often requiring research of some sort.
>>> Line 2 is inherent
Unlike 1, the 2 is naturally gifted {think spiritual answers} where generating awareness is key.
>>> Line 3 is experiential
The energy to keep trying to discover from the learnings with a willingness to keep going.
>>> Line 4 represents opportunity
The opportunity is created through personal relationships and it determines the quality of the opportunity.
>>> Line 5 represents the rebel
The impersonal component of this line creates opportunity to network with strangers and brings a hero energy that can cause others to project onto them.
>>> Line 6 represents the model of individuality
There is a flow through life {3 cycles} that requires trust:
From Age 0 to 28/30 is experiential like line 3
While {think Saturn return} 30 to 47/50 is formulation where going within and honing a craft is key.
Finally, 50+ {think Chiron return} is sharing the mastery of experience gained…think wise sage.
To understand this energy even more fully, you can relate to the visual formation of Human Design charts…
The outer ring of the mandala {not often show on your chart but used to create your flow graph} shows 64 energy gates which loosely represent the 64 hexagrams in the I-Ching.
Each hexagram has 6 lines and based on the combination of the 6 broken {yin} or solid {yang} lines determines the expression of energy.
The I-Ching explains the expression of energy in full detail and with imagery to support both the esoteric and mundane understanding of using this energy.
What is the significance of your progressive line number?
Your progressive line number of the Sun merged with your progressive line number of the Earth {the symbol directly below the Sun in either personality or design column} is your Incarnation Profile.
You’ll notice the line numbers are the same for both your Sun & Earth Personality, then your Sun & Earth Design, while the actual number before {the energy gate} is different.
The number that follows your energy gate is the progressive line number.
When you look at the number that follows both your Personality Sun and Personality Earth {directly below the Sun}, it’s the first number of your Incarnation Profile.
While the number of your Design Sun and Design Earth} is the 2nd number of your Incarnation Profile.
When you focus on these line numbers together, you discover your energy design for both attraction {spiritual & material} and balance.
Think of it like a road map to the way your energy is aligned to bring more fulfillment, meaning and purpose into your journey.
To simplify the deeper meaning with the definitions above, my 6/2 Incarnation Profile can be explained as follows…. the 6 refers to my honing of a craft {as I’m not yet 50!} and then the 2, to utilize my inherent gifts {as an intuitive channel}.
To continue this journey, beginning with a deep look at your Incarnation Invitation…
check out >>> Day by Day Series: Energy Design
What does the progressive line number define when it is with another planet?
Like the Profile, there are other progressive line numbers that work together like the North & South Node numbers.
It’s slightly different as in this case, you’ll notice that your line numbers are the same for both Personality & Design for first, the North then the South Node symbols.
{These symbols are directly under the moon symbol and look like a horseshoe!}
The North Node and South Node symbols often share the same progression line number {the number after the period}.
You’ll notice the Energy Gate numbers {the number before the period} are different for North & South Node {more on this below}.
Now look to my North Node for my design, it’s .5 and so is my South Node…
What is your Lunar Profile?
The North & South Nodes define your lunar node placement, specifically focusing on eclipse or transformation energy.
Your South Node is what you bring in as a strength that you mastered from other lifetimes and your North Node is what you are evolving in to or what I like to say, be~coming!
When you look to the Gate for each North Node, and South Node, you see the specific energy themes but when you look to the Lunar Profile, you see your way of approaching things…
For example, as a 3/5, to simply the meaning with the generic descriptions above, you’ll see I am the experiential rebel.
Remember, this is a simplified review for general understanding as your energy design is complex with even greater specificity when you know more.
Let’s look at the progression line numbers with an individual planet and see how this supports your energy design next…
Each planet guides the theme of the energy gate to focus on the planet’s specific theme.
Let’s look to each now, in order of the Personality & Design Columns.
>>> As we reviewed with the Sun, the focus of that planet theme is on self-identity.
And as we reviewed with the Earth, it’s your spiritual and material balance.
>>> With the Moon, you look to your daily needs and your emotions.
The Lunar Nodes support what is hidden {the eclipse} and your transformation that results at seeing what was hidden before.
For the last 3 remaining personal planets, those closest to your Sun and support individuality are…
With Mercury, the focus is on your thinking and communication.
With Venus, you see the way you use energy exchange, or the giving and receiving balance.
With Mars, it’s the way you go after your aligned desires.
Now we begin the outer planets…
With Jupiter, the theme looks at expansion.
With Saturn, you look towards structure or constriction in some way.
With Uranus, there is an element of disruption to create individuality.
With Neptune, it’s the way you transcend with your energy for higher understanding.
And finally, with Pluto, it’s the way you regenerate.
Pluto feels most aligned to talk about as there is a retrograde coming, which denotes more inner and higher understanding of the theme during that time of planetary movement.
Pluto is the last symbol from the bottom of both the Personality and Design chart.
You’ll notice that my energy gate numbers are the same for both Personality & Design but my line numbers are different.
Your Pluto Personality & Design Energy Gates are likely {but not always} the same energy gate for you too as it is an outer planet.
As an outer planet, it is farther from your Sun and therefore slower in both movement as well as clarity, requiring a deeper look which supports higher understanding.
Pluto as you saw above, is known for regeneration.
Let’s apply this to the energy gate theme 46 {my Pluto} which is Serendipity…my regeneration is directly connected to me leaning in or focusing on what is aligned for me in any given moment.
The progression line numbers of 4 shows I receive this through opportunities in my relationships and as 6, through honing of my craft {at least for 2 ½ more years}.
Meet Deb
Deb Farina, channel for Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your uniquely you method to attract.
With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.