Leveraging Your Individuality with Uranus

Season 2, Episode 6

Season 2, Episode 6


In the 6th episode of Season 2 Soul Themes, we look at your understanding of your individual energy planets or points that are focused for collective evolution.

Astrology & Human Design chart required for deeper understanding.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

In the 1st of a series of 3 planet close ups to support you bringing your individuality into the collective, we look to Uranus to kick things off. To access the full series, visit this page >>> Leveraging Your Individuality.


What does Uranus do for you?

Uranus is known for individuality so it is fitting that we begin with this collective planet. As a collective planet, you share your astrological sign with a generation.

This sharing of the energy of an astrology sign in Uranus supports bringing forth innovation, through disrupting the status quo and generating progress.


What is the significance of your Uranus astrologically?

you share an astrological sign with a generation so the sign placement is based on when you were born.

For example, if you were born between September 29, 1968 and May 20, 1969, June 25, 1969 through November 21, 1974, and May 2, 1975 through September 8, 1975, you share the Uranus sign I’m in which is Libra.

If you were born between November 22, 1974 and May 1, 1975, September 9, 1975 through February 17, 1981, and March 21, 1981 through November 16, 1981, your Uranus is in Scorpio.

Refer to your Astrology Chart to confirm your astrological sign for Uranus.

Let’s use Libra & Scorpio as an example…

Libra has several characteristics that are used to bring forth individuality into the collective. Libra is an initiating energy that desires to get something started. As an Air energy, it requires fluidity that is prompted through stimulated conversation and innovation. Once stimulated, Libra looks to find balance and harmony in everything it does.

Scorpio on the other hand, is a fixed energy that likes to hone in, without boundaries. This Water energy loves to go deep into intuition and emotion but also likes to provide structure and stability. Scorpio encourages emotional power which can sometimes feel like a deep saturation to get there.

Yet the journey with how you utilize these characteristics varies beyond the sign and is uniquely explained through your personalized energy gates {and the aspects/conversations they have with aligned planets}.

This is where your Human Design comes in…the energy design you were given to evolve your life themes and purpose as well as spiritual/material balance.

Pull your Human Design chart closer because now is where you learn how this energy individually impacts you and where you can leverage your energy and themes to support your individuality expression in the collective.


What is your individual Uranus alignment?

To look at this individually, you must first unearth what your Uranus energy gate is via your Human Design chart.

To do so, look to the column to the right of your design that is labeled Personality and go to the 3rd sign from the bottom…that’s Uranus and your energy gate is the number/s noted next to it before the period.

First, it’s important to understand why we went to your Personality column first…it’s the conscious energy you identify with in this lifetime and also what you see on your astrology chart.

Your Design column is your subconscious energy and what you came here to be more aware about. We’ll discuss that more shortly.

Once you’ve identified your energy gate in the Personality, you can find your gate’s definition summary here >>> Living with Your Lunar Cycle.

Have your gate’s definition summary?

Great! Let’s show you how this works using mine as an example…

Since my Uranus is gate 57, the focus on my theme that supports innovation is Clarity through Intuition

And I do so by proceeding gently but with a ceaselessness that can penetrate through distractions to bring clarity with gradual and inconspicuous steps, bringing about the truth.

This means when I use this energy and work with Uranus theme of innovation, I support bringing individuality into the collective.

Before we go deeper into this on a practical level, define what your Design is too…the other column that supports your Personality and requires more awareness.

It may be the same gate as mine is or it could be another energy gate.

If it’s another energy gate, it will work with the energy you have in your Personality {again what you see on your astrology chart} but will require your awareness to integrate it.

We all have free will after all!


Let me give you a tangible example of the way your energy gate works with the planet to get the mind on board…

Using my gate 57 again, my innovation comes about when I work with my intuition and allow that ceaseless flow to guide me…

Penetrating through distraction like what anyone else in the collective is doing or any conditioned beliefs I may have about the actions I’m being guided to take…

And to move forward gradually, allowing it to unfold its clarity with time.

This energy is my strength in bringing my innovative ways and create progress in perspective in the collective. Can you interpret yours?

Would you like to know what the number beyond the gate means for you?

Specifically the number following the energy gate next to Uranus. If you’re following along with me, you will see I’m a .6 in the Personality and a .5 in the Design.

Because I am a .6, I also take an observer view to utilize this energy effectively. It’s best for me to step away from what I see externally in order to bring my individual spin on it. This means I do best working solo with my intuition or 1:1 with a close colleague to bring forth my ideas.

The .5 tells me I will be a leader and project these innovative solutions like utilizing intuition and energy to practically guide your business.

You can learn more about what your line means by referring to this previous blog post: Life Themes by Design

Would you like to take this to a deeper understanding?

You can take this even deeper by looking to your astrology to see what house your Uranus is in, what other planets or points directly converse with your planet and you can also tap into the I-Ching to experience the imagery behind the gate.

Here’s what that looks like using me as an example…

Since my Uranus is located in House 12, I easily tap into my intuition and psychic abilities to unearth what is unconscious in the collective energy.

This means I can sense what we’re going to feel in the energy before we do, helping you know what is aligned for you including the next steps you take…

Whether this be for your business or your personal life.

Instead of telling you only what Uranus means for our generation, I’m guiding you to understand what it is for you individually.

My intuition is guiding me in the way to present it to you that is innovative and disrupts what you’ve been traditionally conditioned to believe.

This is brings in a new perspective or a new way of thinking that generates progress.

It’s much more entangled in our lives than this because Uranus works with other planets too.

For example, I use intuition to support my innovation and to clear the conditioning I received around creating it as Chiron {which is common for my generation} is directly opposite my Uranus.

Then, when I look to the I-Ching imagery, I can sense the way the energy works.

For example, energy gate portal 57 opens you up to being ceaseless like the wind to penetrate through any distractions {what is external and conditioned} to gain clarity with intuition. Can you sense this too? The way the wind continues gradually and inconspicuously like your intuition. It’s a gentle energy that is not showy but is effective.

This means my innovation is more subtle but just as disruptive to the status quo, like my giving this info for free with having you opt in for it as traditionally taught in business courses.

If you don’t know your astrology as I do, you can simply notice where your energy theme shows up in your life for guidance. This is where you were designed to bring in innovation in this way and supports your individuality in the collective.


Does where Uranus is now impact my Uranus?

Absolutely! Uranus is in Taurus in the collective energy and will remain here until July 7, 2025.

This impacts you because it brings an earthy energy to the work you do with Uranus. Taurus supports an appreciation of the physical senses and all earth energy helps bring things to form. Bringing those innovative ideas into reality is strong now.

When you recognize Uranus in your individual energy, you can see the way this works for you.

For example, all of us in Libra are in Air energy which when working in Earth energy, ideas become more practical and turn into reality.

If you’re Uranus is in Water energy {maybe Scorpio?} then when working in Earth, you now have a container for your ideas so they don’t continue flowing without grounding into reality.


When Uranus goes into retrograde and has impacting aspects…

Let’s take this review a step further by looking at Uranus in retrograde {officially beginning August 19, 2021 although it happens yearly}.

When Uranus is in retrograde, you’ll be guided to rewind your thinking to gain a deeper understanding for what works and what doesn’t with your energy.

And there are times in the collective energy that you’ll be guided to evolve your thinking to a higher understanding to support Taurus in Uranus for your individual growth in the collective.

One such example is by looking at the astrological squares Uranus has with Saturn and Jupiter. Squares signify an opportunity to illuminate an area that has created tension and resolve it.

Knowing the astrology can help you understand what to expect AND knowing your energy design supports validating your unique way of using it during any experience or energy.

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Deb Farina, channel for Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your uniquely you method to attract.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.