Leveraging Your Individuality: Build with Saturn
Season 2, Episode 7
In the 7th episode of Season 2 Soul Themes, we continue the look at your understanding of your individual energy planets or points that are focused for collective evolution.
Astrology & Human Design chart required for deeper understanding.
>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro
& Human Design here >>> Jovian
{I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}
In the 2nd of a series of 3 planet close ups to support bringing your individuality into the collective, we look to Saturn for structure. To access the full series, visit this page >>> Leveraging Your Individuality.
What is Saturn?
Saturn is the planet of structure and restriction…a restriction that supports creating form or bringing something into tangible being. This requires a level of responsibility which to some may feel like a strictness or rigidness of focus while others will move with disciplined practices in flow.
For individuals, Saturn supports your patterns, processes and practices which relies on your perspective {more on this in a moment}. For entrepreneurs, Saturn supports the way your energy has been designed to work with strategy and building your business.
Saturn supports integrating processes and practices that bring structure to your individual being which requires restricting what you view or the perspective you see. However, in order to choose which perspective or view, you first must expand the way you look at things {with Jupiter} which is why this planet relationship {aspects of Saturn and Jupiter} is often mentioned.
As a compliment to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, it is through the use of balancing both of these planets {Saturn & Jupiter} that you bring about form.
What is the way your energy design works with Saturn and Jupiter together?
There are quite a few more things you will need to know before we get to this stage.
First, your unique energy design by planet {which I will walk you through in a moment}, and then the relationship between your Saturn & Jupiter as seen in your Human Design chart {and if you’d like through your astrology aspects}.
Let’s begin with recognizing the general focus of your energy, whether it is divine feminine, masculine or both, as it will set the tone for your understanding as we move through each piece.
Are your planets divine feminine or masculine energy or both?
Determining if your planets, specifically for structure and expansion, are divine feminine or masculine {or a combination of both} can be done via your astrology chart to begin but it will only tell half the story.
Each of us has a unique individual energy design, shown in part in our Astrology Chart with our Personality but also shared in Human Design through another view of Design, our subconscious energy.
It is by looking at both of these views {Personality & Design} that you can see the whole picture of your energy design in the same way you must look at Jupiter, when you look to Saturn.
Once you’ve located the planet on your Human Design chart {first Saturn, then Jupiter which is directly above}, note both your Personality {which is equivalent to the placement on your Astrology chart} and Your Design gates.
You can find the general meaning of what your active gates {those circled in your design and noted on either the Personality or the Design columns} as well as which astrological sign they are in via the Living with Your Lunar Cycle pdf.
If you aren’t familiar with the astrological signs, here is a quick rundown:
Aries/Leo/Sagittarius is Fire; Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn is Earth; Gemini/Libra/Aquarius is Air; and Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces is Water.
Fire & Air are divine masculine energies while Earth & Water are divine feminine energies.
In general, divine masculine energy requires more of a deliberate focus, sensing when to take action or not while divine feminine energy leans more to surrender and yielding to align with the collective energy flow.
If you have a combination of both as many of us do, notice which holds the majority because this is what your energy is designed to lean into for structure or expansion.
For example, My Saturn is gate 15.5 & 45.6 which falls under Cancer & Gemini so my strategy is a bit of both with the divine feminine Personality leading and the divine masculine needing more awareness to use as it is part of the Design Column.
But then, my Jupiter is all divine masculine energy with both energy gates begin in Aquarius signifying lots of innovative thinking and the desire to not be contained.
Since my energy is mostly divine masculine for these planets, there will be an emphasis on deliberate focus for me, aligning with when to take action and then doing it.
Would you like to know your energy gate themes of Jupiter & Saturn to see how they work together?
Let’s look at your Jupiter first here…since remember, we begin with this expanded perspective. My Jupiter energy includes my Personality Gate 41 and then my Design Gate 19.
To start to get a sense of my themes, I refer to the Living with Your Lunar Cycle pdf {see link above} and review each description, keeping in mind this relates to my expansion:
41: Simplify {Decrease}
…by keeping still and observing you recognize where you can decrease your focus and instead where to explore to enrich your life and maximize your benefits.
In short, to begin expanding my view, my energy requires a deliberate action of decreasing my focus. Then…
19: Boundless {Approach}
…reaching out to others with inexhaustible energy to establish unity {as you sense what is wanted and needed, you recognize the limitless opportunities to connect}.
It requires a stimulation as most Air signs do to sense what is wanted and needed.
Next, add in your Saturn component:
My Saturn energy includes my Personality Gate 15 and then my Design Gate 45.
15: Diversity {Humanity}
…recognizing extremes and the diversity of the human race as well as conditions available to use on each day, equalizing the attachment to any in particular to bring individual balance forth.
In summary, to restrict or create structure, I start with the restricted focus from Jupiter and then lean into the extreme aspect, based on the energy of each day. For example, one day may be to work on this blog or create a video while another day may simply be to sit back and see who schedules 1:1 with me. Then to support this deliberate focus…
45: Educating {Gathering}
…calling those forth who are aligned to be supported in education for their wellbeing, focusing on the collective, trusting law of attraction at the root.
I educate {like this Divinely Designed with Deb blog or through one of my Attract by Design® offerings} in support of your well-being, using what I sensed was needed from my Jupiter Design.
There is one more layer to add in here and this is the line progression number that follows the gate number in both your Personality and Design columns. Since the focus of this education is Saturn, let’s begin there…
As mentioned earlier, my Saturn energy is Personality 15.5 & Design 45.6.
Since 5 is a leader and 6 is a role model, the way I structure and create process will be seen by others.
Let’s apply this to the themes discussed moments ago…
To utilize the 5 line progression, I lead with a restricted focus and then as you can see with this blog, there is an extreme depth to the material you are receiving.
And when I add in the 6, this education to support well-being can stand as an example of what you could do too. Since 6 also denotes a level of individualism, you’ll notice how this is specific to your energy design.
To discover what all the line numbers mean, you can refer to an earlier blog post: Life Themes by Design.
Now for those who wish to add another layer to create even more specificity, feel free to explore the added components Attract by Design® uses to support your energy flow understanding by looking at your astrology house and your aspects with the I~Ching energy gates.
How does your house influence your planet?
Much like each planet has a theme, each house has a focus so together they bring a different focus to your energy in astrology.
For example, my Saturn is in House 9 which means my beliefs and experiences will be intertwined with my ability to sense extremes and utilize this to education for others’ well-being.
Here is a quick simplified review of each house for you to work with:
House 1: your identity; a sense of who you are.
House 2: your individual worth, value, meaning {often establishing safety and security}.
House 3: the way you individually think, process and communicate.
House 4: your private thoughts and feelings; often thought of as your safe space or sanctuary.
House 5: the way you express individually, specifically to create and play; often connecting you to your inner child.
House 6: your daily responsibilities {time/energy} and practical matters like your body as well as being of service.
House 7: your connections you value including the way you give and receive in relationships.
House 8: your subconscious and ambitions based on deep emotions rooted there; often referred to as sex, death and taxes.
House 9: your philosophy and belief system including your experiences and observations of the outer world so travel and exploration is a part of this.
House 10: the way you bring your contributions, often seen as your profession, out into the world.
House 11: the way you bring your contributions to groups and networks, expressing your individuality in the collective.
House 12: the way you channel and connect with spirituality or what is unseen and intangible including your use of letting go and forgiving to rise above temporary situations.
What does your planet aspect tell you?
Look to your astrology chart to see which planets your Saturn talks to.
Planets at approximately 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 degrees from your planet converse and intertwine their themes to either bring supportive ease or tension for growth.
Those with a 60 degree or 120 degree separation bring ease and harmony in approach to using the themes represented by the planets in your design.
Those with a 90, 150 or 180 degree separation bring the tension and polarity to support your growth and create higher understanding.
For example, my Saturn opposes {a 180 degree separation from} my North Node with a 2 degree separation. Let’s look to the energy of the I-Ching gates to see what this tells me…
My North Node is the equivalent to gate 58.3. {Each energy gate portal has an equivalent astrological sign and degree.}
As you know, my personality Saturn is Gate 15.5. Since this is an opposition {like a square}, there is a tension between my Saturn and My North Node for my growth.
Through astrology, you can see the competing approaches of water {my Saturn in Cancer} and earth {my North Node in Capricorn}.
The I~Ching energy gates show me that my Saturn works with supporting diversity and extremes while my North Node looks for meaning and grounding into a form which requires perseverance.
This 180 degree opposition, which I like to call a full moon effect, illuminates both sides of the coin {my energy that is} to find the balance for my energy needs.
Meet Deb
Deb Farina, channel for Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your uniquely you method to attract.
With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.