Letting Light In


The Summer Solstice initiates a new season of growth with Sedna now in Gemini

While Saturn and Neptune go retrograde for an inner journey

And Jupiter in Taurus is moving through the same energy Mercury retrograded in, expanding on your sense of having.


Saturn’s retrograde began June 17th at Pisces 7 degrees, 12 minutes and asked you to let things play out as you took a deeper look at relationships…

This theme is understanding where you belong or fit in with the whole, which Saturn in Gate 37 navigates with its partner Gate 40.

As you look at relationships, both who you’re partnering or associating with and why, you’re also creating awareness around the way you navigate other relationships versus the one you have with yourself.


Jupiter, in the theme of Nourishing Purpose {Gate 27}, has been supporting the relationship with self and others by guiding you to go deeper into consideration for others and your soul’s journey.

The two {others and your soul’s journey} aren’t meant to be separate views either.

The recent shift of Sedna moving out of Taurus cleared much about the way you feel about having but the work isn’t done yet.


Pluto, back in Capricorn and still in theme of Limitations {Gate 60}, is helping you see what still needs attention, what you haven’t been utilizing.

At the same time, Neptune in Pisces continues to show you that experiences are a lovely way to reflect what your subconscious mind has been focusing on.

This mirror provides an opportunity for Jupiter to help you reconfigure repetitive patterns and expand beyond the past, beginning on the Summer Solstice, which occurs June 21st.


The Rationalizing {Gate 24} theme, which Jupiter is in until July 28th, takes a behavior or pattern and circles it around in your mind, until it moves upward.

The propelling energy that shifts it is inspiration, which requires a state of presence to activate.

This isn’t your first pass through the energy and it won’t be your last as Jupiter retrogrades in this energy so there’ll be 3 different opportunities to deepen awareness about it in your experiences.


While Neptune offers much needed compassion for self as you navigate change, Saturn in early degrees of Pisces is asking you to look at what you’re taking responsibility for.

Beginning with the concept of distinguishing yourself from others, the energy is showing you the way your life looks like with less hierarchy and a deeper connection to Source within.

What is gentler and previously viewed as weak becomes seen as an opportunity of strength that yields to deeper inner wisdom.


The supporting theme of Distinguishing {Gate 40} shows individually as imbalances in your energy such as exhaustion when in need of awareness. Remember to breathe.

Exhaustion is created from forced energy, derived from mental paradigms which are common in society.

Paradigms like “no pain, no gain” or the belief that action is required to substantiate worth are 2 examples of how this energy is accepted as truth.


Did that last one trigger you? Pisces in water will bring up emotions for you to understand.

Specifically, the theme of Partnerships {Gate 37} has the potential to over-process emotions, which can feel draining or exhausting for others.

Over-processing is a way to hide fears about the actions the heart is calling for you to do.


The Summer Solstice brings the energy theme of creating equilibrium through simply being.

In early degrees of Cancer, another water sign, this theme often brings up emotions to process. Cancer is known for remembering as the past can guide you forward when you learn from it.

If you’ve been feeling frustrated or disappointed in recent outcomes or experiences, it’s an opportunity to clear the emotional expectation at the root.


The Summer Solstice energy is asking you to hold light….to allow more spirit in and less struggle, which the mind argues against as it’s creating the struggle.

When you’re struggling in this energy theme, you’ll feel empty, without expectation or agendas being met because the end game is the outcome.

However, when you let Higher Self lead, you’re present to the experience, purposeful and connected to your environment and others in it.


So, what do you do to find your role in the extremes of the Solstice theme?

It’s going to sound counterintuitive, but you lean back and surrender, detaching from outcome through honoring the rhythm of life.

All things come in time, if they’re truly aligned, and this harmony is built through being present with each moment.


If you’re uncomfortable with waiting, the past is intruding your thoughts which keeps you from being at peace with the current experience. The struggle becomes an obsession with a continuous cycle of the same thought pattern.

What can you do to release the past attachment?

Bring in the energy of patience by taking a deep breath, calling on unconditional love for where you believe you are in the scheme of things and let go.


Your attitude is what creates the feeling of being stuck so when you shift this through awareness, an opening occurs that supports resolution by releasing the agenda or expectation and showing you another way through.

This attitude shift to increase awareness to spirit and be present has a ripple effect, as your energy shifts to hold more light and so will the environment, then space around you.

An awakened state honors nature’s timing and brings you back into harmony with the Earth so you’re flowing in a rhythm, versus struggling in a straight line.


To support emptying past patterns, Jupiter moved into the theme of Beginnings last month but as you know, this can be easier said than done, right?

To continue the journey to support your release on the past, the North Node has moved into and will remain in this theme until mid-September.

Due to the depth of this energy influence, there’ll be a separate Divinely Designed episode release later this week to see where the Lunar Nodes energy will take you.


Jupiter will be Taurus for the remainder of this year and since this planet focuses on the way you expand as well as the support to be recognized…

It will be helpful to know how your Jupiter interacts with Taurus or if you have any of the themes it’s traveling through {Nourishing, Rationalizing, and Receptivity} as you’ll have opportunity with the retrograde to experience these themes 3 times.

If you haven’t seen my post on these energy themes, explore this blog post: One Mind Development Cycle


When the Lunar Nodes move out of Taurus and Scorpio early next month, you won’t have the Scorpio energy present in the collective to remind you to break up stagnant patterns, moving into flow again.

Scorpio has been present to teach you embodiment, to learn to work through the emotions instead of reacting to them, no matter the intensity.

This is an opportunity to finish the energy cycle. Pluto, back in Capricorn, is helping you see where to release rigidness and be more fluid by showing you where you are over-attached to form.


Sedna, a dwarf planet beyond Pluto, is no longer in the Earth sign of Taurus, having begun her journey in Gemini and will remain there for decades.

As she travels slowly to release deep emotional imprints, there’s opportunity to work with each energy expression of Gemini for years.

For the next decade, this means an unfolding of the themes of Unity and Contemplation, so working on being present will be a big focal point to clear past emotional patterns of behavior.


Neptune in Pisces continues to guide you to see everything happens for a reason.

When you’re willing to see this, it opens up the energy in the theme of Resolution to be more at peace, releasing the illusions of conflict that your mental constructs can create and in turn, support healing others through the higher vibration you emit.

Pisces supports you to let go, forgive and bring empathy to actions, remembering you’re human and your actions aren’t wrong but rather guidance to reflect your thoughts to allow change to occur.


Neptune begins its retrograde cycle at the end of this month, June 30th at Pisces 27 degrees, 41 minutes.

There is a thoroughness to the energy of a 28th degree as you’re nearing completion with the astrological sign.

Due to the depth of the energy theme, Neptune will be revisiting it again next year.


When a planet spends so much time in an energy theme, there is a reason for it!

The seed energy of Pisces 28 is where Saturn in Pisces will be moving back into so these 2 focuses of structure and transcendence are closely linked.

As with all retrogrades, there’s a call to the inner world but it’s emphasized with Neptune in later degrees of Pisces to support letting go of mental paradigms.


For individual guidance…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs, to find your true/soul expression.

As a life coach and an energy mentor, I guide you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As a career coach and entrepreneur mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband, Vince and cat, Josie.