Energy Design Differentiation
Season 2, Episode 5
In the 5th episode of Season 2: Soul Themes, we lean into the energy of CHANGE by looking at the different alchemies available through the unique expression given with any energy gate portal or opening for opportunity, experience and evolution.
To follow along, grab your Human Design chart. You can obtain yours here for free >>> Jovian {I’m not affiliated with this website but have found it to be an incredible resource for my clients.}
What does an energy gate do for me?
Each energy gate {expressed as a number on your human design chart} is an active portal or opening for a unique energy expression.
An energy expression that is unique and different like the compilation of all your genetic codes.
>>> while each code or energy gate is the same when looked at individually, when they are mixed together, something unique and different emerges with a deeper divine purpose.
When you recognize the energy unique and different in your design, you can lean in to it for strength and support with each specific life theme {up to 26!}, supporting your day to day experiences.
Let’s look at a few examples of the way this works…
Have you been experiencing a desire lately to literally bend around circumstances or simply plough through an obstacle?
This way of expressing your energy can be identified by one of your active {circled number} energy gates in your design.
Let’s look at the bending around things approaches called for with gates 20, 46, 15, 22, 17
As well as the go directly through things like gates 32, 56, 35, 39 and 33.
Each energy is slightly unique and different…
Gate 20 pauses you to be present so you can be seen {think of the snapshot of a water droplet, caught still and not in motion}
While gate 46 has you patiently moving forward like a plant pushing up out of the earth.
Both of these energies present opportunity to achieve the result of bending or move around an obstacle present but their energies show up very differently in how they do so.
Gate 20 calls you to be less connected to this or that while gate 46 supports small steps.
Let’s continue the journey by looking at the extremes…
Gate 15 has you allowing the extreme conditions, like the waxing and waning of the moon, as natural so you’re open to receive the experience much like 32
But gate 32 gradually works up to it
Gate 15 has it happen like a snap of the fingers {or so it seems to our human experience} as the allowing literally lifts your energy up
While gate 32 requires endurance or conserving of energy so you’re not worn down by the experience and you’re able to literally go through it for a deeper understanding.
Want a few more examples?
Gate 56 needs stimulated conversation to gain the enrichment to go through the obstacle
While Gate 33 requires inner work through withdrawal for the revelation of how to move through.
Beginning to get the idea? almost done with this example…
Gate 22 desires that you listen to your inner guides and manage your emotional needs to move through any obstacle
While gate 17 is more cerebral and investigative of others’ thoughts to stimulate what works to move around an obstacle.
Which of these energy gates do you have and can you see your energy expressed in these ways?
How is differentiation expressed through an energy gate?
While there are 8 core energy gates, they are mixed together in several different varietals, bringing a unique way of expressing each energy given for your divine design as shown in the last example.
>>> each core energy gate is focused on a specific element or approach to energy, whether it be to loosen the restriction of time for creation or to be more receptive and yielding to form and function…
…to shake things up to disrupt a current course or to support the unending flow, continuing a current course.
…or possibly to bring stillness to renew your energy and movement forward…or to be gentle with yourself as you gain clarity or awareness…or to look deeper for the awareness by shining light on something hidden…
and lastly to look more to the meaning or purpose that brings joy.
When these gates are mixed together with a focus more on yin {divine feminine} aspects or yang {divine masculine} aspects, the unique expression takes on a very specific approach.
As always, I find examples show in a way that simply describing it doesn’t, so shall we take a look at a few more examples?
Let’s begin this understanding with energy gates more focused on divine feminine elements, such as water and earth, which require yielding to flow & create form…
Divine Feminine energy can be misunderstood to think there is no action, but it’s simply a different definition of action focusing on a yielding before making a move and committing your energy…
>>> let’s look at gate 52, a divine feminine core energy gate, which works by quieting the noise around you to go within to gain perspective on what the current situation is like and whether it is aligned to move or not to.
Then there are energy gates that require more of a deliberate focus, using divine masculine elements like fire and air, which require an intention or commitment to a direction, often but not always with an end result in mind.
An excellent example is gate 30, a divine masculine core energy gate, which works by deliberately lighting up a focus you don’t normally see, to take action that is clear and spreads with intent .
Why does the approach of an energy gate matter to its theme?
When the energy approach is the same…take for example stillness…the elements {Earth, Water, Fire & Air} and astrology sign express it differently through each gate which means your way of using the energy is different dependent on which energy gate is naturally active in you.
Gate 52 >>> utilizes the element Water to access the flow of feelings & the sign Cancer to nurture and protect to activate the higher energy of restraint to gain perspective over circumstances.
Gate 22 >>> utilizes the element Water to access the flow of feelings but now with the sign of Pisces to bring completion and healing to the approach which illuminates and activates a balance with consciousness to enrich/beautify ones’ experience.
Gate 20 >>> utilizes the element Air which brings freedom of movement & the sign Gemini to add in stimulated conversation to gain knowledge when present, bringing a sense of self assuredness to any moment.
Gate 11 >>> utilizes the element Fire which brings warmth & the sign Sagittarius to uncover the truth of what is unseen through balancing what brings harmony and what efforts can be done with the present circumstance.
These are simply 4 examples of stillness energy…of course, there are more and used with other elements as well as different signs to present differently.
Are you beginning to see that when you can differentiate whether you’re innate energy leans to
divine feminine or masculine in a certain theme,
it’s supportive and validating for you to lean into it’s unique approach for you?
Let’s look to another theme as a final example…
The theme of Gathering which presents very differently dependent on which use either the energy of divine feminine or masculine
depicted through gate 45 or gate 8.
Gate 45 is a “gathering together” energy that is distinctly divinely masculine in approach meaning there is a deliberate focus or firm alignment that comes from within first
with an air of preparedness that comes from knowledge that is based on your own experiences
to educate others and increase their understanding of the material presented.
Gate 8, on the other hand, is a “holding together” gate that presents as divinely feminine, where unity is strengthened through common experiences
where we’re guided to aid and complement each other without knowing the end result.
instead the experience and relationships themself become the focus.
Same end result of bringing together but very different approaches to reach it.
With so many differentiations of the energy included in each of our unique designs, where do we look to recognize which approach to use?
Since we can have up to 26 different active energy gate portals or openings of energy for us to access, and each energy gate having a unique approach, it can’t be simplified or considered to work with only one type of energy.
while your energy may predominantly lean to divine masculine or divine feminine approaches, it’s about seeing when to use either to remain in balance with your energy.
and your planet designation tells you which themes will receive support with this.
For example, I have gate 16 {which is currently active with the sun energy now} in my Sun Design and the sun is part of how we identify with ourself and also what I can be recognized or known for.
To lean into what I’m known for, I’m to be deliberate with the Gemini theme of selectivity, using discernment and my enthusiasm to guide me practically forward.
My Sun Personality {what you see in the astrology chart} is a Virgo energy gate however, meaning that I begin my identification and what I’m known for by yielding and surrendering to the intuition & emotion.
So, it begins with divine feminine {Virgo} and ends with divine masculine {Gemini} when I’m identifying with who I truly am.
What about you?
In the end of the last Divinely Designed with Deb blog post, planet themes were reviewed in detail and can be found here >>> Life Themes by Design.
Meet Deb
Deb Farina, channel for Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about attracting as you were designed to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your uniquely you method to attract.
With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life while fulfilling your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.