Eclipse Expansion 2022


A Turning Time standalone blog post, focusing on the energy of the eclipse season in 2022 as it relates to your spirit themes and opportunity for ascension to deeper understanding.

Astrology & Human Design chart required to individualize your experience.

>>> Obtain your Astrology here >>> Astro

& Human Design here >>> Jovian

 {I’m not affiliated with either website but have found them to be an incredible resources for my clients.}

New to working with eclipses? Start with this previous blog post: Eclipse Exploration.

What do the 2022 eclipses offer?

Eclipses offer opportunity to cast light on what is hidden beneath, expanding your ability to consciously and subconsciously transform perspectives and patterns.

Each eclipse focuses on a specific theme/s.

For the 2022 eclipses, we’re working with fixed energies, the signs that like to hone in and make something solid and practical. The way this energy works is to fixate on a specific area or approach in your life, providing structure or stability to create from.


What are the dates and energies for the eclipses in 2022?

1st Eclipse Season: Solar Eclipse on April 30th in Taurus with the New Moon, followed by a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio with the Full Moon on May 15th or 16th (depending on your location).

2nd Eclipse Season: Solar Eclipse on October 25th in Scorpio with the New Moon, followed by a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus with the Full Moon on November 8th. {Details for this 2nd eclipse season can be accessed via the button below this blog post.}

 While the astrology signs of Taurus and Scorpio are the same, their positioning is different for each eclipse, activating unique themes for each experience.


What do Taurus and Scorpio focus on?

While they are both divine feminine energy, unlike Taurus energy which likes the practical and physical senses, Scorpio is emotional and power driven which means there's a lot of saturation that can come from feelings.

Taurus and Scorpio are on opposite ends of an axis in the astrology wheel. Oppositions in astrology create tension to remind you of 2 different needs to support growth. In this case, the themes of this axis {think see-saw} are your own value and wealth with Taurus on one side versus the wealth and values of others with Scorpio on the other side.

This overall Taurus – Scorpio theme is one you’ve been experiencing with the North and South Node for the last several months.

However, both Taurus and Scorpio each have 6 specific different themes depending on the degree that planet or point is in {and that is broken down even further to 6 different line progressions per each theme}. There are only 30 degrees to each sign because the theme is already in progress when the sign begins or ends in the cycle, creating a continuity for each transition.

For example, Taurus begins in the energy of new beginnings and ends with contributing as its theme when it shifts to Gemini. Scorpio begins in the energy of integrity and ends with alchemy or harvest energy as its theme when it shifts to Sagittarius.

How do you discover your individual impact from these eclipses?

You have a unique blend of energy themes based on your natal birth chart so the eclipse will individually impact you even though we’ll all experience the same energy at the same time.

Therefore, certain themes may be emphasized for your experience or you’ll barely notice the energy at all.

If you’d like to individualize your journey for these eclipses, an Astrology Chart and/or Human Design Chart is required {links above}.


Where do you look at in your chart to discover the impact of the April 2022 Solar Eclipse?

The way you’re impacted for these eclipses will depend on whether you have planets or points in fixed signs and where they’re located. Each planet gives off an orb of approximately 5 degrees either way while a point gives off an orb of approximately 3 degrees either way.

The Solar Eclipse in Taurus this year occurs at 10 degrees, 28 minutes. If you have any fixed signs {Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius} in your astrology or Human Design charts that have planets located between 5 degrees, 28 minutes and 15 degrees, 28 minutes, you will feel that theme emphasized. For points, look 2 degrees less in either direction.

In Human Design, these locations equate to Gate/Lines: 27.4, 27.5, 27.6, all of 24 (.1 through .6), 2.1, and 2.2 for Taurus; 31.4, 31.5, 31.6, all of 33, 7.1 and 7.2 for Leo; 28.4, 28.5, 28.6, all of 44, 1.1 and 1.2 for Scorpio; 41.4, 41.5, 41.6, all of 19, 13.1 and 13.2 for Aquarius.

The closer your planet or point is to 10 degrees, 28 minutes Taurus {Gate/Line 24.4} or one of the other Fixed Signs {Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius} at that location of 10 degrees, 28 minutes {Gate/Line: 33.4, 44.4, 19.4}, the stronger the theme will present for you to evolve your experience.

Details for the May 2022 Lunar Eclipse are below, directly under the April reading.

What is the general theme of the April 2022 Solar Eclipse?

The theme for Taurus 10 degrees, 28 minutes as a Sabian Symbol {Taurus 11} is a woman sprinkling flowers, which emphasizes the care put into nurturing and creating beauty, reminding us that one gets out of life what one puts into it.

While this is a simplification and all symbols are designed to be self-interpretative, it will get you started on understanding the energy theme.

What do you look at once you know if you have a planet or point impacted by the eclipse?

#1 – Planet Theme.

Once you’ve located which planet or point is in the pathway of the eclipse, knowing the theme of your planet or point will help create awareness so you can consciously work on the eclipse experience and deepen your understanding subconsciously as you fixate on that energy.

If you’re new to what the planet themes are, you can refer to Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode 4: Planet Themes.


#2 – Sign Element.

After you look at the planet theme, you then look to the element it’s in. Each fixed sign has an element that emphasizes an energy approach.

Taurus is an earth element, designed to look to what is practical. In particular, Taurus is known for its connection to the physical, the senses. Since the collective point is located here for all of us during the 1st solar eclipse, this is the approach that will be emphasized when you have another planet or point located near its pathway.

Another layer comes into play when the planet or point is in a Fixed Sign other than Taurus, because you have another element at work and interacting with the collective Taurus point {where the Solar Eclipse is}.

Leo brings Fire for respect and recognition, Scorpio uses Water for emotional power and Aquarius is Air to create innovation and conversation. These elements impact your energy in a different way than when it’s simply Taurus for this eclipse season.

For example, when you have a planet or point in Leo Fire interacting with Taurus Earth, the Earth element will teach the Fire to be more organized. Likewise, Earth gives Water the container to create from and Earth provides Air with practical energy to put ideas into reality.

Note which of these element interactions, if any, you will have impacting your eclipse experience. Discover more about the elements in Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode 3: Elements.


#3 – Gate Theme.

To know the specifics of your theme impacted by planet or point, look to your Human Design chart, which illustrates with great detail based on the gate line and teachings of the I-Ching. To get you started, there is a summary of all gate themes in Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode: Living with the Lunar Cycle.

Or you can dive deeper into the specifics of the 1st eclipse season with your Astrology and Human Design charts with Divinely Designed with Deb Season 3, Episode 2 Part 2: Divine Neutrality.

The 2022 April Eclipse Energy Relationship Review Reading:

As a special gift, here is a past-present-future vibration oracle reading, utilizing Crystal Mandala oracle cards from Alana Fairchild:

Take what resonates and leave behind the rest as this is a group reading meant to be individualized.

Past: this card orients you to the resonance of the energy relationship by focusing your attention to the area of significance as an entry point.

The Good Will card signifies the energy you put out for the success and well-being of all is amplified and returned to you. Operating from a field of abundance and trusting that one can receive without diminishing from another. This energy of encouragement can turn desperation into determination.


Present: this card is where we spend the most time and is directly a result from the vibration of the actions taken as presented via the past card.

The Karmic Grace card speaks to growth and learning which can feel challenging at time while harmonious at others. Regardless of which experience was felt, the blessings of freedom, insight, personal power and wisdom make it all worth it.

You always receive what you need if you choose to accept it and are always offered what will help you fulfill your spiritual evolution.

…2 cards from the Fairy Tarot deck by Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue are included as additional support:

#5 Unity reminding you to do what is most aligned for you which is sometimes but not always what is traditionally viewed by society.

5 of Spring calls forth the passion and fuel from Fire to see the opposing directions that can distract you from your intentions.

I love how the #5 showed up twice as this designates the energy of change and transformation, synonymous with eclipse energy.


Future: this card is if you continue on this same pathway and don’t make any leaps in perspective as we all have free will to choose to follow where spirit takes us or not.

A side note here that the energy circles so it can feel like you are going over the same ground with Gate 24, then it suddenly spirals or ascends up.

The Sensitivity card guides to the importance of being sensitive to perceiving subtle energy as it has the capacity to support the way you manage the energy in the world around you. For example, whether you release conditioned patterns or even notice them.

When you want to sense energy on an even deeper level, the doorway is open for you. You simply need to choose to take the step…


Where do you look at in your chart to discover the impact of the May 2022 Lunar Eclipse?

The Lunar Eclipse this May occurs in Scorpio at 25 degrees, 18 minutes.

If you have any fixed signs {Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or Taurus} in your astrology or Human Design charts that are located between 20 degrees, 18 minutes {of the fixed sign} and 0 degree, 18 minutes {of the next sign: Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini}, you will feel that planet theme emphasized. Remember, points are 2 degrees less from either direction.

In Human Design, these locations equate to Gate/Lines: 43.2, 43.3, 43.4, 43.5, 43.6, and all of 14 for Scorpio; all of 62, 56.1, 56.2, 56.3, and 56.4 for Leo; 49.2, 49.3, 49.4, 49.5, 49.6, and all of 30 for Aquarius; 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5, 23.6, and all of 8 for Taurus.

The closer your planet or point is to 25 degrees, 18 minutes Scorpio {Gate/Line 14.1} or one of the other Fixed Signs {Leo, Aquarius or Taurus} at that location of 25 degrees, 18 minutes {Gate/Line: 62.5, 30.1, 8.1}, the stronger the theme will present for you to evolve your experience.

What is the general theme of the May 2022 Lunar Eclipse?

The theme for Scorpio 25 degrees, 18 minutes as a Sabian Symbol {Scorpio 26} is Indians making camp, emphasizing resourcefulness and reminding us that we can find whatever we need wherever we go.

While this is a simplification and all symbols are designed to be self-interpretative, it will begin your understanding of the energy at work.

What do you look at once you know if you have a planet or point impacted by the eclipse?

Follow the same direction above for #1 – Planet Theme, shared directly below for your convenience.

Once you’ve located which planet or point is in the pathway of the eclipse, knowing the theme of your planet or point will help create awareness so you can consciously work on the eclipse experience and deepen your understanding subconsciously as you fixate on that energy.

If you’re new to what the planet themes are, you can refer to Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode 4: Planet Themes.

#2 – Sign Element.

After you look at the planet theme, you then look to the element it’s in. Each fixed sign has an element that emphasizes an energy approach.

Since Scorpio is the primary element now, this approach of emotional power will be emphasized when you have another planet or point located near the lunar eclipse pathway.

When you have another Fixed Sign other than Scorpio, it adds in an extra element plus the interaction with the collective Scorpio point {where the Lunar Eclipse).

As a reminder, Leo brings Fire for respect and recognition, Aquarius is Air to create innovation and conversation and Taurus is Earth for the physical senses. These elements impact your energy in a different way than when it’s simply Scorpio for this eclipse season.

When a planet or point in Scorpio Water interacts with Leo Fire, it brings added drama or passion. Likewise, Scorpio Water gives Aquarius Air nurturing by showing how important feelings are and Scorpio Water provides Taurus Earth with nourishment, while releasing rigidity.

Note which of these element interactions, if any, you have impacting your eclipse experience. Discover more about the way elements work in Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode 3: Elements.

#3 – Gate Theme.

To know the specifics of your theme impacted by planet or point, look to your Human Design chart, which illustrates with great detail based on the gate line and teachings of the I-Ching. To get you started, there is a summary of all gate themes in Divinely Designed with Deb Season 2, Episode: Living with the Lunar Cycle.

Or you can dive deeper into the specifics of the 1st eclipse season with your Astrology and Human Design charts with Divinely Designed with Deb Season 3, Episode 2 Part 2: Divine Neutrality.

To individualize your experience…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading


Ready to preview the 2nd Eclipse Season coming this fall?

Follow the button directly below or bookmark this page for future reference.

Meet Deb

Deb Farina, channel for the Attract by Design® methodology, is passionate about you understanding your individual energy design to/for purpose. Partnering the divine feminine with the divine masculine energies, she brings both the intuitive and step by step approach to decoding your unique genetic imprint given to you by Human Design so you can experience your own divinely given gifts for strength and support, evolving your soul along the way.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching, Deb is deeply attuned to evolutionary life themes and creating more balance in your life plus has expertise in guiding you energetically to fulfill your business dreams. Deb’s clients have developed deeper connections with their soul, stronger foundations for their day to day lives and naturally attract more aligned opportunities, support and resources.