A Bridge to a New Beginning


You’ve sensed a new beginning for some time but the details haven’t yet come to light…

And even if you have clarity on where you’re headed, there is still a pause…

This pause is to ensure you aren’t bringing forth any pattern from the past that is ready to go for good.


This blog post will guide you to move beyond the beliefs of society paradigms or ancestral conditioning to navigate an expanded open-hearted approach.

An approach that is guided individually for you, highlighting these 3 themes appearing in the collective energy.

Each of these themes will impact you differently as your energy design is unique, like your fingerprint, but you will share reflections of experiences with others on this journey.

While it can be supportive to understand the astrology or Human Design specifics, it isn’t necessary if you allow your intuition and emotions to guide you.

Astrology and Human Design are one way to explore the energy expressions of these themes so you understand the way to work with them to center your energy.

Your intuition and emotions have the same effect to center your energy, when you move past societal paradigms and ancestral conditioning.


This journey begins where the last blog post ended as Mercury is now direct but this doesn’t mean you’re done with the themes…

You’re experiencing themes of Nourishing, Rationalizing and Receptivity for the 3rd time, with hopefully a new perspective on the way you express these energies.

A perspective that can still be tight without room to move and having you feeling trapped, or one that is nourishing for the soul, expanding your ability to see spirit in matter. For additional guidance, refer to this post: One Mind Development Cycle


Mercury’s retrograde brought experiences to see…

A heightened meaning of life and death, a calling beyond survival, and an understanding of creation through oneness, on a deeper level.

And now continues to guide in a slow and steady approach.


Over the next several days, a rare aspect occurs in the planetary cosmos…

The Grand Cross/Square, circulating tension between 4 elements to teach, occurs May 17th through the 20th.

Then, continuing as Mars moves into Leo, through May 23rd to activate the seeds of a new beginning.

The 4 elements: wind, water, fire and earth

Use different approaches of energy to balance your energy, adding light to the darker, denser traumas.

It doesn’t matter if the traumas are mental, emotional or physical…or the extent of the experience…to feel the tension.


Whenever there’s tension between planets and/or points, it’s to show you through seeming contrast that there are many ways to approach life.

It’s very easy to get caught up in living automatically, replaying the day in the same patterns, because life can be busy with many agendas and expectations.

The agendas and expectations are part of society paradigms that separate from your inner guidance system.


When tension occurs like this in the collective, it is to look deeper at where you aren’t following inner guidance and ask yourself if you’d like to change that.

Like all energy, it is intertwined with the work you’ve recently done with the Mercury retrograde and the Taurus themes of the one mind development cycle {Nourishing, Rationalizing, Receptivity} will continue with Jupiter this year…

And complete both through Mercury then, the Lunar Nodes in a few weeks.

The tension of the Grand Square continues the one mind development cycle focus of your energy as the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio play a role to support you to recognize

…where your unique gifts support a bigger vision than single material goals ever could, deepening your connection to fulfillment

…not to devalue the material, but embody the spiritual and uplift it, opening new doorways for you.


 The one mind development cycle is where individuality meets one mind, the source of it all.

 Rather than each of us looking for meaning that is different, each individual gift is realized in the way it connects with another.

The Grand Square, or teaching tension, shares intertwining themes with this purpose in mind...


Pluto, the planet of rebirth, is part of this tension, creating an opportunity for you to redefine limits…

To put you hand on your heart and ask what you don’t want to take with you into the future.

A change to recognize the pattern and see where you can move to shift it, exploring new ways of living.


 Pluto is one of 4 planets and points involved in the Grand Square and it works with…

Mars, Pluto’s partner planet, to move you in new ways to enrich life and bring deeper fulfillment.

While the Lunar Nodes continue to show living life is a surrender to something bigger than you.

Ah, your ego and identity may be triggered by that last statement, especially if there is something you’re holding tightly to from the past.

Jupiter, which is reviewed more below, is expanding the way you see to empty out the past.

To open the void which is a doorway to create without limits, without the past clogging up space.

Pluto in Aquarius is continuing to support evolution by removing the limits through redefinition.

As a rebirthing agent through the release of control, Pluto in retrograde takes you on a journey that is the deepest from within

And works with Mars in late degrees of Cancer/early degrees of Leo to stimulate movement to release where your processes have been too rigid.

Mars, in the theme of Movement, moves you from experience to experience, using each as an opportunity to tell a story that stimulates a new expansive belief, supporting the opening of a new cycle of thoughts.

While in late degrees of Cancer {May 17th to the 20th}, you’re also clearing ancestral stories and remembering the past to both honor while letting it go.

Deciding what you would like to bring forward in a refreshed way that is cleansed of current societal paradigms.

When Mars moves into Leo on May 20th, you approach experiences innovatively and as you see connections between things, re-invent yourself and bring forth different parts of yourself you may not even have realized existed.

You begin to release expectations, if you haven’t already, to see things for how they could be and not as they always were.

A focused awareness is introduced which is more fluid to allow yourself to release the old ways of being.

At the same time, the North Node in early degrees of Taurus, moving towards Jupiter, is preserving what you desire to take with you into the future.

And the South Node in Scorpio gives deeper meaning to it by showing you what you’ve been hiding through a longing, a desire to attain something outside of you.

You already have everything you need…

Taurus supports you to recognize what you have, how you are already whole.

And Scorpio uses emotions to show you what perspectives can be reinvented to empower future experiences.

During this time, any type of work to free energy trapped in your body is advised, whether it be seemingly sedentary like breathwork, or more active like yoga.

These 4 different energies, through Pluto, Mars and the Lunar Nodes, are showing you different angles to twist the way you’ve see things.

Think of it as looking at one side of a paper then flipping it over to see a whole other side of the bigger story at work.

This is an activation for many, to realize {if you choose to} a new beginning direction.


As always, the energies work together and in aligned timing as Jupiter moved into Taurus yesterday.

Continuing the theme of Beginning but now with a more pointed view.

Jupiter is even closer to the tension with Pluto than the North Node which contributes to the expansion prior to your becoming.

Supporting the bridge to a new beginning, Jupiter is emphasizing Taurus energies now to bring into form through spontaneous integration.

Going from an initiating approach to focus or hone in for a beginning, there’s now a grounding to bring to form…

You’re beginning to seed for the future.

Jupiter is in the theme of Beginning

Often looking like Chaos, it’s rearranging through a break with the conventional

…an emptying of the vessel.


The vessel, you, is being purified to leave paradigms and conditioning of old behind you, opening space for new.

The new, not yet known, can bring up anxieties when the past tries to creep patterns into the future.

To relax, ease tension with laughter, yawning or stretching, allowing joy and new in.


The integration occurs when you are released of preconceived notions…

Emptying all the anxieties, fears and worries that the past has taught you.

Creating open space that can feel confusing at first.

This energy is stretching you beyond limits with Pluto’s support.

Pluto in Gate 60 works in a channel of energy flow with Gate 3’s Beginning, where Jupiter is, to relieve the confusion and evolve understanding through releasing rigidity.

Rigidity shows up in the body when you’re resisting releasing an old pattern that would serve you to go.

Adding additional Taurus support, but on the other end of the spectrum, where you complete cycles…

The New Moon {and Sun} in late degrees of Taurus on May 19th

Brings with it an opportunity to cleanse deep emotional imprints as it partners with Sedna.

Sedna brings completion to patterns in late degrees of Taurus {the theme of having} and deep wounds that are individual as well as societal, supporting new without agenda or expectation.

The true value is in the transmutation, being able to recycle the experience, which Scorpio began showing you in the last eclipse season {in 2022}.

Those with planets or points in later degrees of any sign have been feeling the intensity of these themes. To work through the deeper imprints, understand what your emotions are reflecting for you to heal.


 Later next week, Jupiter moves out of Beginnings to join the North Node, expanding on the way you nourish…

Continuing to heal the way one manages resources of time, space and money by finding the meaning given it and questioning it…

Finding where you’ve felt you needed to sacrifice and asking you to care for self with higher purpose in mind {which never truly sacrifices}.

With the South Node balancing in the theme of Purpose to live experiences with a whole heart, caring for others as one does self, as relationships are all reflections of our inner journeys.

The South Node in Purpose asks you to embody emotions you’ve been avoiding, to persevere through beyond day to day survival to true freedom, devoting to soul’s journey.

To fill the empty vessel Jupiter is helping you create with individually guided actions, rather than navigating with fear in the lead.


The new you’ve been anticipating is finally coming!

Treat your seeds with care and purpose, choosing each cautiously before taking action.

Be gentle with yourself as the old and familiar tends to pop up when you begin the new to test if you’re truly willing to leave it behind.


On June 3rd, the same day as the Full Moon, the Lunar Nodes leave the themes of Nourishing Purpose to find Integrity in New with Gate 3 and Gate 50.

Gate 50 is directly opposite Gate 3 and flows in a channel of energy to Gate 27 so you’ve already been working with Values behind the scenes.

But now it will be front and center.

As the Lunar Nodes shift themes, Pluto will still be in Gate 60.

Remember, Gate 60 helps you navigate through the confusion of Gate 3’s new, releasing rigidity to the traditional and rebirthing it in a new way.

There’s a reason this theme is in the collective energy for so long…

Much of the old way is to be cleansed to foster the open-hearted approach of the new spiritual expansion era.

Even if you don’t have these themes {Gate 60, 3, 56, 50, 27, 28}, other energies that interact with these will create change for you…

While all the themes spoken of in this blog post will be felt at some level, the significance and intensity varies based on your natal design {Astrology/Human Design}.

Explore applying your energy to experiences…

Hidden Healing Session

Free Your Focus Reading

Meet Deb

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs, to find your true/soul expression.

As a life coach and an energy mentor, I guide you to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

As a career coach and entrepreneur mentor, I support you to release your individual expression, guiding your gifts to emerge in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {10 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in spiritual growth and development as well as focused expansion in relationships and business.

Unlike traditional business coaching, mentoring guides you to grow your business in alignment with your energy, deepening your connection and focus of intuition so your strategies are never limited by conditioning.

The intuitive strategy approach develops and brings trust in your gifts while the energy understanding affirms the natural approach of your design to express.

I reside in New Jersey with my husband, Vince and cat, Josie.