Deb Farina

series: attraction basics

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Divinely Designed with Deb Season 1

∞ Episode Series: Attraction Basics continued…

Episode 3: Attraction Validation

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

…discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, plus what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you and can be relied upon consistently. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your Divine Design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design chart.

If you haven’t reviewed Episode 1 or 2, check them out first because I will be referring to basics I’ve explained in those episodes.

As with the last episode and all future episodes, you’ll want to have your Human Design Chart handy and at any time, you can head over to Attract by Design®. , scroll 1/3 down the page and see my chart as an example. I will refer to it with examples to help orient you to where I am on the chart for your divine design.

Remember at the beginning of episode 1, I talked about times in your life that you were designated as different and where this was demonstrated as less than.

This can create a “conditioning” to behave in a different way than your design and distract you from your purpose…what you came here to do.

I now about this, because being human, it happened for me!

I have this activated channel I mentioned at the beginning of episode 1 that is designed to let go of expectations but based on experience, I began to think I needed to create expectations or goals to succeed.

Some may call this “conditioned” because it wasn’t part of my natural behavior, my divine design.

While this conditioning has made letting go expectations challenging, it’s also been an opportunity to learn which evolves my understanding of others’ designs and the way in which we interact.

I’m beginning to speak of Attraction validation…specifically the part of your evolving opportunities for greater wisdom…the recognition of what behaviors are not you along with what behaviors were naturally given to you to demonstrate your talents.

The Human Design system focuses on how we are different…yet the experience is different from those conditioned examples from your past because you’re coming back to who you are

…how you are uniquely and genetically imprinted to fulfill your purpose…those are my words as I am sure this Human Design system demonstrates many other things too.

But that’s what I’ve used it for and what I share in these episodes…

In Episode 1, you discovered what was reliable, otherwise known as defined, and consistent for you in attracting resources, support or opportunities.

Then in Episode 2, you found your Attraction Definition by seeing how your overall definition relates to your Attraction Flow as well as an introduction to Strategy as defined by Human Design with a peek into how this works with your attraction definition.

Now in Episode 3, the final in the series on Attraction Basics, we’re diving into the areas that distract you from your purpose so you can be aware of them with a focus on Attraction Validation plus what to do to bring you back on track.

This will bring in the Divine Decision making aspect too of Attract validation with a look at your Human Design Authority…your design to make aligned decisions that attract opportunities, support and resources.

Let’s dive in! When you first located the centers in episode 1, you paid attention to which ones were defined, or colored in.

In this episode, you’re noticing which centers or shapes are completely white, otherwise known as not defined, not consistent or not reliable with energy to attract.

If you need a refresher on which shape is what center, you can head over to episode 1 as I’ll be brief in my explanation here as we begin to shift to more advanced episodes.

In my chart, you can see the two shapes at the top, the head and anja centers are white and therefore undefined. So, is the shape to the right of the yellow G Center which is the heart center and the shape down to the right, near the bottom of the chart, which is the Solar Plexus center.

When you attempt to use an undefined center as part of your attraction flow, it will feel forced so it’s important to know what they are for this as well as to ensure they don’t distract you from your purpose but rather give you opportunities to gain wisdom.

Your undefined centers are those areas you came here to evolve and each center has a particular way of accessing its’ strength when you’re vulnerable, when it’s not a consistent or reliable energy.

Since it’s not consistent or reliable, the center’s theme can come up at moments you aren’t expecting it and feel like it’s de-railing your focus. When you know what to do to get yourself back on track, the intensity of the undefined center can lessen, bring you back to attract.

Let’s start with the Motor centers which include the Solar Plexus, Heart, Root and Sacral centers. The Motor centers provide us with the energy resources needed to attract.

As we discussed in Episode 1, each center has a strength or area of focus and in this episode, we’ll look at how you can work with it when it’s not your strength to support your divine decisions…those aligned decisions to attract opportunities, support and resources.

Since we left off with the Solar Plexus center when we reviewed my undefined centers a few moments ago {and I believe everything happens for a reason}, let’s begin your journey of discovery there…

The motor of the Solar Plexus Center creates the desire for us to have more experiences, for relationships and for awareness.

When the center is undefined for you, showing up white on your chart, it provides you with an opportunity for wisdom in the areas of attracting experiences, relationships and awareness, a place for you to evolve into higher consciousness.

While you’re more vulnerable to feeling others emotions, with learning, this can be translated into being able to identify or show empathy for others. Before you’ve begun to see this evolution, the emotions can be distracting from what you’re creating or desiring to receive.

See what I mean about undefined centers being distracting?

Because you’re more sensitive to emotional climate and confrontation, you could catch yourself softening how you would say something or fearing it won’t work out so you don’t take any action.

A great example how you may be apt to shift from your divine design.

The support you can utilize to gain the wisdom you were designed to from the Solar Plexus Center is by spending time alone consistently each day to clear your energy and emotions so you can get back in touch with you and your emotions as signals for greater higher spiritual awareness.

This may take practice because the energy isn’t consistently defined here for you but that’s why it’s an area for you to evolve.

Others who do not have this center as undefined may not understand your need for alone time either and that’s okay. It’s what works for you and that is what matters.

Once you gain strength with the Solar Plexus center, it can be a valuable energy resource and when you’re around an individual who is defined in this area and can spark you, it opens your opportunities to attract. {we’ll cover this in a future series once you’ve gotten the basics down.}

Another center that I find undefined in many {myself included} is the Heart…remember it’s that triangle to the right of the G Center.

At the beginning of this episode I spoke a bit on letting go of expectations and how this was integral to my design but how conditioning has made this challenging as well as an opportunity to learn.

The second part of this experience was that I attempted to utilize willpower to overcome the expectation…as if by sheer force of will, I could make it happen.

This leads me to the heart center. In Human Design, the heart center is the place of willpower and the motor drives us to survive on this material plane, through the use of community and gaining wisdom or insight from others.

It can be powerful when defined for your attraction flow but in my case, it’s not defined so it isn’t reliable and it’s not consistent.

See why knowing what is undefined supports you in your ability to attract?

Knowing that the heart center is undefined, I can focus instead on my defined center strengths to attract as discussed about in episode 1 and instead of trying to use willpower to attract as I’ve seen others do, I am now aware of this as a distraction for me.

When the Heart center is undefined {again, this means it looks white on your chart as mine does}, you are designed to be hesitant to exercise your will at times because of the vulnerability to compare or compete with others, a theme of this center we’ll discuss more of in a future series.

What it’s important to know now is that you’ve been designed to be vulnerable to access what you bring to the world by looking externally {for some this is subconsciously, others consciously} as an opportunity for you to gain wisdom, taking in the many ways humans share their value.

This sampling of how others are designed isn’t your main system to attract is validating for what you already know inside of you.

The evolutionary grain of wisdom you are to embody, a fancy way of saying what you can learn, can be summed up in the mantra: there is nothing to prove. Your worth is already defined and it is priceless.

There are always areas to evolve and when you realize these aren’t the ones to dependably rely on for your attraction, it feels simpler and easier as you are now doing things by divine design.

To work with your Heart center to evolve and accept its’ theme for you energetically so you aren’t distracted, you are called to work with your inner designed Authority: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Splenic, etc…and while I spoke about this a bit in Episode 1, there is a whole series forthcoming. You can locate your specific Authority, unique to you, in the summary on your Human Design chart.

Your Authority in Human Design supports you to make aligned decisions to attract opportunities, support and resources. Each Authority has a unique way of being.

If your authority is Sacral {as mine is}, begin to listen to your body and instinct less than what the external world tells you. It’s not about being better or less than what you see there but rather about coming home to you as you were designed.

If your authority is Emotional, driven by the Solar Plexus Center, you are to wait out the emotions of what others tell you until you feel balanced and centered. Once you know longer feel triggered, you are at home within your aligned decision.

And lastly if your authority is Splenic, you are to build that intuitive muscle by trusting in the messages coming to you, seemingly fleetingly, whether it’s as knowing/seeing/hearing/feeling of an inspired idea or insight. You are your own authority and are guided by the collective {the universe and divine} in this way.

There are other Authorities but since I’ve solely attracted these 3 to date, we’ll keep going for now and bring the rest in a bit…

The Root Center, that’s the shape at the very bottom of the chart. Is it white and undefined for you? If you’re following along, you’ll see it’s gold for me as it’s defined in my divine design. But the focus today is on what isn’t defined.

The motor of the Root Center provides us with the momentum to keep going. When defined, it’s a strength.

When your Root Center is undefined, it presents as a pressure of stress and you logically think you must complete things to release this pressure but then almost immediately another pressure presents itself.

The key to the release of the vulnerability of this open center and to utilize it for the design of wisdom it was created for is to begin to recognize these pressures of stress are not yours.

The Authority I mentioned following the Heart Center can be used in this case as well to support you to notice this and not be distracted by it.

Okay, now I am feeling called to share the remaining Authorities…

The Ego Authority (driven by the Heart Center)…requires you to pay attention to what you say, not what you think in your mind when making decisions. The truth for you will be expressed verbally, bypassing your conscious mind. *Unless you are a Projector Strategy {this is noted in your summary area}…if that is the case, you are to use the Projector Strategy for your Authority as well and this was discussed in episode 2 of this podcast series.

The Self Authority (originating in the G Center) is also to listen to what you say as the core of your identity is expressed as your truth. In your case, it’s important not to try to figure out what to say but rather to witness what you’re saying.

If your summary indicated the Environment, it’s actually no Authority and is specific to Mental Projectors. You’re focus here is the environment, not the specific person or action you are considering. Instead you notice if the environment is right for you when considering a decision. You can recognize how the environment feels in your body…it’s helpful to be present in the environment you are considering when doing this.

And last but not least, the lunar authority which is driven by the moon. We are all subject to the moon to a degree, and your significance can be found in your astrological chart. Many of you probably already know if you relate to the moon’s cycles or not.

But when moon is Authority, it’s specific to reflectors which are very rare and a completely different type of manifesting structure that is not the focus of this episode.

Back to our Motor Centers {we’ve got one more} to understand what is undefined in …

The next motor up is the Sacral Center and if you’re familiar with chakras this will not be a surprise, it’s known for its’ creative life force. As a reminder, that’s the shape that is red on my chart!

As you may remember from episode 2, Sacral creates a tremendous amount of energy and this energy when undefined for you can have you using this energy and overextending your resources. {exhausted anyone?}

To bring you back into balance, you focus on your Strategy {shared in Episode 2} and your Authority {described moments ago}.

Are you beginning to see how helpful it is to know what centers are undefined and what this means for you?

Next up is the Head/Crown Center, the shape at the very top of your chart, which is a pressure center like the Root but it’s not a motor. This is why it is supportive but not active in the attraction flow.

When it’s undefined, the Head Center creates a tendency to think about things that don’t matter. This center is currently undefined for a large part of the population so you’re not alone. I am one in this too!

As with the Sacral center, the Root center and the Solar Plexus Center, the way to work with the Head Center unreliable energy is to shift the focus towards your Authority.

I bet you’re now getting why Authority is a big part of validating who you are and how it keeps you from getting distracted, right?

The Head Center moves its’ energy toward awareness centers which will be our next focus for undefined centers.

Your awareness centers include the Splenic Center and the Anja Center as well as the already discussed Solar Plexus Center.

Let’s look at the Splenic Center next and it’s to the left of the Root, near the bottom of the chart! Its’ focus is an existential awareness that keeps you focused on both survival and evolution.

When the Splenic Center is undefined, your fears can feel amplified and the only way to surpass this energy is to face your fear…to confront it as a fear and not a reality.

The next center, the Anja center, is located directly under the Head Center, focuses on processing and conceptualizing which is indirectly related to your attraction flow.

When the Anja Center is undefined, you can believe you need to be certain about your ideas before you express them but this design is actually an opportunity to explore ideas like a playground, gaining wisdom without attachment to any of them.

If you’re Anja Center is undefined so is your Head Center…so you follow the same support process which is again, looking back to your Human Design Authority as defined in the summary section of your chart.

2 more centers to go and you’ll have a complete picture.

The manifestation center where all flows lead to… is the Throat Center, where we express or communicate.

When you have an undefined Throat center, there’s a pressure to attract attention.

The way you can support this unreliable energy is to again, work with your Authority to confirm when it is aligned for you to express something so it is received in the way it’s intended, supporting your ability to attract.

I know by now you are seeing the Authority is like a magic solution to your undefined centers but before you assume this about the final center…

I’d like to share what makes this sole surviving center, the G Center, unique…it’s home of the magnetic monopole and your identity. See why I saved it for last?

When the G Center center is undefined, it means there is no fixed, reliable identity which makes you very adaptable but also makes it challenging to recognize who is aligned for you.

A way to support this vulnerable definition is to notice if your environment is aligned, something you’re naturally designed to do. It’s all about the place for you because your sense of direction is on point.

This completes the Attraction Basics series. By now, you’ve begun to really see what knowing about your divine design can do for your Attraction Flow, Attraction Communication and Attraction Validation.

Bonus episode 4: Attraction Gifts

Hey there, and welcome to Divinely Designed with Deb

where you discover your genetic imprint to activate your attraction for opportunities, support and resources, plus what strengths and areas to evolve to/for purpose are specific to you and can be relied upon consistently. Whether you seek guidance for life or biz direction and decisions, trust you’ve been guided here.

For those new to me, I’m Deb Farina, your conduit and guide for this journey where you explore your Divine Design, the unique imprint given to you at birth and available via your Human Design chart.

If you haven’t listened to Episode 1 and 3 of the Attraction Basics series, check them out first because I will be expanding upon those episodes with this bonus!

In this episode, we focus on Attraction Gifts.

These are the gifts your Human Design chart demonstrates with relation to what is naturally an ability or strength within you, a consistent and reliable go to…versus what themes you are asked to expand into with nurturing in this lifetime.

All of us are given unique and special talents/skills/abilities to/for purpose which are showcased in our defined areas...centers, gates and channels {more on this in future episodes}.

These natural attraction gifts are meant to be embraced as your innate imprint to/for purpose, and as the Attract by Design methodology will show you, to affirm the way you create opportunities, support and resources.

Many of us have been taught to move away from these defined areas because of experiences or general society culture.

It’s time to wipe the slate clean of what really isn’t who you are and yes, I know that takes a bit of bravery…okay, a whole lot of bravery.

But you won’t be alone…I am here on this divine design journey to support you and guide you along the way.

So you know I get it, one of my attraction gifts that is a natural innate strength in me, meaning it doesn’t need to be nurtured but occurs with ease, is my intuition.

The intuitive intelligence gift originates in the splenic center on my Human Design chart which is a defined center {if you need to understand this more, head to episode 1}.

At any early age, I was lucky or as I like to say, charmed, in that my dad was a seeker in his lifetime and open to possibilities that couldn’t be explained…

My mom on the other hand wanted concrete reassurances and relied very much on what was pragmatic.

They were the divine design of parents for me as yours were too {and I’m sending love if your experience wasn’t as loving as mine as I know not everyone was as charmed as me}.

My dad nurtured his intuition with me and always liked to single out how psychic I was, even at an early age…we would go get card readings together when I was in high school!

But despite this reassurance, I was hesitant to show this side in society. I felt so many emotions about how I was different…these emotions were all there to support me to accept and integrate who I am…but I gotta be honest, they didn’t always feel good when I felt them.

Blame, guilt, resentment to name a few.

Once I met the Human Design system, I felt validated…and was able to embrace who I am on a whole other level, a deeper acceptance and willingness to use it for all…

And that’s how Attract by Design®, my extension of Human Design sharing attraction methodology in easy peasy to understand pieces was born.

Today we’re going to break down your Attraction gifts and those that are meant to be nurtured.

Let’s get started with your natural gifts >>> what are naturally innate and strong already within you

The Human Design system and by extension the Attract by Design methodology focuses on how we are different…our unique divine design.

Let’s see where you are unique and special…are you ready now?

As you are already familiar with the different centers from the Attraction Basics Episodes 1 & 3, we will dive right into which ones are gifts for you.

As a reminder, each center that is colored in is defined, a strong and reliable energy that is continuous for you.

If you’re following along with my chart >>> Attract by Design®. and scroll 1/3 down the page, you’ll see I have 5 defined centers: the Throat, the G Center, the Sacral, the Splenic and the Root.

The number of centers you have defined doesn’t make you any more or less than anyone…it’s what you do with these gifts that support you to fulfill your purpose.

The acceptance of these natural gifts.

The throat is my expression, my ability to communicate with ease…even though my high school English teacher told me I was horrible at writing…it simply was that I didn’t write in her style.

Once I accepted my ability to communicate {truthfully, I may still be working on this area}…it became easier to share my gifts and allow my vibration to attract aligned relationships like my hubby and my clients.

The G Center is where your identity and direction come from. Once I accepted my ability to know my own clear direction internally, I was able to release the need to look externally for answers and instead use my inner compass for alignment that attracts.

The Sacral center is my area of instinct, the gut reaction that tells me what is aligned but it is also my source of power…something previous bosses in the corporate space saw when I knew who was an aligned fit for what role so quickly…and a gift I began to accept as natural even though others didn’t have it.

Then, there is one of my favs, the Splenic area and intuitive intelligence including body consciousness…the knowing that doesn’t come from anywhere else but is super practical, supportive of my plans for the future.

And finally my root, where I deal with the stress of the world and continue on in spite of the things that come my way.

You would think the gifts area would be easy to accept but whenever we see ourselves as different than others, we wonder where we fit in.

Human Design and by extension Attract by Design® is showing you…

But your natural strengths are only 1 part of the picture…now the areas that are meant to be nurtured…the part of your design that is a gift for evolving opportunities of greater wisdom…areas you can strengthen with support.

As I know it’s always helpful to illustrate with examples, I’ll share one of those for me…remember those emotions I didn’t fully feel?

Well, that was an area for me to nurture in this lifetime. I had several activated gates {those numbers with circles in your centers} in my Solar Plexus yet it’s undefined, meaning there wasn’t a reliable consistent energy for me.

Understanding what I came here to nurture helped me to fulfill that purpose through support of one of my clients’ programs, Crystalline Emotion®…giving me a protocol for shifting those unpleasant feeling emotions to higher spiritual awareness and greater feeling vibes!

Because society has taught you to favor certain aspects of yourself, when you find out one of those areas isn’t a strength, it can cause concern, worry or another form of vulnerability.

For me, this happened when I realized my mind and anja, the areas of you that receive inspired ideas and conceptual, basically your mental process was undefined.

You want to protect you and fulfill your purpose, to live authentically but be loved and accepted at the same time for who you are.

Let me set your mind at ease as part of this process is letting go what you’ve been taught by society and external authority to appreciate the parts inside of you that are already brilliant…

And to explore the ones you came to gain wisdom on, or to strengthen like for me...a mental protocol or process that I can rely on to release the extra energy around doubt or anxiety.

This plays a significant role in your purpose fulfillment and why this became a key bonus episode for you.

Identify your centers that are here to nurture…those centers that are not colored in.

For me, if you’re following along with my chart, it’s the Mind and Anja {previously mentioned in that example moments ago}, the Heart {which is the center for willpower and ego in this system} and the Solar Plexus {also mentioned in that example with emotions}.

Now notice if any of these centers have activated gates…again that’s numbers with circles in the centers. These gates have specific themes so you came here to evolve with these themes which can be activated when you are in a specific astrological transit or by another individual who can spark that gate for you.

It’s a powerful opportunity for you to gain access to the energy of that channel flow and to attract in a more nurtured way, increasing your abilities to expand your gifts.

When you have a completely white center with no circled gates {like the anja center on my chart}, you are incredibly open to possibilities because no themes are defined…this has both increased opportunity to evolve or be distracted {more on this in a future episode}.

For now, focus on growing those gifts within you and become aware of what can be nurtured so you can work with those themes as you build your foundation of understanding on your divine design, the unique imprint given to you at birth, to/for purpose.

For those who wish to discover more now with my support and guidance, there are options available to you >>> Attract by Design®.

Ready to continue with the next episodes?

Next up >>> Episode Series: Attraction Authority & Divine Decision Making


Deb Farina

Deb is extremely passionate about attracting as you were designed to, bringing guidance for your unique genetic imprint to you so you can experience your very own energetic aligned process to attract opportunities, support and resources.

She has over 20 years of coaching experience, 8+ years working in intuitive coaching in the life and entrepreneurial space. Prior to setting out on her own, she worked for small and medium sized entrepreneurial companies, guiding CEOs and COOs to double and triple their businesses.