Deb Farina

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ASK…ancient seeker knowing

inquire from within, with guidance and support

to restore and remember your true soul expression

Reducing the identification with paradigms or systems that distort the message of your light…

Awakening and expanding your journey of consciousness, beyond time and space {through timelines and dimensions}.

In a simplified explanation of core energies that clear up confusion by over-complicated uses of Astrology and Human Design.

In the first offering, Opening…

A doorway to infinite potentials.


#1: Expectation Exhale

Re-define expectations that weigh as heavy responsibilities and plant seeds that flower

Clear judgments and anchor to a state of flow with the 5th dimension

Release paradigms creating denials of truth to restore and remember your magnetism.

And companion audio, Love Listens

With a remembrance of what unconditional love feels like

...and the restoration of life holding you as you take your next steps.

#2 Presence Peak

Increase empowerment and release the need to prove to yourself that you’re worthy of receiving with the 7th dimension exercise for transcendence.

Release paradigms and patterns sabotaging trust by locking in to a romanticized or ideal belief, which closes the openness the universe thrives in.

Let go of worry, increasing self-assuredness with the eagle, and shifting energy to that of a watcher of the worlds.

And companion audio, Serenity Seas

With a remembrance of what tranquility feels like

…and the restoration of a centered state, nourishing from within.

#3 Desires Dive

Get in touch with the feeling of what feeds desires, needs and your ability to take action for them.

With help from the 3rd dimension to integrate emotions and shift into a centered state to locate your master vision.

And the light that dispels the shadow in your experiences with the raccoon, turning challenges into opportunities.

And companion audio, Phoenix Purifies

With a remembrance of what a clean slate feels like

…and the restoration of life as an adventure, with the strength you carry always from within.

Bonuses to support the transition from Opening to Developing…

Ankh Anchors

Feel energy calm as you create clearing for additional light to emerge through still-point.

Your nerves pause and re-orient in time to now with rainbow colors of stored information available to play with

As tension is evicted from your field with ankh architecture.

And companion audio, Enrich Experiences

Receive experiences as what could be, rather than what should be

Releasing defined mental meanings that are fabricated from the past

Opening up to develop new in the now moment.

Opening Investment*: $88

Includes all 8 above-noted video and audio energy guided flows.

*Within 24 hours of payment, you will receive confirmation and access.

Explore Foundation for free, creating strong roots to open to potentials:

Standing in Strength

Fly Free

And access additional audio support: Energy Expressions

An energy expression, like the examples, supports activation of the shift out of an un-centered energy dynamic.

To restore and remember what the energy feels like, guiding your individual return to center from karmic cycles or mental loop patterns.

Returning to a state of fulfillment, where all possibilities and potentials lie in the present.

Inquiries can be directed to