Deb Farina
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Welcome Home

Restore & Remember who you are

Heal the past

Be present to possibilities

Clear the veil of societal paradigms and past/ancestral traumas

That have obscured the view of your wholeness

Reclaiming you

As you transmute karmic cycles

Deeper resonances of presence are available to you

Attuning energy to infinite possibilities {timelines/dimensions unseen before}

Expand connection to spiritual consciousness

Center and balance energy, restore and remember fulfillment

Create new patterns of behavior and deepen purpose, creativity, and relationships.

To check out my latest posts on energy, the “Community” page of My YouTube: Social

Subscribe to my new channel {Restore and Remember} to be notified of the next new video release: YouTube

And enjoy the Library below, with recent videos at the top of each category…click the highlighted word/words to be transported.

(New) Ascension Articles

Energetic Embrace: an expansion of the Ascension Article on the turning point, opening up a direction to energetically embrace, whenever completing a karmic cycle or pattern, and common with the Solstice and Equinox energy.

Link to article: Solstice InSights

Begin with Changing Corners: an introduction to the YouTube channel, energy update for the coming days and months, and support from a high level perspective to rise up in a re-calibrated state of integration.

Answers from Astrology videos

Accepting Adaptation: A prelude for the next 2 years as you navigate creating a clean slate for a New Earth with a special look at Neptune’s themes and the way they show up to support release from mental paradigms.

Opening Opportunity: Re-defining your view on reality to as Mercury joins Pluto in the same consciousness theme, bringing an opening of opportunities when in an innocent (purified of the past) state: a blooming, opening to light.

Pluto Positions: Shaking off the “should”s with Pluto’s emphasis on witnessing what can be redefined and what else can be created from a stronger aligned vision, while Venus supports you to stand strong in your truth.

Chiron Cares: Developing a new clean slate with Mercury and Chiron, continuing the influence from the eclipse, signaling a slow motion forward, requiring adaptation for the next 3 weeks to continue opening for hierogamic union, spiritual expansion.

Delivering Development: Prepare for the next 14 year Jupiter cycle, where everything that is not meant to come forward is shaken loose and with Mercury’s aspects over the next few days, acceptance of change becomes a primary directive as well as giving space to integrate experiences without judgment.

Re-Calibrating Climb: Resolve conflicting paradigms and see opportunity through an undeveloped past image of self with Mercury’s spring retrograde, setting the stage for the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which establishes new.

Rising like the River: Rebalance the emotional turbulence of eclipse season with Neptune and the Sun and prepare for the new adventure that awaits on the horizon, which you’re beginning to see, with Aries and Pisces energy integrations.

Purifying the Past: Transmute the energy holding on to the past, clearing repeating cycles of past review and future expectation to ignite new paths, with a special note on the role of Uranus and Venus, counteracting cycles, as well as a distinguishing look at Pluto in its reset with individual planets.

Understanding Uncertainty: Navigate the possibility of change in an area of your life that has been familiar and secure, shaking the foundation of your beliefs to awaken and purify mental patterns, clearing avoidance of a repeating behavior.

Re-Directing Rhythm: Re-calibrate into the new, healing fractures of energy with a guided energy flow at the end, lifting up out of the hole that has been dug, where attention continues to circle and stagnant.

Re-Defining Reality: Receive a release from fears, showing up through association with false identity, with a guided energy flow to remember and restore soul light, connecting to Higher Self.

Arousing through Clarity: Create a vortex for the things that are no longer true to leave and support individuality to lead beyond paradigms and beliefs, realizing approval doesn’t equal love and perfection doesn’t guarantee success.

Featured Focus Videos

Building Wings: Opening

Empath Elevation: Shielding

Awakening to Spirit, Part 1: Signals

Unwinding Trauma, Part 1: Breathe

Taking the Leap, Part 1: Faith

Career Confidence, Part 1: Possibilities

Energy Expressions

Developing Sequence…

Stilling Shadow: break through dense energies, bypassing the mental loop and altering experience, embodying additional light energies, with the Stork’s spirit to embrace change, restoring and remembering your truth of direction.

Opening Sequence…

Standing in Strength: release worry, strengthen your connection to Source, and see opportunities in the present, with the Majestic Tree energy to restore and remember who you are, re-connecting to strength.

Fly Free: release disempowered, dense states of consciousness to envision and guide intentions, restoring your energy expression to a state of freedom, with support from the red-tailed hawk.

For more: Energy Expressions

Wisdom Wave blog/video posts and audios

Timeline Transitions…the 3 Wave blog post with Innocence Inspires audio {the cure for chaos}

Cycle Complete…the 7 Spiral blog post with Possibilities Power audio {the cure for confusion}

Restore & Remember blog post with Anticipate Answers audio {the cure for doubt}

Previous posts: Blog

When you’re in a life transition, discovering your unique expression and expanding relationship to self and others…

Guidance is here, accessible in your divine timing, pace and journey.

Each offering supports strengthening Inquiry from within to restore and remember who you are.

Each client receives personalized connection, beginning with the investment in an offering or reach out to schedule an inquiry call.

With guidance throughout the journey

Whether your investment is a meditation audio, class, video reading or a longer-term mentoring opportunity.

With numerous ways to support your diverse experience

Allow your intuition to guide the journey to what serves you now

And feel free to reach out to me for alignment confirmation {}

Options for deeper gnosis with energy consciousness on your individual journey of ascension…

ASK for 2nd quarter: Developing

Gifts for Growth Course: Light of Hope, Making Peace with the Past

Centering Class: Sacred Calling and Mastering Magic

Session for spiritual expansion, career pivots, life transitions, entrepreneur development and relationship healing

Reading to deepen understanding about a behavior through an energy path, seeing beyond thought loops and karmic cycles to return to center

Did you see the Featured Specials?

Returning clients or renewals: send an email {} to create your next adventure!

Would you like to get to know me more?

Hey there! I’m Deb Farina, a life and spiritual coach, who also mentors entrepreneurs…

Guiding to restore and remember your true/soul expression.

Whether it be understanding a life transition, a calling to clarify your gifts in a new way, and/or embrace awareness of consciousness for spiritual expansion.

I support to reveal conditioned perspectives, illuminated through intuitively guided esoteric knowledge that is channeled.

To release your individual expression, guiding understanding to emerge and inspiration to flow, in benefit of the collective and your soul journey.

All at your divine pace and timing.

With over 20 years of coaching experience {11 as an entrepreneur}, I’ve been called to specialize in energy pattern releasing as well as focused expansion in all areas of life, including relationships and business.

The intuitive flow and focus approach guides to grow in alignment with your energy, deepening connection to Higher Self and intuition so your actions are unlimited by conditioning to create expansion in all areas.

The inquiry and intuitive approach develops and brings trust in your understanding while affirming your natural expression, empowering to create in alignment with what you desire to feel.